The population this time consisted of students in 3rd grade of the spring semester of 1982. In grade three, a vocabulary test and a mathematics test were taken. A questionnaire investigated the students’ self-perception, attitudes towards school, as well as questions about leisure activities. A total of 8877 or 93 percent of the students answered.
A questionnaire of 21 questions was sent to the guardians. A total of 7133 or 75 percent of the guardians responded to the questionnaire.
A follow-up was done in 6th grade with a questionnaire similar to that in 3rd grade, with further questions about study choices and career plans. Two knowledge tests were done in 6th grade, a reading test and a mathematics test. A cognitive test in three parts was also performed. A total of 8065 students responded to the questionnaire or 85 percent.
The cohort was followed up in the spring of 1989 after the end of primary school. A survey for those who have started upper secondary school and another survey for the others. A total of 6869 responded to one of the surveys or 72 percent.
For these UGU collections, there is basic information regarding year of birth, gender, migration background, educational background and socio-economic information. In addition, there are school administrative data from 3rd grade onwards regarding, among other things, school, municipality, year, grades, standard test results.
Information collected from 3rd grade up to and including 9th grade in compulsory school.
Register data that Statistics Sweden imposes in connection with the selection of classes. These mainly consist of:
The school administrative information is obtained from 3rd grade and thereafter throughout the compulsory school period. A form is sent to the school the student attends and the school fills in information for each student included in the survey. In 3rd grade, it is mainly the classes that were included in the sample that fill in these forms, but over the years more students move, which means that the form is sent out to more and more schools which then fill in information for individual students. This is done so that the students who were included from the beginning can be followed over the years up to adulthood. This information consists of:
In order to add to the data obtained by the UGU project, The National School Board, decided in consultation with the University and Higher Education Agency and Statistics Sweden that a new collection of data would begin in 3rd grade in the spring term of 1982. Furthermore, it was decided that the collection would take place in collaboration between Statistics Sweden and the UGU-project at the University of Gothenburg, whereby Statistics Sweden would have the main responsibility for collecting school administrative data, while the UGU-project would be responsible for the collection of other data.
A guideline for the new collection was that it should as far as possible follow the structure that the project previously had. This would make it possible to study the development within the school over a 25-year period and to relate this development to the changes that have taken place within the education system.
To reduce the administrative difficulties in the collection and get the opportunity to study whole school classes, the same sample design was chosen as applied by the UGU project.
The questionnaires were sent to the respective schools where the UGU population was located and during May and June 1982, the completed material was returned to the project. After correction and punching, the material was ready for data processing about a year later.
Results of a vocabulary test containing 40 tasks, more specifically the subtest “Antonyms” from the DB A battery and a mathematics test consisting of 15 tasks taken from the areas:
The form for the students contained 69 questions and highlighted the following areas:
The form sent to the guardians contained 21 questions divided into the following areas:
The purpose of the collection was to follow up the survey that was done on the cohort in 3rd grade. In addition, it was possible to compare the results with previous cohorts (UGU cohort 1967 and Individual Statistics project cohorts born 1948 and 1953).
A practical problem with the follow-up in 6th grade was that many classes were divided and that individual students changed class or moved since 3rd grade. Therefore, we have used different routines for information and distribution of survey material depending on how many UGU students were in the school (principal) areas. First, an information letter was sent to the principal in the principal areas where there were one or more classes with at least ten UGU students. Attached to this letter was a brief information about the project, a letter from the National Board of Education and a list of classes with UGU students within the municipality. The letter was also accompanied by an information sheet for the class teachers affected by the collection and a letter to the local Home and School Associations.
At the end of May, we started contacting schools from which we did not receive any material. These were schools in which there were classes with at least ten UGU students. There were 133 classes. The most common answer was that the class did not finish all the tests and that the material would be sent in as soon as possible. In a couple of principals’ areas, the packages had not been distributed to the teachers until the end of May.
Experiences from the survey showed that some teachers wondered about or assumed that students who went to grades other than 6th grade would not be included in the survey. Regarding weakly gifted students or special school students, the teachers have acted a little differently. Some teachers only announce that the student is unable to do the examination due to a disability and return the material. Some teachers wondered if the students would participate this time because they did not participate in 3rd grade. The answer was yes, because the reason was that the teacher in 3rd grade did not complete the survey. There was thus no refusal from students or guardians.
The Cognitive tests are intelligence tests containing tasks of a verbal, inductive and spatial nature. These have been given at each collection in 6th grade and began with the evaluation in 1961.
Two knowledge tests were used in this collection of mathematics tests and one reading test.
The student form contained 76 questions and covered the following areas:
In the spring of 1989, one year after the end of compulsory school, a questionnaire was sent to the more than 9,000 individuals included in the sample at this time. The questionnaires were conducted in two versions, one for those who have started upper secondary school and one for the others. A total of about fifty questions were included, most of which were identical to those used in the corresponding survey five years earlier. The questionnaires were answered by just over three quarters of the survey group.
The survey was conducted from the last week of March to mid-July 1989. Each student received both questionnaires because there was no information on who had been admitted to the upper secondary school. Along with the questionnaires, there was information about the project and a response envelope addressed directly to the project. Questionnaires and other information were sent directly to the young people’s home address. A total of four reminders were issued.
Coding and punching of all received forms was completed in March, the year after the survey was conducted.
Dataset name: kohort4_qs3
The dataset has N=9504 rows and 68 columns. 7347 rows have no missing values on any column.
Do you think that you are good at sums?
Distribution of values for QS31A
718 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
QS31A | Do you think that you are good at sums? | numeric | 718 | 0.9244529 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.256317 | 0.4430934 | ▇▁▃▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
JA | 1 |
NEJ | 2 |
Do you think that your teacher thinks that you are good at sums?
Distribution of values for QS31B
807 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
QS31B | Do you think that your teacher thinks that you are good at sums? | numeric | 807 | 0.9150884 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.240773 | 0.4421218 | ▇▁▂▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
JA | 1 |
NEJ | 2 |
Do you often think that you would like to be better at doing sums?
Distribution of values for QS31C
711 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
QS31C | Do you often think that you would like to be better at doing sums? | numeric | 711 | 0.9251894 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.302286 | 0.4610049 | ▇▁▃▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
JA | 1 |
NEJ | 2 |
Do you think that you are good at spelling?
Distribution of values for QS32A
738 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
QS32A | Do you think that you are good at spelling? | numeric | 738 | 0.9223485 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.342802 | 0.4830121 | ▇▁▅▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
JA | 1 |
NEJ | 2 |
Do you think that your parents think that you are good at spelling?
Distribution of values for QS32B
750 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
QS32B | Do you think that your parents think that you are good at spelling? | numeric | 750 | 0.9210859 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.174549 | 0.3897008 | ▇▁▂▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
JA | 1 |
NEJ | 2 |
Do you often think that you would like to spell better?
Distribution of values for QS32C
733 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
QS32C | Do you often think that you would like to spell better? | numeric | 733 | 0.9228746 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.364611 | 0.4822949 | ▇▁▅▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
JA | 1 |
NEJ | 2 |
Do you like working together with other children in the class?
Distribution of values for QS33A
651 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
QS33A | Do you like working together with other children in the class? | numeric | 651 | 0.9315025 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.125946 | 0.3375455 | ▇▁▁▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
JA | 1 |
NEJ | 2 |
Do you think that other children in the class like working together with you?
Distribution of values for QS33B
811 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
QS33B | Do you think that other children in the class like working together with you? | numeric | 811 | 0.9146675 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1.189923 | 0.4111646 | ▇▁▂▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
JA | 1 |
NEJ | 2 |
Do you often think that you would like to be better at working together with other children?
Distribution of values for QS33C
784 missing values.
name | label | data_type | n_missing | complete_rate | min | median | max | mean | sd | hist | format.spss |
QS33C | Do you often think that you would like to be better at working together with other children? | numeric | 784 | 0.9175084 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1.526261 | 0.5018587 | ▇▁▇▁▁ | F1.0 |
name | value |
JA | 1 |
NEJ | 2 |
Do you ask the teacher for help when you do not understand?