
Student panel 11 is a stratified municipality and school selection where the majority of the students were born in 2010. The selection was carried out in 2020 when the students were in 3rd grade. A pilot survey for a proportion of the sample was conducted in the classrooms in early 2020, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the survey could not be completed.

Data collected

The purpose of the comprehensive data surveys is to enable both longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys of large and representative student samples. The follow-up survey of this current sample began in spring 2020 when the pupils were in 3rd grade of comprehensive school, 9918 pupils. In the spring of 2023, when the majority of the students were in 6th grade, the school administrative information was complemented with information collected directly from students, guardians and teachers. By definition, the sample is tied to its grade affiliation, which means that it includes pupils with different birth years but they all attend the same grade. However, the majority, or just over 96 per cent, were born in 2010. The number of students who answered all or part of the questionnaire is 5190 and the parent questionnaire 4785. The proportion who answered the student questionnaire is 53 percent and the parent questionnaire 49 percent. The number of teachers who responded to the teacher questionnaire is 731.

The data collected are mainly of three types

  1. Registery data, which is collected through registers by Statistics Sweden. This type of data help us estimate basic facts regarding students and their background. Through Statitics Sweden we also collect different kinds of school administrative data such as grades.

  2. In our data we collect different test of abilities which contains tasks of verbal, inductive and spatial nature. These have been given at every collection in 6th grade and began at the evaluation in 1961.

  3. We also administer questionnaires to students, parents/guardians and teachers in sixth grade.


Questionnaire Students

The student questionnaire is currently administered to students in the 6th grade. With planned collections when the students are in 9th and 12th grade of the swedish school system. The current questionnaire is distinguished by the prefix “QS6”

Collection 6th grade

The questionnaire includes 20 questions in addition to the cognitive tests. Most of the questions are formulated as main questions with a number of sub-questions with four or five answer alternatives.

Questionnaire for parents and guardians

The questionnaire for parents and guardians is administered to parents and guardians when the student attends the 6th grade. All the variables included in the questionnaire for parents and guardians is identified by the “QP” prefix. The questionnaire conducted in 2023 included 14 questions. The first three questions concern certain factual circumstances such as who answers the questionnaire and to what extent the student has participated in preschool activities. Most of the other questions aim to provide a picture of the contact between children and parents and how the parents view the school’s activities. Each question consists of a number of sub-questions.

Questionnaire for teachers

At four previous collections, the teachers have also received a questionnaire to get as complete a picture as possible of the student’s school situation. The teacher questionnaire consists of 24 questions. Most of the questions are formulated as main questions with a number of sub-questions. All the variables included in the questionnaire for teachers is identified by the “QT” prefix.

Questionnaire students 6th grade



Dataset name: qs6

The dataset has N=9986 rows and 147 columns. 398 rows have no missing values on any column.

Metadata for search engines
  • Date published: 2024-07-03



Is the school public or independent?


Distribution of values for QS61
Distribution of values for QS61

6249 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS61 Is the school public or independent? numeric 6249 0.3742239 1 1 3 1.491036 0.789375 ▇▁▂▁▂ F11.0 11


How much did your choice of school depend on… the school having a better reputation?


Distribution of values for QS62A
Distribution of values for QS62A

6596 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS62A How much did your choice of school depend on… the school having a better reputation? numeric 6596 0.3394753 1 3 4 2.999705 0.976411 ▂▅▁▆▇ F11.0 11


tHow much did your choice of school depend on…he school having better teachers?


Distribution of values for QS62B
Distribution of values for QS62B

6620 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS62B tHow much did your choice of school depend on…he school having better teachers? numeric 6620 0.3370719 1 3 4 2.948604 1.032907 ▂▅▁▆▇ F11.0 11


How much did your choice of school depend on…the education being different?


Distribution of values for QS62C
Distribution of values for QS62C

6650 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS62C How much did your choice of school depend on…the education being different? numeric 6650 0.3340677 1 3 4 3.136691 0.9822517 ▂▂▁▅▇ F11.0 11


How much did your choice of school depend on…your parents prefering it?


Distribution of values for QS62D
Distribution of values for QS62D

6562 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS62D How much did your choice of school depend on…your parents prefering it? numeric 6562 0.34288 1 2 4 2.222839 1.148482 ▇▆▁▃▅ F11.0 11


How much did your choice of school depend on…your peers choosing it?


Distribution of values for QS62E
Distribution of values for QS62E

6630 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS62E How much did your choice of school depend on…your peers choosing it? numeric 6630 0.3360705 1 3 4 2.97944 1.161938 ▃▃▁▂▇ F11.0 11


How much did your choice of school depend on…other, namely: responses


Distribution of values for QS62F_txt
Distribution of values for QS62F_txt

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QS62F_txt How much did your choice of school depend on…other, namely: responses character 0 1 299 8480 0 190 0 A200 50


How much did your choice of school depend on…other, namely: number of respondents


Distribution of values for QS62F
Distribution of values for QS62F

7625 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS62F How much did your choice of school depend on…other, namely: number of respondents numeric 7625 0.236431 1 3 4 2.636171 1.378477 ▆▂▁▁▇ F11.0 11


How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Swedish


Distribution of values for QS63A
Distribution of values for QS63A

6227 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS63A How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Swedish numeric 6227 0.376427 1 2 5 2.335994 0.8286771 ▂▇▅▁▁ F11.0 11


How good do you think you are in the following subjects? English


Distribution of values for QS63B
Distribution of values for QS63B

6246 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS63B How good do you think you are in the following subjects? English numeric 6246 0.3745243 1 2 5 2.0123 1.043252 ▇▇▃▂▁ F11.0 11


How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Maths


Distribution of values for QS63C
Distribution of values for QS63C

6292 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS63C How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Maths numeric 6292 0.3699179 1 2 5 2.477531 1.105538 ▅▇▇▂▂ F11.0 11


How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Social science subjects


Distribution of values for QS63D
Distribution of values for QS63D

6278 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS63D How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Social science subjects numeric 6278 0.3713198 1 2 5 2.248652 0.9145798 ▃▇▅▁▁ F11.0 11


How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Science subjects


Distribution of values for QS63E
Distribution of values for QS63E

6236 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS63E How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Science subjects numeric 6236 0.3755257 1 2 5 2.52 0.9224389 ▂▇▇▂▁ F11.0 11


How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Technology


Distribution of values for QS63F
Distribution of values for QS63F

6257 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS63F How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Technology numeric 6257 0.3734228 1 2 5 2.462591 0.9129245 ▃▇▇▂▁ F11.0 11


How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Sport and physical education


Distribution of values for QS63G
Distribution of values for QS63G

6242 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS63G How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Sport and physical education numeric 6242 0.3749249 1 2 5 1.909989 0.9824354 ▇▆▃▁▁ F11.0 11


How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Art


Distribution of values for QS63H
Distribution of values for QS63H

6228 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS63H How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Art numeric 6228 0.3763269 1 2 5 2.334486 1.074612 ▆▇▆▂▁ F11.0 11


How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Music


Distribution of values for QS63I
Distribution of values for QS63I

6246 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS63I How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Music numeric 6246 0.3745243 1 2 5 2.417647 1.03064 ▅▇▆▂▁ F11.0 11


How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Handicraft


Distribution of values for QS63J
Distribution of values for QS63J

6229 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS63J How good do you think you are in the following subjects? Handicraft numeric 6229 0.3762267 1 2 5 2.231568 0.9955353 ▅▇▅▁▁ F11.0 11


How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Swedish


Distribution of values for QS64A
Distribution of values for QS64A

6213 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS64A How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Swedish numeric 6213 0.377829 1 3 5 2.883117 1.143409 ▂▆▇▃▃ F11.0 11


How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? English


Distribution of values for QS64B
Distribution of values for QS64B

6221 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS64B How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? English numeric 6221 0.3770278 1 2 5 2.341036 1.175163 ▆▇▆▂▂ F11.0 11


How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Maths


Distribution of values for QS64C
Distribution of values for QS64C

6265 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS64C How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Maths numeric 6265 0.3726217 1 3 5 2.70868 1.329181 ▆▇▇▃▅ F11.0 11


How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Social science subjects


Distribution of values for QS64D
Distribution of values for QS64D

6268 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS64D How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Social science subjects numeric 6268 0.3723212 1 2 5 2.381926 1.223444 ▇▇▅▂▂ F11.0 11


How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Science subjects


Distribution of values for QS64E
Distribution of values for QS64E

6218 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS64E How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Science subjects numeric 6218 0.3773283 1 3 5 2.722399 1.24699 ▅▇▇▃▃ F11.0 11


How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Technology


Distribution of values for QS64F
Distribution of values for QS64F

6244 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS64F How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Technology numeric 6244 0.3747246 1 3 5 2.765633 1.242078 ▅▇▇▃▃ F11.0 11


How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Sport and physical education


Distribution of values for QS64G
Distribution of values for QS64G

6239 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS64G How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Sport and physical education numeric 6239 0.3752253 1 2 5 2.178009 1.241121 ▇▅▃▂▂ F11.0 11


How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Art


Distribution of values for QS64H
Distribution of values for QS64H

6237 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS64H How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Art numeric 6237 0.3754256 1 2 5 2.641504 1.327625 ▇▇▇▃▅ F11.0 11


How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Music


Distribution of values for QS64I
Distribution of values for QS64I

6223 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS64I How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Music numeric 6223 0.3768276 1 3 5 2.861281 1.356026 ▆▇▇▅▆ F11.0 11


How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Handicraft


Distribution of values for QS64J
Distribution of values for QS64J

6222 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS64J How interested are you in learning more about the following subjects? Handicraft numeric 6222 0.3769277 1 2 5 2.63204 1.305295 ▇▇▇▃▃ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Read and understand a text


Distribution of values for QS65A
Distribution of values for QS65A

6216 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS65A How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Read and understand a text numeric 6216 0.3775285 1 2 5 1.965782 0.8760524 ▆▇▃▁▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Write a story


Distribution of values for QS65B
Distribution of values for QS65B

6226 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS65B How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Write a story numeric 6226 0.3765271 1 2 5 2.069149 0.9502133 ▆▇▃▁▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Read the subtitles to a film?


Distribution of values for QS65C
Distribution of values for QS65C

6244 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS65C How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Read the subtitles to a film? numeric 6244 0.3747246 1 1 5 1.656868 0.898396 ▇▃▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Spelling correctly


Distribution of values for QS65D
Distribution of values for QS65D

6227 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS65D How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Spelling correctly numeric 6227 0.376427 1 2 5 2.12929 1.018609 ▆▇▃▂▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Tell a story for your teacher and your classmates


Distribution of values for QS65E
Distribution of values for QS65E

6238 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS65E How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Tell a story for your teacher and your classmates numeric 6238 0.3753255 1 2 5 2.597652 1.184508 ▅▇▇▃▂ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Participate in a discussion


Distribution of values for QS65F
Distribution of values for QS65F

6217 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS65F How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Participate in a discussion numeric 6217 0.3774284 1 2 5 2.106394 1.00084 ▆▇▅▂▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Read aloud for the whole class


Distribution of values for QS65G
Distribution of values for QS65G

6242 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS65G How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in SWEDISH? Read aloud for the whole class numeric 6242 0.3749249 1 3 5 2.63969 1.249626 ▆▇▇▃▃ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Read and understand a text


Distribution of values for QS66A
Distribution of values for QS66A

6218 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS66A How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Read and understand a text numeric 6218 0.3773283 1 2 5 1.834129 0.9780347 ▇▆▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Write a letter or a story


Distribution of values for QS66B
Distribution of values for QS66B

6232 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS66B How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Write a letter or a story numeric 6232 0.3759263 1 2 5 2.127064 1.047295 ▇▇▅▂▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Talk to anybody


Distribution of values for QS66C
Distribution of values for QS66C

6236 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS66C How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Talk to anybody numeric 6236 0.3755257 1 2 5 1.8776 1.029677 ▇▅▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Understand when some speaks


Distribution of values for QS66D
Distribution of values for QS66D

6229 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS66D How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Understand when some speaks numeric 6229 0.3762267 1 1 5 1.565877 0.8836681 ▇▃▁▁▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Tell a story for your teacher and your classmates


Distribution of values for QS66E
Distribution of values for QS66E

6244 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS66E How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Tell a story for your teacher and your classmates numeric 6244 0.3747246 1 3 5 2.68573 1.254387 ▆▇▇▃▃ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Understand an english film without subtitles?


Distribution of values for QS66F
Distribution of values for QS66F

6233 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS66F How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Understand an english film without subtitles? numeric 6233 0.3758262 1 1 5 1.718892 1.020895 ▇▃▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Look up factual information in an English encyclopaedia


Distribution of values for QS66G
Distribution of values for QS66G

6235 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS66G How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in ENGLISH? Look up factual information in an English encyclopaedia numeric 6235 0.3756259 1 2 5 2.163156 1.078288 ▇▇▆▂▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Mental arithmetic /rough calculation


Distribution of values for QS67A
Distribution of values for QS67A

6230 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS67A How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Mental arithmetic /rough calculation numeric 6230 0.3761266 1 2 5 2.182375 1.040341 ▆▇▅▂▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Solve mathematic problems


Distribution of values for QS67B
Distribution of values for QS67B

6238 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS67B How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Solve mathematic problems numeric 6238 0.3753255 1 2 5 2.322038 1.023646 ▅▇▆▂▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Explain mathematic problems


Distribution of values for QS67C
Distribution of values for QS67C

6250 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS67C How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Explain mathematic problems numeric 6250 0.3741238 1 2 5 2.576553 1.116999 ▅▇▇▃▂ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Calculate percentages


Distribution of values for QS67D
Distribution of values for QS67D

6259 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS67D How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Calculate percentages numeric 6259 0.3732225 1 2 5 2.400054 1.125811 ▆▇▆▂▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Calculate area and circumference


Distribution of values for QS67E
Distribution of values for QS67E

6265 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS67E How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Calculate area and circumference numeric 6265 0.3726217 1 2 5 2.227627 1.08833 ▇▇▅▂▁ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Solve equations


Distribution of values for QS67F
Distribution of values for QS67F

6275 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS67F How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Solve equations numeric 6275 0.3716203 1 2 5 2.418755 1.153134 ▆▇▆▂▂ F11.0 11


How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Explain mathematic problems


Distribution of values for QS67G
Distribution of values for QS67G

6252 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS67G How well do you think you are able to accomplish the following in MATHS? Explain mathematic problems numeric 6252 0.3739235 1 1 5 1.687734 0.9304646 ▇▅▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How do you learn things in school when you working in groups?


Distribution of values for QS68A
Distribution of values for QS68A

6236 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS68A How do you learn things in school when you working in groups? numeric 6236 0.3755257 1 2 5 1.968267 0.8717773 ▆▇▃▁▁ F11.0 11


How do you learn things in school when you working individually?


Distribution of values for QS68B
Distribution of values for QS68B

6259 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS68B How do you learn things in school when you working individually? numeric 6259 0.3732225 1 2 5 1.988194 0.9390269 ▆▇▃▁▁ F11.0 11


What has it been like to study during the three last years?


Distribution of values for QS69
Distribution of values for QS69

6309 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS69 What has it been like to study during the three last years? numeric 6309 0.3682155 1 3 5 2.669296 0.8432449 ▁▆▇▂▁ F11.0 11


How true are the following? I normally manage to do the tasks that I am given


Distribution of values for QS610A
Distribution of values for QS610A

6262 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610A How true are the following? I normally manage to do the tasks that I am given numeric 6262 0.3729221 1 2 5 1.892052 0.7489996 ▅▇▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How true are the following? It is unpleasant to have to answer the teachers questions


Distribution of values for QS610B
Distribution of values for QS610B

6308 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610B How true are the following? It is unpleasant to have to answer the teachers questions numeric 6308 0.3683156 1 4 5 3.604133 1.147252 ▂▃▆▇▆ F11.0 11


How true are the following? It is easy for me to meet the teachers demands


Distribution of values for QS610C
Distribution of values for QS610C

6310 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610C How true are the following? It is easy for me to meet the teachers demands numeric 6310 0.3681154 1 2 5 2.213547 0.8771266 ▃▇▆▁▁ F11.0 11


How true are the following? I easily give up if I get a difficult task to do in school?


Distribution of values for QS610D
Distribution of values for QS610D

6287 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610D How true are the following? I easily give up if I get a difficult task to do in school? numeric 6287 0.3704186 1 4 5 3.494458 1.15376 ▂▃▆▇▅ F11.0 11


How true are the following? I find it difficult to keep up in lessons


Distribution of values for QS610E
Distribution of values for QS610E

6290 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610E How true are the following? I find it difficult to keep up in lessons numeric 6290 0.3701182 1 4 5 3.625812 1.079455 ▁▂▆▇▅ F11.0 11


How true are the following? I worry about things that happen in school


Distribution of values for QS610F
Distribution of values for QS610F

6307 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610F How true are the following? I worry about things that happen in school numeric 6307 0.3684158 1 4 5 3.491982 1.274836 ▃▃▇▇▇ F11.0 11


How true are the following? I worry about tests on homework


Distribution of values for QS610G
Distribution of values for QS610G

6286 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610G How true are the following? I worry about tests on homework numeric 6286 0.3705187 1 4 5 3.536757 1.181547 ▂▃▆▇▆ F11.0 11


How true are the following? Need more help than what I get from my teacher


Distribution of values for QS610H
Distribution of values for QS610H

6309 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610H How true are the following? Need more help than what I get from my teacher numeric 6309 0.3682155 1 4 5 3.776448 1.163491 ▁▂▅▇▇ F11.0 11


How true are the following? Find it difficult to concentrate in lessons


Distribution of values for QS610I
Distribution of values for QS610I

6304 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610I How true are the following? Find it difficult to concentrate in lessons numeric 6304 0.3687162 1 3 5 3.140956 1.194691 ▃▅▇▆▃ F11.0 11


How true are the following? I worry about how I am going to pass exams


Distribution of values for QS610J
Distribution of values for QS610J

6299 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610J How true are the following? I worry about how I am going to pass exams numeric 6299 0.3692169 1 3 5 2.863303 1.257976 ▅▆▇▆▃ F11.0 11


How true are the following? I have friends who I can be with


Distribution of values for QS610K
Distribution of values for QS610K

6295 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610K How true are the following? I have friends who I can be with numeric 6295 0.3696175 1 1 5 1.365754 0.7753365 ▇▂▁▁▁ F11.0 11


How true are the following? It is fun to be in school


Distribution of values for QS610L
Distribution of values for QS610L

6335 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610L How true are the following? It is fun to be in school numeric 6335 0.3656119 1 3 5 3.014517 1.24617 ▃▆▇▅▅ F11.0 11


How true are the following? Feel that I am bullied by other pupils


Distribution of values for QS610M
Distribution of values for QS610M

6330 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610M How true are the following? Feel that I am bullied by other pupils numeric 6330 0.3661126 1 5 5 4.515591 0.9031199 ▁▁▁▂▇ F11.0 11


How true are the following? My teachers treat me well


Distribution of values for QS610N
Distribution of values for QS610N

6309 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610N How true are the following? My teachers treat me well numeric 6309 0.3682155 1 1 5 1.647811 0.8775576 ▇▅▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How true are the following? Other adults in the school treat me well


Distribution of values for QS610O
Distribution of values for QS610O

6321 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610O How true are the following? Other adults in the school treat me well numeric 6321 0.3670138 1 1 5 1.6794 0.8613319 ▇▆▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How true are the following? Experience stress


Distribution of values for QS610P
Distribution of values for QS610P

6329 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610P How true are the following? Experience stress numeric 6329 0.3662127 1 3 5 3.07055 1.251673 ▅▅▇▇▃ F11.0 11


How true are the following? Feel excluded


Distribution of values for QS610Q
Distribution of values for QS610Q

6318 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS610Q How true are the following? Feel excluded numeric 6318 0.3673142 1 5 5 4.209106 1.036637 ▁▁▂▃▇ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn to understand better


Distribution of values for QS611A
Distribution of values for QS611A

6332 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611A How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn to understand better numeric 6332 0.3659123 1 2 5 2.124247 0.9329553 ▆▇▅▁▁ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? Get things done in time


Distribution of values for QS611B
Distribution of values for QS611B

6299 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611B How often do you try and do the following things in school? Get things done in time numeric 6299 0.3692169 1 2 5 1.890155 0.9126994 ▇▇▃▁▁ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? To be helpful to others


Distribution of values for QS611C
Distribution of values for QS611C

6328 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611C How often do you try and do the following things in school? To be helpful to others numeric 6328 0.3663128 1 2 5 1.981684 0.8904704 ▆▇▅▁▁ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn to be smarter


Distribution of values for QS611D
Distribution of values for QS611D

6296 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611D How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn to be smarter numeric 6296 0.3695173 1 2 5 2.108401 1.046058 ▇▇▅▂▁ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn new things


Distribution of values for QS611E
Distribution of values for QS611E

6317 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611E How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn new things numeric 6317 0.3674144 1 2 5 2.05124 0.9729671 ▇▇▅▁▁ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn so that I can get a well-paid job


Distribution of values for QS611F
Distribution of values for QS611F

6337 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611F How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn so that I can get a well-paid job numeric 6337 0.3654116 1 2 5 1.97561 1.131297 ▇▅▃▁▁ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn facts


Distribution of values for QS611G
Distribution of values for QS611G

6340 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611G How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn facts numeric 6340 0.3651112 1 2 5 2.251508 1.025112 ▆▇▆▂▁ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? Work hard to learn, even if it is difficult


Distribution of values for QS611H
Distribution of values for QS611H

6315 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611H How often do you try and do the following things in school? Work hard to learn, even if it is difficult numeric 6315 0.3676147 1 2 5 2.214111 1.007832 ▆▇▆▂▁ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? To be a pupil who does well in school


Distribution of values for QS611I
Distribution of values for QS611I

6330 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611I How often do you try and do the following things in school? To be a pupil who does well in school numeric 6330 0.3661126 1 2 5 2.088621 1.035787 ▇▇▅▂▁ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn so as to be able to look after myself when I am an adult


Distribution of values for QS611J
Distribution of values for QS611J

6347 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611J How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn so as to be able to look after myself when I am an adult numeric 6347 0.3644102 1 2 5 1.918659 1.011469 ▇▆▃▁▁ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? To be better than other pupils in the class


Distribution of values for QS611K
Distribution of values for QS611K

6379 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611K How often do you try and do the following things in school? To be better than other pupils in the class numeric 6379 0.3612057 1 3 5 3.056834 1.280139 ▅▅▇▇▅ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? To do my very best


Distribution of values for QS611L
Distribution of values for QS611L

6341 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611L How often do you try and do the following things in school? To do my very best numeric 6341 0.365011 1 2 5 1.778601 0.8991902 ▇▆▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? To show my teacher that I am smarter than other pupils


Distribution of values for QS611M
Distribution of values for QS611M

6360 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611M How often do you try and do the following things in school? To show my teacher that I am smarter than other pupils numeric 6360 0.3631084 1 4 5 3.483453 1.276796 ▃▃▆▇▇ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? To be a responsible pupil


Distribution of values for QS611N
Distribution of values for QS611N

6372 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611N How often do you try and do the following things in school? To be a responsible pupil numeric 6372 0.3619067 1 2 5 2.150802 1.012079 ▇▇▆▂▁ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn so that I can get a job that I like


Distribution of values for QS611O
Distribution of values for QS611O

6344 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611O How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn so that I can get a job that I like numeric 6344 0.3647106 1 1 5 1.856947 1.069472 ▇▅▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn so that I would not appear to be stupid in front of others


Distribution of values for QS611P
Distribution of values for QS611P

6358 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611P How often do you try and do the following things in school? Learn so that I would not appear to be stupid in front of others numeric 6358 0.3633086 1 3 5 2.825248 1.356215 ▇▇▇▆▅ F11.0 11


How often do you try and do the following things in school? Be successful in school so that I can get a place on a good educational program


Distribution of values for QS611Q
Distribution of values for QS611Q

6349 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS611Q How often do you try and do the following things in school? Be successful in school so that I can get a place on a good educational program numeric 6349 0.3642099 1 2 5 1.852626 1.052396 ▇▅▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How often do you work in this particular way in your class? The teacher talks for most of the time during the lesson


Distribution of values for QS612A
Distribution of values for QS612A

6370 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS612A How often do you work in this particular way in your class? The teacher talks for most of the time during the lesson numeric 6370 0.3621069 1 3 5 2.64823 0.871962 ▂▆▇▂▁ F11.0 11


How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Teacher and pupils discuss things together


Distribution of values for QS612B
Distribution of values for QS612B

6387 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS612B How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Teacher and pupils discuss things together numeric 6387 0.3604046 1 3 5 2.708808 0.8888837 ▂▆▇▃▁ F11.0 11


How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Working in groups


Distribution of values for QS612C
Distribution of values for QS612C

6398 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS612C How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Working in groups numeric 6398 0.359303 1 3 5 2.872074 0.7927539 ▁▅▇▂▁ F11.0 11


How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Working individually


Distribution of values for QS612D
Distribution of values for QS612D

6412 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS612D How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Working individually numeric 6412 0.3579011 1 2 5 2.026581 0.7262375 ▃▇▃▁▁ F11.0 11


How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Working with large assignments or doing projects


Distribution of values for QS612E
Distribution of values for QS612E

6416 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS612E How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Working with large assignments or doing projects numeric 6416 0.3575005 1 3 5 2.914286 0.8182856 ▁▃▇▃▁ F11.0 11


How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Doing test


Distribution of values for QS612F
Distribution of values for QS612F

6404 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS612F How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Doing test numeric 6404 0.3587022 1 2 5 2.409269 0.836879 ▃▇▇▂▁ F11.0 11


How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Having written homework tests


Distribution of values for QS612G
Distribution of values for QS612G

6418 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS612G How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Having written homework tests numeric 6418 0.3573002 1 3 5 2.698711 1.061484 ▃▇▇▅▁ F11.0 11


How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Being involved in planning instruction


Distribution of values for QS612H
Distribution of values for QS612H

6429 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS612H How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Being involved in planning instruction numeric 6429 0.3561987 1 4 5 3.871802 1.031225 ▁▂▅▇▇ F11.0 11


How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Pupils independently seek information


Distribution of values for QS612I
Distribution of values for QS612I

6420 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS612I How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Pupils independently seek information numeric 6420 0.3570999 1 3 5 2.582445 0.8633509 ▂▇▇▂▁ F11.0 11


How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Report own works or projects


Distribution of values for QS612J
Distribution of values for QS612J

6414 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS612J How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Report own works or projects numeric 6414 0.3577008 1 3 5 2.838466 0.9026851 ▁▅▇▃▁ F11.0 11


How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Plan and works with own work


Distribution of values for QS612K
Distribution of values for QS612K

6413 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS612K How often do you work in this particular way in your class? Plan and works with own work numeric 6413 0.3578009 1 3 5 2.740274 1.025019 ▂▇▇▃▁ F11.0 11


How often do you work with homework or other school assignments at home or at after-school centre?


Distribution of values for QS613
Distribution of values for QS613

6461 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS613 How often do you work with homework or other school assignments at home or at after-school centre? numeric 6461 0.3529942 1 3 5 3.100426 1.00854 ▁▅▇▃▂ F11.0 11


How much time do you spend on average each week doing home assignments or homework?


Distribution of values for QS614
Distribution of values for QS614

6502 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS614 How much time do you spend on average each week doing home assignments or homework? numeric 6502 0.3488884 1 4 6 4.044489 1.129576 ▂▃▇▆▂ F11.0 11


How often do you get help from someone at home with homework or other school work?


Distribution of values for QS615
Distribution of values for QS615

6405 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS615 How often do you get help from someone at home with homework or other school work? numeric 6405 0.358602 1 2 5 2.038816 1.054335 ▇▇▅▁▁ F11.0 11


How content are you in your current school?


Distribution of values for QS616A
Distribution of values for QS616A

6355 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS616A How content are you in your current school? numeric 6355 0.3636091 1 2 5 1.95924 0.9675119 ▇▇▃▁▁ F11.0 11


How content are you in your current class?


Distribution of values for QS616B
Distribution of values for QS616B

6359 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS616B How content are you in your current class? numeric 6359 0.3632085 1 2 5 1.862145 0.9538543 ▇▇▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How content are you with the teachers?


Distribution of values for QS616C
Distribution of values for QS616C

6361 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS616C How content are you with the teachers? numeric 6361 0.3630082 1 2 5 1.97131 0.9761245 ▇▇▃▁▁ F11.0 11


How content are you with school work?


Distribution of values for QS616D
Distribution of values for QS616D

6367 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS616D How content are you with school work? numeric 6367 0.3624074 1 2 5 2.301464 0.9810395 ▃▇▅▁▁ F11.0 11


How content are you with other pupils?


Distribution of values for QS616E
Distribution of values for QS616E

6376 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS616E How content are you with other pupils? numeric 6376 0.3615061 1 2 5 1.898615 0.908519 ▇▇▃▁▁ F11.0 11


How content are you during the pause?


Distribution of values for QS616F
Distribution of values for QS616F

6372 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS616F How content are you during the pause? numeric 6372 0.3619067 1 1 5 1.671278 0.8465882 ▇▆▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How content are you with your health?


Distribution of values for QS616G
Distribution of values for QS616G

6389 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS616G How content are you with your health? numeric 6389 0.3602043 1 2 5 1.898527 1.056781 ▇▆▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How content are you with your family life?


Distribution of values for QS616H
Distribution of values for QS616H

6390 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS616H How content are you with your family life? numeric 6390 0.3601041 1 1 5 1.410734 0.7654474 ▇▂▁▁▁ F11.0 11


How content are you with your life as a whole?


Distribution of values for QS616I
Distribution of values for QS616I

6416 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS616I How content are you with your life as a whole? numeric 6416 0.3575005 1 2 5 1.830252 0.9876135 ▇▆▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How often do your parents ask about how it has been in school?


Distribution of values for QS617A
Distribution of values for QS617A

6373 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS617A How often do your parents ask about how it has been in school? numeric 6373 0.3618065 1 1 5 1.603654 0.882717 ▇▃▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How often do your parents ask how I have felt in school?


Distribution of values for QS617B
Distribution of values for QS617B

6397 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS617B How often do your parents ask how I have felt in school? numeric 6397 0.3594032 1 2 5 2.504876 1.244068 ▇▇▇▃▂ F11.0 11


How often do your parents ask about how I did on a test or test of homework?


Distribution of values for QS617C
Distribution of values for QS617C

6385 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS617C How often do your parents ask about how I did on a test or test of homework? numeric 6385 0.3606048 1 1 5 1.63288 0.905334 ▇▃▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How often do your parents ask about how well I do in different subjects?


Distribution of values for QS617D
Distribution of values for QS617D

6385 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS617D How often do your parents ask about how well I do in different subjects? numeric 6385 0.3606048 1 3 5 2.589003 1.209192 ▆▇▇▅▂ F11.0 11


How often do your parents ask about how I get on with other children in my class?


Distribution of values for QS617E
Distribution of values for QS617E

6394 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS617E How often do your parents ask about how I get on with other children in my class? numeric 6394 0.3597036 1 3 5 2.656737 1.273048 ▇▇▇▅▃ F11.0 11


How often do your parents ask about how I get on with my teacher?


Distribution of values for QS617F
Distribution of values for QS617F

6386 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS617F How often do your parents ask about how I get on with my teacher? numeric 6386 0.3605047 1 3 5 3.211111 1.31733 ▅▆▇▇▆ F11.0 11


How often do your parents ask about how I work during lessons?


Distribution of values for QS617G
Distribution of values for QS617G

6379 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS617G How often do your parents ask about how I work during lessons? numeric 6379 0.3612057 1 3 5 3.05323 1.319442 ▅▆▇▇▆ F11.0 11


Do your parents think you should study at the university?


Distribution of values for QS618
Distribution of values for QS618

6421 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS618 Do your parents think you should study at the university? numeric 6421 0.3569998 1 1 3 1.725105 0.9520789 ▇▁▁▁▅ F11.0 11


How fair do you think the grades that you have received so far in elementary school have been?


Distribution of values for QS619
Distribution of values for QS619

6460 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS619 How fair do you think the grades that you have received so far in elementary school have been? numeric 6460 0.3530943 1 3 5 3.307431 0.6362 ▁▁▇▃▁ F11.0 11


What do the grades depend on? The teachers tests?


Distribution of values for QS620A
Distribution of values for QS620A

6431 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS620A What do the grades depend on? The teachers tests? numeric 6431 0.3559984 1 2 5 2.187342 0.7837744 ▂▇▅▁▁ F11.0 11


What do the grades depend on? The National Test result?


Distribution of values for QS620B
Distribution of values for QS620B

6420 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS620B What do the grades depend on? The National Test result? numeric 6420 0.3570999 1 1 5 1.643578 0.8150044 ▇▅▂▁▁ F11.0 11


What do the grades depend on? How work is carried out during lessons


Distribution of values for QS620C
Distribution of values for QS620C

6444 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS620C What do the grades depend on? How work is carried out during lessons numeric 6444 0.3546966 1 2 5 2.219085 0.892719 ▃▇▅▁▁ F11.0 11


What do the grades depend on? Follow the rules that apply in school


Distribution of values for QS620D
Distribution of values for QS620D

6459 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS620D What do the grades depend on? Follow the rules that apply in school numeric 6459 0.3531945 1 3 5 3.051886 1.14733 ▂▅▇▅▃ F11.0 11


What do the grades depend on? How much the teacher likes one?


Distribution of values for QS620E
Distribution of values for QS620E

6474 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS620E What do the grades depend on? How much the teacher likes one? numeric 6474 0.3516924 1 4 5 3.737471 1.323489 ▂▂▃▃▇ F11.0 11


What do the grades depend on? Oral performances


Distribution of values for QS620F
Distribution of values for QS620F

6471 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS620F What do the grades depend on? Oral performances numeric 6471 0.3519928 1 2 5 2.55192 0.8861282 ▂▇▇▂▁ F11.0 11


What do the grades depend on? Dependent on how interested you are in the schoolwork?


Distribution of values for QS620G
Distribution of values for QS620G

6453 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS620G What do the grades depend on? Dependent on how interested you are in the schoolwork? numeric 6453 0.3537953 1 3 5 2.847438 1.182255 ▃▇▇▅▃ F11.0 11


How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Listening to music


Distribution of values for QS621A
Distribution of values for QS621A

6444 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS621A How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Listening to music numeric 6444 0.3546966 1 2 6 2.669113 1.322817 ▇▂▁▁▁ F11.0 11


How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Watch TV, movies or YouTube?


Distribution of values for QS621B
Distribution of values for QS621B

6448 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS621B How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Watch TV, movies or YouTube? numeric 6448 0.354296 1 3 6 3.222442 1.182515 ▇▇▅▂▁ F11.0 11


How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Play video games or games on computer?l


Distribution of values for QS621C
Distribution of values for QS621C

6469 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS621C How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Play video games or games on computer?l numeric 6469 0.3521931 1 2 6 2.720785 1.376279 ▇▃▂▁▁ F11.0 11


How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Sports, exercises?


Distribution of values for QS621D
Distribution of values for QS621D

6481 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS621D How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Sports, exercises? numeric 6481 0.3509914 1 3 6 2.991726 1.150834 ▇▇▃▂▁ F11.0 11


How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Read other books than school books?


Distribution of values for QS621E
Distribution of values for QS621E

6429 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS621E How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Read other books than school books? numeric 6429 0.3561987 1 2 6 1.688502 0.8695673 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11


How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Participate in activities such as theater, dance, music?


Distribution of values for QS621F
Distribution of values for QS621F

6458 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS621F How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Participate in activities such as theater, dance, music? numeric 6458 0.3532946 1 1 6 1.527778 0.9038364 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11


How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Hang out with friends?


Distribution of values for QS621G
Distribution of values for QS621G

6475 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS621G How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Hang out with friends? numeric 6475 0.3515922 1 3 6 3.200798 1.253989 ▇▇▅▂▂ F11.0 11


How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Use computer for somthing else than school work or games (such as Facebook)?


Distribution of values for QS621H
Distribution of values for QS621H

6449 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS621H How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Use computer for somthing else than school work or games (such as Facebook)? numeric 6449 0.3541959 1 3 6 3.399208 1.367272 ▇▇▆▃▂ F11.0 11


How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Another


Distribution of values for QS621I
Distribution of values for QS621I

8596 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS621I How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Another numeric 8596 0.1391949 1 3 6 3.069784 1.845008 ▇▂▂▂▃ F11.0 11


How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Another, namely


Distribution of values for QS621I_txt
Distribution of values for QS621I_txt

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QS621I_txt How much time do you spend on average per week on the following? Another, namely character 0 1 187 8956 0 144 0 A148 50


During the last six months, have you experienced difficulty in concentrating?


Distribution of values for QS622A
Distribution of values for QS622A

6463 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS622A During the last six months, have you experienced difficulty in concentrating? numeric 6463 0.3527939 1 3 5 3.039455 1.101276 ▂▅▇▆▂ F11.0 11


During the last six months, have you experienced difficulty in sleeping?


Distribution of values for QS622B
Distribution of values for QS622B

6469 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS622B During the last six months, have you experienced difficulty in sleeping? numeric 6469 0.3521931 1 3 5 3.27296 1.183884 ▂▅▇▇▅ F11.0 11


During the last six months, have you suffered from headaches?


Distribution of values for QS622C
Distribution of values for QS622C

6490 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS622C During the last six months, have you suffered from headaches? numeric 6490 0.3500901 1 3 5 3.33095 1.183106 ▂▅▇▇▅ F11.0 11


During the last six months, have you suffered from stomach aches?


Distribution of values for QS622D
Distribution of values for QS622D

6505 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS622D During the last six months, have you suffered from stomach aches? numeric 6505 0.348588 1 4 5 3.584315 1.142631 ▁▃▆▇▆ F11.0 11


During the last six months, have you felt tense?


Distribution of values for QS622E
Distribution of values for QS622E

6503 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS622E During the last six months, have you felt tense? numeric 6503 0.3487883 1 3 5 3.362906 1.102095 ▂▃▇▇▅ F11.0 11


During the last six months, have you had little appetite?


Distribution of values for QS622F
Distribution of values for QS622F

6528 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS622F During the last six months, have you had little appetite? numeric 6528 0.3462848 1 4 5 3.697802 1.183143 ▂▃▆▇▇ F11.0 11


During the last six months, have you felt sad?


Distribution of values for QS622G
Distribution of values for QS622G

6505 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS622G During the last six months, have you felt sad? numeric 6505 0.348588 1 3 5 3.378627 1.152829 ▂▅▇▇▅ F11.0 11


During the last six months, have you felt giddy?


Distribution of values for QS622H
Distribution of values for QS622H

6518 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS622H During the last six months, have you felt giddy? numeric 6518 0.3472862 1 4 5 3.623126 1.182317 ▂▃▆▇▇ F11.0 11


During the last six months, have you felt irritated or moody?


Distribution of values for QS622I
Distribution of values for QS622I

6524 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS622I During the last six months, have you felt irritated or moody? numeric 6524 0.3466854 1 3 5 2.888215 1.09578 ▂▆▇▅▂ F11.0 11


During the last six months, have you felt nervous?


Distribution of values for QS622J
Distribution of values for QS622J

6500 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS622J During the last six months, have you felt nervous? numeric 6500 0.3490887 1 3 5 3.152324 1.079364 ▂▅▇▆▂ F11.0 11


During the last six months, have you felt low?


Distribution of values for QS622K
Distribution of values for QS622K

6523 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS622K During the last six months, have you felt low? numeric 6523 0.3467855 1 4 5 3.443546 1.209045 ▂▅▇▇▆ F11.0 11


Would you like to tell us something that we have not asked about, write it here?


Distribution of values for QS623_txt
Distribution of values for QS623_txt

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QS623_txt Would you like to tell us something that we have not asked about, write it here? character 0 1 157 8811 0 3647 0 A3648 50

Questionnaire parents



Dataset name: qp

The dataset has N=9986 rows and 92 columns. 1553 rows have no missing values on any column.

Metadata for search engines
  • Date published: 2024-07-03



Who is responding to this questionnaire?


Distribution of values for QP61
Distribution of values for QP61

8302 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP61 Who is responding to this questionnaire? numeric 8302 0.1686361 1 1 4 1.5481 0.7461941 ▇▃▁▂▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Only mother 1
Only father 2
Both mother and father 3
Another 4


Who does the child live with?


Distribution of values for QP62A
Distribution of values for QP62A

8300 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP62A Who does the child live with? numeric 8300 0.1688364 1 1 5 1.335113 0.7225332 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Together with both parents 1
About the same amount of time with mom and dad 2
Mainly with mom 3
Mainly with dad 4
Together with other person/persons than the parents 5


For how long have they lived in this constellation?


Distribution of values for QP62B
Distribution of values for QP62B

8307 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP62B For how long have they lived in this constellation? numeric 8307 0.1681354 1 1 4 1.604526 1.073965 ▇▁▁▁▂ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Throughout their childhood 1
Since they were 1-3 years old 2
Since they were 4-6 years old 3
Since they were 7 years old or later 4


Has the child been enrolled in preschool?


Distribution of values for QP63
Distribution of values for QP63

8312 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP63 Has the child been enrolled in preschool? numeric 8312 0.1676347 1 1 2 1.03405 0.1814123 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.1 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Yes 1
No 2


At what age did the child attend preschool


Distribution of values for QP63year
Distribution of values for QP63year

8384 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP63year At what age did the child attend preschool numeric 8384 0.1604246 0 1 7 1.798377 1.205307 ▇▅▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Younger than one year old, < 1 1
Younger than two years old, 1 ? age < 2 2
Younger than three years old, 2 ? age < 3 3
Younger than four years old, 3 ? age < 4 4
Younger than five years old, 4 ? age < 5 5
Younger than six years old, 5 ? age < 6 6
Younger than seven years old, 6 ? age < 7 7


What sort of school do your child go to?


Distribution of values for QP64
Distribution of values for QP64

8301 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP64 What sort of school do your child go to? numeric 8301 0.1687362 1 1 3 1.484867 0.8136543 ▇▁▁▁▂ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
In the public school closest to home 1
In another public school 2
In an independent school 3


How many times did your child change school between grade 1-5?


Distribution of values for QP65
Distribution of values for QP65

8299 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP65 How many times did your child change school between grade 1-5? numeric 8299 0.1689365 1 1 4 1.229994 0.5449881 ▇▂▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Never 1
Once 2
Twice 3
Three times or more 4


To what extent did the choice of school depend on that the school had a better reputation?


Distribution of values for QP66A
Distribution of values for QP66A

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP66A To what extent did the choice of school depend on that the school had a better reputation? character 0 1 5 8347 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4


To what extent did the choice of school depend on that the school had better teacher?


Distribution of values for QP66B
Distribution of values for QP66B

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP66B To what extent did the choice of school depend on that the school had better teacher? character 0 1 6 8349 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4


To what extent did the choice of school depend on that the teaching was different?


Distribution of values for QP66C
Distribution of values for QP66C

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP66C To what extent did the choice of school depend on that the teaching was different? character 0 1 5 8355 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4


To what extent did the choice of school depend on that the child preferred that school


Distribution of values for QP66D
Distribution of values for QP66D

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP66D To what extent did the choice of school depend on that the child preferred that school character 0 1 6 8354 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4


To what extent did the choice of school depend on that your child´s friends chose this school?


Distribution of values for QP66E
Distribution of values for QP66E

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP66E To what extent did the choice of school depend on that your child´s friends chose this school? character 0 1 6 8358 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4


To what extent did the choice of school depend on that the school was close to home?


Distribution of values for QP66F
Distribution of values for QP66F

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP66F To what extent did the choice of school depend on that the school was close to home? character 0 1 7 8329 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4


To what extent did the choice of school depend on that the school was known for being a good studying environment?


Distribution of values for QP66G
Distribution of values for QP66G

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP66G To what extent did the choice of school depend on that the school was known for being a good studying environment? character 0 1 5 8365 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4


What is your approach to development discussions with teachers?


Distribution of values for QP67A
Distribution of values for QP67A

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP67A What is your approach to development discussions with teachers? character 0 1 6 8301 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


What is your approach to parents-teacher meeting?


Distribution of values for QP67B
Distribution of values for QP67B

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP67B What is your approach to parents-teacher meeting? character 0 1 7 8310 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


What do you think about the demands that the school puts on your child in terms of… Attainment?


Distribution of values for QP68A
Distribution of values for QP68A

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP68A What do you think about the demands that the school puts on your child in terms of… Attainment? character 0 1 7 8304 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


What do you think about the demands that the school puts on your child in terms of… Homework?


Distribution of values for QP68B
Distribution of values for QP68B

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP68B What do you think about the demands that the school puts on your child in terms of… Homework? character 0 1 8 8300 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


What do you think about the demands that the school puts on your child in terms of… Pace of study?


Distribution of values for QP68C
Distribution of values for QP68C

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP68C What do you think about the demands that the school puts on your child in terms of… Pace of study? character 0 1 7 8313 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


What do you think about the demands that the school puts on your child in terms of… Taking personal responsibility?


Distribution of values for QP68D
Distribution of values for QP68D

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP68D What do you think about the demands that the school puts on your child in terms of… Taking personal responsibility? character 0 1 7 8308 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


What do you think about the demands that the school puts on your child in terms of… Displaying consideration for the school and its property?


Distribution of values for QP68E
Distribution of values for QP68E

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP68E What do you think about the demands that the school puts on your child in terms of… Displaying consideration for the school and its property? character 0 1 7 8306 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


What do you think about the demands that the school puts on your child in terms of… Behaviour (truancy, swearing, fighting, lateness)?


Distribution of values for QP68F
Distribution of values for QP68F

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP68F What do you think about the demands that the school puts on your child in terms of… Behaviour (truancy, swearing, fighting, lateness)? character 0 1 7 8310 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


To what extent did the choice of school depend on another, namely?


Distribution of values for QP66H
Distribution of values for QP66H

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP66H To what extent did the choice of school depend on another, namely? character 0 1 422 9552 0 686 0 A2606 86


Do you think that pupils should get grades in elementary school?


Distribution of values for QP69
Distribution of values for QP69

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP69 Do you think that pupils should get grades in elementary school? character 0 1 4 8318 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


From which year do you think the students should receive grades?


Distribution of values for QP69year
Distribution of values for QP69year

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP69year From which year do you think the students should receive grades? character 0 1 10 8808 0 1 0 A3 9

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9


Do you want your child to pursue education after complulsory school?


Distribution of values for QP610
Distribution of values for QP610

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP610 Do you want your child to pursue education after complulsory school? character 0 1 9 8308 0 3 0 A3 9

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4


During the last year has your child… Been bullied/insulted by one or more other pupils?


Distribution of values for QP611A
Distribution of values for QP611A

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP611A During the last year has your child… Been bullied/insulted by one or more other pupils? character 0 1 7 8300 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


During the last year has your child… Been bullied/insulted by one or more teachers?


Distribution of values for QP611B
Distribution of values for QP611B

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP611B During the last year has your child… Been bullied/insulted by one or more teachers? character 0 1 6 8302 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


During the last year has your child… Experienced anxiety/unease about going to school?


Distribution of values for QP611C
Distribution of values for QP611C

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP611C During the last year has your child… Experienced anxiety/unease about going to school? character 0 1 6 8302 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


During the last year has your child… Felt pressured by school work?


Distribution of values for QP611D
Distribution of values for QP611D

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP611D During the last year has your child… Felt pressured by school work? character 0 1 7 8301 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


During the last year has your child… Felt pressured by exams?


Distribution of values for QP611E
Distribution of values for QP611E

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP611E During the last year has your child… Felt pressured by exams? character 0 1 6 8297 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


During the last year has your child… Felt stressed by homework examinations?


Distribution of values for QP611F
Distribution of values for QP611F

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP611F During the last year has your child… Felt stressed by homework examinations? character 0 1 6 8300 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


What do you think about the beginning of school for your child in terms of… contact with peers?


Distribution of values for QP612A
Distribution of values for QP612A

8301 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP612A What do you think about the beginning of school for your child in terms of… contact with peers? numeric 8301 0.1687362 1 2 5 1.733531 0.7340366 ▆▇▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Problem-free 1
Without any big problems 2
Quite problematic 3
Very problematic 4
Extremely problematic 5


What do you think about the beginning of school for your child in terms of… contact with teachers?


Distribution of values for QP612B
Distribution of values for QP612B

8300 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP612B What do you think about the beginning of school for your child in terms of… contact with teachers? numeric 8300 0.1688364 1 1 5 1.577699 0.6870232 ▇▇▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Problem-free 1
Without any big problems 2
Quite problematic 3
Very problematic 4
Extremely problematic 5


What do you think about the beginning of school for your child in terms of… adapting to the school’s requirements?


Distribution of values for QP612C
Distribution of values for QP612C

8301 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP612C What do you think about the beginning of school for your child in terms of… adapting to the school’s requirements? numeric 8301 0.1687362 1 2 5 1.646291 0.7233751 ▇▇▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Problem-free 1
Without any big problems 2
Quite problematic 3
Very problematic 4
Extremely problematic 5


What do you think about the beginning of school for your child in terms of… readability?


Distribution of values for QP612D
Distribution of values for QP612D

8301 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP612D What do you think about the beginning of school for your child in terms of… readability? numeric 8301 0.1687362 1 2 5 1.718694 0.8387374 ▇▆▂▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Problem-free 1
Without any big problems 2
Quite problematic 3
Very problematic 4
Extremely problematic 5


What do you think about the beginning of school for your child in terms of… writeability?


Distribution of values for QP612E
Distribution of values for QP612E

8299 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP612E What do you think about the beginning of school for your child in terms of… writeability? numeric 8299 0.1689365 1 2 5 1.789567 0.8576971 ▇▇▂▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Problem-free 1
Without any big problems 2
Quite problematic 3
Very problematic 4
Extremely problematic 5


What do you think about the beginning of school for your child in terms of… ability to count?


Distribution of values for QP612F
Distribution of values for QP612F

8300 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP612F What do you think about the beginning of school for your child in terms of… ability to count? numeric 8300 0.1688364 1 1 5 1.644721 0.7909683 ▇▆▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Problem-free 1
Without any big problems 2
Quite problematic 3
Very problematic 4
Extremely problematic 5


How important is it that your child studies… Swedish?


Distribution of values for QP613A
Distribution of values for QP613A

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP613A How important is it that your child studies… Swedish? character 0 1 5 8300 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


How important is it that your child studies… English?


Distribution of values for QP613B
Distribution of values for QP613B

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP613B How important is it that your child studies… English? character 0 1 5 8298 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


How important is it that your child studies… Maths?


Distribution of values for QP613C
Distribution of values for QP613C

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP613C How important is it that your child studies… Maths? character 0 1 7 8297 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


How important is it that your child studies… Social science subjects?


Distribution of values for QP613D
Distribution of values for QP613D

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP613D How important is it that your child studies… Social science subjects? character 0 1 6 8298 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


How important is it that your child studies… Science subjects?


Distribution of values for QP613E
Distribution of values for QP613E

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP613E How important is it that your child studies… Science subjects? character 0 1 6 8302 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


How important is it that your child studies… Technology?


Distribution of values for QP613F
Distribution of values for QP613F

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP613F How important is it that your child studies… Technology? character 0 1 8 8301 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


How important is it that your child studies… Sport and physical education?


Distribution of values for QP613G
Distribution of values for QP613G

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP613G How important is it that your child studies… Sport and physical education? character 0 1 6 8300 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


How important is it that your child studies… Art?


Distribution of values for QP613H
Distribution of values for QP613H

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP613H How important is it that your child studies… Art? character 0 1 6 8298 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


How important is it that your child studies… Music?


Distribution of values for QP613I
Distribution of values for QP613I

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP613I How important is it that your child studies… Music? character 0 1 6 8300 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


How important is it that your child studies… Handicraft?


Distribution of values for QP613J
Distribution of values for QP613J

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP613J How important is it that your child studies… Handicraft? character 0 1 6 8301 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5


How often do you talk with your child about… How happy she/he is in school?


Distribution of values for QP614A
Distribution of values for QP614A

8298 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP614A How often do you talk with your child about… How happy she/he is in school? numeric 8298 0.1690367 1 2 5 1.696683 0.75777 ▇▇▂▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Almost never 4
Never 5


How often do you talk with your child about… The work that the class does in school?


Distribution of values for QP614B
Distribution of values for QP614B

8302 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP614B How often do you talk with your child about… The work that the class does in school? numeric 8302 0.1686361 1 2 5 1.877672 0.7931677 ▆▇▃▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Almost never 4
Never 5


How often do you talk with your child about… Tests and homework?


Distribution of values for QP614C
Distribution of values for QP614C

8302 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP614C How often do you talk with your child about… Tests and homework? numeric 8302 0.1686361 1 2 5 1.630048 0.7083743 ▇▇▂▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Almost never 4
Never 5


How often do you talk with your child about… What she/he has learnt in different subjects?


Distribution of values for QP614D
Distribution of values for QP614D

8299 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP614D How often do you talk with your child about… What she/he has learnt in different subjects? numeric 8299 0.1689365 1 2 5 2.065797 0.8526341 ▅▇▅▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Almost never 4
Never 5


How often do you talk with your child about… The teachers?


Distribution of values for QP614E
Distribution of values for QP614E

8300 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP614E How often do you talk with your child about… The teachers? numeric 8300 0.1688364 1 2 5 2.307829 0.852727 ▃▇▇▂▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Almost never 4
Never 5


How often do you talk with your child about… Breaks?


Distribution of values for QP614F
Distribution of values for QP614F

8301 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP614F How often do you talk with your child about… Breaks? numeric 8301 0.1687362 1 2 5 2.466469 0.9174203 ▃▇▇▂▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Almost never 4
Never 5


How often do you talk with your child about… Other pupils in the class?


Distribution of values for QP614G
Distribution of values for QP614G

8300 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP614G How often do you talk with your child about… Other pupils in the class? numeric 8300 0.1688364 1 2 5 2.080664 0.8272186 ▅▇▅▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Almost never 4
Never 5


How often do you talk with your child about… Friends?


Distribution of values for QP614H
Distribution of values for QP614H

8299 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QP614H How often do you talk with your child about… Friends? numeric 8299 0.1689365 1 2 5 1.858921 0.7764411 ▆▇▃▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Almost never 4
Never 5


How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Number of teachers?


Distribution of values for QP615A
Distribution of values for QP615A

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP615A How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Number of teachers? character 0 1 4 8301 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Teachers with appropriate education?


Distribution of values for QP615B
Distribution of values for QP615B

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP615B How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Teachers with appropriate education? character 0 1 4 8306 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Pupil care staff (school counsellor, school nurse)?


Distribution of values for QP615C
Distribution of values for QP615C

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP615C How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Pupil care staff (school counsellor, school nurse)? character 0 1 4 8299 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Teaching materials (e.g. textbooks)?


Distribution of values for QP615D
Distribution of values for QP615D

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP615D How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Teaching materials (e.g. textbooks)? character 0 1 4 8299 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Consumables (e.g. paper, pens)?


Distribution of values for QP615E
Distribution of values for QP615E

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP615E How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Consumables (e.g. paper, pens)? character 0 1 4 8302 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… The playground?


Distribution of values for QP615F
Distribution of values for QP615F

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP615F How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… The playground? character 0 1 4 8299 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Heating, ventilation and lighting?


Distribution of values for QP615G
Distribution of values for QP615G

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP615G How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Heating, ventilation and lighting? character 0 1 5 8300 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Support for pupils who find it hard to learn?


Distribution of values for QP615H
Distribution of values for QP615H

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP615H How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Support for pupils who find it hard to learn? character 0 1 4 8301 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Computers used in teaching?


Distribution of values for QP615I
Distribution of values for QP615I

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP615I How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Computers used in teaching? character 0 1 4 8300 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Library books?


Distribution of values for QP615J
Distribution of values for QP615J

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP615J How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Library books? character 0 1 5 8300 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… The size of the class?


Distribution of values for QP615K
Distribution of values for QP615K

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP615K How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… The size of the class? character 0 1 4 8302 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Space in the building for learning (e.g. group rooms)?


Distribution of values for QP615L
Distribution of values for QP615L

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP615L How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Space in the building for learning (e.g. group rooms)? character 0 1 4 8303 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Special equipment for pupils with disabilities?


Distribution of values for QP615M
Distribution of values for QP615M

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP615M How would you evaluate the resources in your childs school in regards to… Special equipment for pupils with disabilities? character 0 1 4 8302 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3


How well has the school informed you about… The demands that are placed in different subjects?


Distribution of values for QP616A
Distribution of values for QP616A

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP616A How well has the school informed you about… The demands that are placed in different subjects? character 0 1 7 8300 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How well has the school informed you about… How work is carried out during lessons?


Distribution of values for QP616B
Distribution of values for QP616B

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP616B How well has the school informed you about… How work is carried out during lessons? character 0 1 7 8300 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How well has the school informed you about… The childs achievement in different subjects?


Distribution of values for QP616C
Distribution of values for QP616C

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP616C How well has the school informed you about… The childs achievement in different subjects? character 0 1 7 8304 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How well has the school informed you about… How the child interacts together with classmates?


Distribution of values for QP616D
Distribution of values for QP616D

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP616D How well has the school informed you about… How the child interacts together with classmates? character 0 1 7 8299 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How well has the school informed you about… How the child interacts together with the teachers?


Distribution of values for QP616E
Distribution of values for QP616E

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP616E How well has the school informed you about… How the child interacts together with the teachers? character 0 1 7 8299 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How well has the school informed you about… The norms and rules that apply during the lessons?


Distribution of values for QP616F
Distribution of values for QP616F

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP616F How well has the school informed you about… The norms and rules that apply during the lessons? character 0 1 7 8300 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How well has the school informed you about… Possibilities for help and support?


Distribution of values for QP616G
Distribution of values for QP616G

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP616G How well has the school informed you about… Possibilities for help and support? character 0 1 8 8301 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How well has the school informed you about… About influence from the parents?


Distribution of values for QP616H
Distribution of values for QP616H

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP616H How well has the school informed you about… About influence from the parents? character 0 1 7 8305 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… Providing the child with a good level of knowledge?


Distribution of values for QP617A
Distribution of values for QP617A

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617A How good has the school been with… Providing the child with a good level of knowledge? character 0 1 7 8302 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… Identifying and encouraging the childs special abilities?


Distribution of values for QP617B
Distribution of values for QP617B

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617B How good has the school been with… Identifying and encouraging the childs special abilities? character 0 1 7 8305 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… Teaching your child to search for information independently?


Distribution of values for QP617C
Distribution of values for QP617C

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617C How good has the school been with… Teaching your child to search for information independently? character 0 1 7 8302 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… Teaching your child to find facts independently?


Distribution of values for QP617D
Distribution of values for QP617D

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617D How good has the school been with… Teaching your child to find facts independently? character 0 1 7 8300 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… Ensuring that there is a good working environment during lessons?


Distribution of values for QP617E
Distribution of values for QP617E

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617E How good has the school been with… Ensuring that there is a good working environment during lessons? character 0 1 7 8300 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… Creating good relationships between pupils?


Distribution of values for QP617F
Distribution of values for QP617F

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617F How good has the school been with… Creating good relationships between pupils? character 0 1 7 8301 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… Teaching children to think critically and take independent stances?


Distribution of values for QP617G
Distribution of values for QP617G

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617G How good has the school been with… Teaching children to think critically and take independent stances? character 0 1 7 8300 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… Creating good relationships between teachers and pupils


Distribution of values for QP617H
Distribution of values for QP617H

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617H How good has the school been with… Creating good relationships between teachers and pupils character 0 1 8 8300 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… Meeting the childs individual needs and interests


Distribution of values for QP617I
Distribution of values for QP617I

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617I How good has the school been with… Meeting the childs individual needs and interests character 0 1 7 8302 0 1 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… Encouraging children to take their own responsibility


Distribution of values for QP617J
Distribution of values for QP617J

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617J How good has the school been with… Encouraging children to take their own responsibility character 0 1 7 8301 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… developing your childs independence


Distribution of values for QP617K
Distribution of values for QP617K

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617K How good has the school been with… developing your childs independence character 0 1 8 8304 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… developing your childs ability to work with others


Distribution of values for QP617L
Distribution of values for QP617L

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617L How good has the school been with… developing your childs ability to work with others character 0 1 7 8301 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… developing your childs self-confidence


Distribution of values for QP617M
Distribution of values for QP617M

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617M How good has the school been with… developing your childs self-confidence character 0 1 8 8305 0 2 0 A2 6

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… Encouraging your childs will to learn?


Distribution of values for QP617N
Distribution of values for QP617N

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617N How good has the school been with… Encouraging your childs will to learn? character 0 1 7 8301 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6


How good has the school been with… providing your child with support in learning when she/he needs it


Distribution of values for QP617O
Distribution of values for QP617O

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QP617O How good has the school been with… providing your child with support in learning when she/he needs it character 0 1 7 8302 0 1 0 A2 3

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6

Questionnaire teachers



Dataset name: qt

The dataset has N=9986 rows and 77 columns. 269 rows have no missing values on any column.

Metadata for search engines
  • Date published: 2024-07-03



What class designation does the class have which selected student/students are included


Distribution of values for QT61
Distribution of values for QT61

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QT61 What class designation does the class have which selected student/students are included character 0 1 155 7173 0 34 0 A34 50


How many girls are there in the class?


Distribution of values for QT62A
Distribution of values for QT62A

7097 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT62A How many girls are there in the class? numeric 7097 0.289305 1 12 45 13.38214 6.627038 ▃▇▁▁▁ F11.0 11


How many boys are there in the class?


Distribution of values for QT62B
Distribution of values for QT62B

7097 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT62B How many boys are there in the class? numeric 7097 0.289305 1 13 92 13.62028 5.693537 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11


How many pupils in your class have a language other than Swedish as their mother tongue?


Distribution of values for QT63
Distribution of values for QT63

7122 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT63 How many pupils in your class have a language other than Swedish as their mother tongue? numeric 7122 0.2868015 0 3 49 5.988827 8.544548 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11


How many children in the class have Swedish as a second language instruction?


Distribution of values for QT64
Distribution of values for QT64

7055 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT64 How many children in the class have Swedish as a second language instruction? numeric 7055 0.2935109 0 1 39 3.23132 6.239781 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11


How would you evaluate the level of knowledge and ability in the class?


Distribution of values for QT65
Distribution of values for QT65

6952 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT65 How would you evaluate the level of knowledge and ability in the class? numeric 6952 0.3038254 1 3 34 2.791694 1.102159 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Fairly high 2
Average 3
Fairly low 4
Very low 5


How would you evaluate the class as regards differences in levels of knowledge and ability?


Distribution of values for QT66
Distribution of values for QT66

6995 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT66 How would you evaluate the class as regards differences in levels of knowledge and ability? numeric 6995 0.2995193 1 3 4 2.816115 0.7470932 ▁▆▁▇▃ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A high degree of homogeneity 1
A reasonable degree of homogeneity 2
A reasonable degree of heterogeneity 3
A high degree of heterogeneity 4


How are the inter-pupil relationships in the class?


Distribution of values for QT67
Distribution of values for QT67

7011 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT67 How are the inter-pupil relationships in the class? numeric 7011 0.2979171 1 2 23 1.970084 1.580856 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Quite poor 3
Very poor 4
No Answer 23


What percentage of 100-percent service are you doing in class?


Distribution of values for QT68
Distribution of values for QT68

7012 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT68 What percentage of 100-percent service are you doing in class? numeric 7012 0.2978169 1 80 100 74.17014 27.08767 ▁▂▃▃▇ F11.0 11


For how many years have you been teaching the class?


Distribution of values for QT69
Distribution of values for QT69

6943 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT69 For how many years have you been teaching the class? numeric 6943 0.3047266 1 2 4 1.965166 0.5440212 ▂▇▁▂▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Less than 1 year 1
1 - 3 years 2
More than 3 years 3
Occasional substitute teachers 4


Teacher gender


Distribution of values for QT610
Distribution of values for QT610

6975 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT610 Teacher gender numeric 6975 0.3015221 1 2 2 1.791764 0.4061143 ▂▁▁▁▇ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Man 1
Woman 2


In which year were you born?


Distribution of values for QT611
Distribution of values for QT611

6943 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT611 In which year were you born? numeric 6943 0.3047266 57 1976 2001 1967.68 138.6156 ▁▁▁▁▇ F11.0 11


Have you completed a teacher education program?


Distribution of values for QT612A
Distribution of values for QT612A

6943 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT612A Have you completed a teacher education program? numeric 6943 0.3047266 1 1 2 1.057838 0.2334746 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Yes 1
No 2


What year did you complete your teacher education?


Distribution of values for QT612B
Distribution of values for QT612B

7373 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT612B What year did you complete your teacher education? numeric 7373 0.2616663 -86 1995 2023 1249.625 959.2127 ▅▁▁▁▇ F11.0 11


What type of teacher education do you have?


Distribution of values for QT613
Distribution of values for QT613

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width
QT613 What type of teacher education do you have? character 0 1 31 7118 0 7 0 A7 21

Value labels

Response choices
name value
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14


What proportion of a full-time post do you have at present?


Distribution of values for QT614
Distribution of values for QT614

6945 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT614 What proportion of a full-time post do you have at present? numeric 6945 0.3045263 1 1 2 1.139428 0.3464494 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Full time 1
Part time 2


What proportion of a full-time post do you have at present? In percentage?


Distribution of values for QT614_procent
Distribution of values for QT614_procent

9350 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT614_procent What proportion of a full-time post do you have at present? In percentage? numeric 9350 0.0636892 50 80 100 86.14623 11.88378 ▁▁▇▂▆ F11.0 11


How many years have you been working as a teacher?


Distribution of values for QT615
Distribution of values for QT615

6953 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT615 How many years have you been working as a teacher? numeric 6953 0.3037252 1 5 5 4.290142 1.132786 ▁▁▁▂▇ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Less than 2 year 1
2-5 years 2
6-10 years 3
More than 10 years 4
No Answer 5


How happy are you with your working duties?


Distribution of values for QT616A
Distribution of values for QT616A

6958 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT616A How happy are you with your working duties? numeric 6958 0.3032245 1 2 4 1.561427 0.6231877 ▇▇▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5
Do not know 6


How happy are you among the pupils?


Distribution of values for QT616B
Distribution of values for QT616B

6943 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT616B How happy are you among the pupils? numeric 6943 0.3047266 1 1 5 1.414722 0.6513579 ▇▃▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5
Do not know 6


How happy are you in your working-team?


Distribution of values for QT616C
Distribution of values for QT616C

6961 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT616C How happy are you in your working-team? numeric 6961 0.3029241 1 1 24 1.631074 2.353111 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 23
Do not know 24


How happy are you with the school premises?


Distribution of values for QT616D
Distribution of values for QT616D

6944 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT616D How happy are you with the school premises? numeric 6944 0.3046265 1 2 5 2.323143 1.082179 ▅▇▂▃▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5
Do not know 6


How happy are you in your subject-team?


Distribution of values for QT616E
Distribution of values for QT616E

6972 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT616E How happy are you in your subject-team? numeric 6972 0.3018226 1 2 6 2.157598 1.565702 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5
Do not know 6


How happy are you with the school management?


Distribution of values for QT616F
Distribution of values for QT616F

6944 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT616F How happy are you with the school management? numeric 6944 0.3046265 1 2 36 2.12689 2.617638 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5
Do not know 6
Should not answer 36


How often do you experience the following in your working situation? My work is engaging


Distribution of values for QT617A
Distribution of values for QT617A

6943 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT617A How often do you experience the following in your working situation? My work is engaging numeric 6943 0.3047266 1 1 15 1.625041 1.0577 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I feel tired and overworked


Distribution of values for QT617B
Distribution of values for QT617B

6943 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT617B How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I feel tired and overworked numeric 6943 0.3047266 1 3 5 2.604338 0.9823597 ▃▆▇▃▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I have too much to do


Distribution of values for QT617C
Distribution of values for QT617C

6943 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT617C How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I have too much to do numeric 6943 0.3047266 1 2 4 2.421623 0.905469 ▃▇▁▇▂ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I feel pressured in my work


Distribution of values for QT617D
Distribution of values for QT617D

6958 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT617D How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I feel pressured in my work numeric 6958 0.3032245 1 3 5 2.818362 1.051703 ▃▃▇▅▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I gain a sense of pleasure from my work


Distribution of values for QT617E
Distribution of values for QT617E

6958 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT617E How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I gain a sense of pleasure from my work numeric 6958 0.3032245 1 2 4 1.771466 0.7546475 ▇▇▁▂▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I feel that there are shortcomings in special support teaching


Distribution of values for QT617F
Distribution of values for QT617F

6967 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT617F How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I feel that there are shortcomings in special support teaching numeric 6967 0.3023233 1 2 5 2.314011 1.074482 ▇▇▇▅▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I feel that there are shortcomings in the learning material and equipment


Distribution of values for QT617G
Distribution of values for QT617G

6965 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT617G How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I feel that there are shortcomings in the learning material and equipment numeric 6965 0.3025235 1 3 5 3.050645 1.057182 ▂▅▇▇▂ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I get support from the pupil care staff in my work


Distribution of values for QT617H
Distribution of values for QT617H

6972 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT617H How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I get support from the pupil care staff in my work numeric 6972 0.3018226 1 3 14 2.53152 0.9985894 ▇▂▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I feel that there are shortcomings in continuing education for teachers


Distribution of values for QT617I
Distribution of values for QT617I

7066 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT617I How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I feel that there are shortcomings in continuing education for teachers numeric 7066 0.2924094 1 3 34 2.966438 1.311753 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I feel that there are shortcomings when it comes to school discipline in class


Distribution of values for QT617J
Distribution of values for QT617J

6958 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT617J How often do you experience the following in your working situation? I feel that there are shortcomings when it comes to school discipline in class numeric 6958 0.3032245 1 4 5 3.418098 0.9622351 ▁▂▇▇▂ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? Regular homework and testing


Distribution of values for QT618A
Distribution of values for QT618A

6979 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT618A What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? Regular homework and testing numeric 6979 0.3011216 1 3 5 2.785833 0.9805284 ▂▇▇▆▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Quite high 2
Neither high nor low 3
Quite low 4
Very low 5


What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That the pupils get basic skills


Distribution of values for QT618B
Distribution of values for QT618B

6957 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT618B What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That the pupils get basic skills numeric 6957 0.3033247 1 1 3 1.291515 0.4861326 ▇▁▃▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Quite high 2
Neither high nor low 3
Quite low 4
Very low 5


What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils take responsibility for their own learning


Distribution of values for QT618C
Distribution of values for QT618C

6943 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT618C What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils take responsibility for their own learning numeric 6943 0.3047266 1 1 4 1.576405 0.6345793 ▇▇▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Quite high 2
Neither high nor low 3
Quite low 4
Very low 5


What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That parents take an active role in the work of the school


Distribution of values for QT618D
Distribution of values for QT618D

6982 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT618D What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That parents take an active role in the work of the school numeric 6982 0.3008211 1 2 5 2.403129 0.8896509 ▃▇▆▂▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Quite high 2
Neither high nor low 3
Quite low 4
Very low 5


What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils should be well prepared for further studies


Distribution of values for QT618E
Distribution of values for QT618E

6978 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT618E What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils should be well prepared for further studies numeric 6978 0.3012217 1 1 4 1.42387 0.5502867 ▇▅▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Quite high 2
Neither high nor low 3
Quite low 4
Very low 5


What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? Checking on knowledge gained by means of testing


Distribution of values for QT618F
Distribution of values for QT618F

6992 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT618F What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? Checking on knowledge gained by means of testing numeric 6992 0.2998197 1 2 5 2.281897 0.7789579 ▂▇▅▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Quite high 2
Neither high nor low 3
Quite low 4
Very low 5


What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils react against bullying


Distribution of values for QT618G
Distribution of values for QT618G

6963 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT618G What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils react against bullying numeric 6963 0.3027238 1 1 4 1.314588 0.5265382 ▇▃▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Quite high 2
Neither high nor low 3
Quite low 4
Very low 5


What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils should be well prepared for working life


Distribution of values for QT618H
Distribution of values for QT618H

6966 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT618H What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils should be well prepared for working life numeric 6966 0.3024234 1 2 4 1.756622 0.6982962 ▇▇▁▂▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Quite high 2
Neither high nor low 3
Quite low 4
Very low 5


What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils collaborate and help one another


Distribution of values for QT618I
Distribution of values for QT618I

6963 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT618I What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils collaborate and help one another numeric 6963 0.3027238 1 1 34 1.503473 1.316508 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Quite high 2
Neither high nor low 3
Quite low 4
Very low 5


What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? Pupil input in the planning of instruction


Distribution of values for QT618J
Distribution of values for QT618J

6963 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT618J What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? Pupil input in the planning of instruction numeric 6963 0.3027238 1 2 5 2.523983 0.8024638 ▂▇▆▂▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Quite high 2
Neither high nor low 3
Quite low 4
Very low 5


What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils gain a good sense of self-confidence


Distribution of values for QT618K
Distribution of values for QT618K

6963 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT618K What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils gain a good sense of self-confidence numeric 6963 0.3027238 1 1 4 1.366192 0.5407378 ▇▃▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Quite high 2
Neither high nor low 3
Quite low 4
Very low 5


What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils are curious and think that learning is fun


Distribution of values for QT618L
Distribution of values for QT618L

6963 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT618L What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils are curious and think that learning is fun numeric 6963 0.3027238 1 1 4 1.46874 0.6046357 ▇▅▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Quite high 2
Neither high nor low 3
Quite low 4
Very low 5


What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils who find school most difficult should get the most help


Distribution of values for QT618M
Distribution of values for QT618M

7001 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT618M What importance do you attach to the following in your work with pupils? That pupils who find school most difficult should get the most help numeric 7001 0.2989185 1 2 5 1.976884 0.7177856 ▃▇▂▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very high 1
Quite high 2
Neither high nor low 3
Quite low 4
Very low 5


Do you think that pupils should get grades in elementary school?


Distribution of values for QT619
Distribution of values for QT619

7015 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT619 Do you think that pupils should get grades in elementary school? numeric 7015 0.2975165 1 1 2 1.132279 0.3388505 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Yes 1
No 2


Do you think that pupils should get grades in elementary school? From which year?


Distribution of values for QT619_Grade
Distribution of values for QT619_Grade

7375 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT619_Grade Do you think that pupils should get grades in elementary school? From which year? numeric 7375 0.2614661 1 6 9 6.379165 1.145142 ▁▁▁▇▂ F11.0 11


How often do you feel appreciated by students?


Distribution of values for QT620A
Distribution of values for QT620A

6954 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT620A How often do you feel appreciated by students? numeric 6954 0.3036251 1 2 45 1.939644 3.120581 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you feel harassed by pupils?


Distribution of values for QT620B
Distribution of values for QT620B

6959 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT620B How often do you feel harassed by pupils? numeric 6959 0.3031244 1 5 5 4.342253 0.7822016 ▁▁▂▆▇ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you feel appreciated by colleagues?


Distribution of values for QT620C
Distribution of values for QT620C

6955 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT620C How often do you feel appreciated by colleagues? numeric 6955 0.3035249 1 2 5 1.772682 0.7226597 ▆▇▂▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you feel badly treated or undermined by colleagues?


Distribution of values for QT620D
Distribution of values for QT620D

6955 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT620D How often do you feel badly treated or undermined by colleagues? numeric 6955 0.3035249 1 5 5 4.460244 0.6848091 ▁▁▁▅▇ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you feel appreciated by the school management?


Distribution of values for QT620E
Distribution of values for QT620E

6979 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT620E How often do you feel appreciated by the school management? numeric 6979 0.3011216 1 2 5 2.199867 0.9471883 ▅▇▃▂▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you feel badly treated or undermined by school management?


Distribution of values for QT620F
Distribution of values for QT620F

6959 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT620F How often do you feel badly treated or undermined by school management? numeric 6959 0.3031244 1 5 5 4.553353 0.6917829 ▁▁▁▃▇ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How frequently does it occur in your class? That parents take an active role in the work of the school.


Distribution of values for QT621A
Distribution of values for QT621A

6954 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT621A How frequently does it occur in your class? That parents take an active role in the work of the school. numeric 6954 0.3036251 1 3 5 3.155343 0.8827377 ▁▃▇▅▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How frequently does it occur in your class? That parents express appreciation for your work.


Distribution of values for QT621B
Distribution of values for QT621B

6954 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT621B How frequently does it occur in your class? That parents express appreciation for your work. numeric 6954 0.3036251 1 3 12 2.820251 1.130402 ▇▂▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How frequently does it occur in your class? That parents has a critical point of view towards your work.


Distribution of values for QT621C
Distribution of values for QT621C

6954 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT621C How frequently does it occur in your class? That parents has a critical point of view towards your work. numeric 6954 0.3036251 1 4 5 3.753298 0.8314717 ▁▁▃▇▂ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How frequently does it occur in your class? That parents are informed about working methods.


Distribution of values for QT621D
Distribution of values for QT621D

6958 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT621D How frequently does it occur in your class? That parents are informed about working methods. numeric 6958 0.3032245 1 2 23 2.320343 1.898417 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How frequently does it occur in your class? That parents are informed about the demands that the school places on pupils.


Distribution of values for QT621E
Distribution of values for QT621E

6960 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT621E How frequently does it occur in your class? That parents are informed about the demands that the school places on pupils. numeric 6960 0.3030242 1 2 5 2.024124 0.7170276 ▃▇▃▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How frequently does it occur in your class? That parents are informed about how they can help their children at home with school work


Distribution of values for QT621F
Distribution of values for QT621F

6956 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT621F How frequently does it occur in your class? That parents are informed about how they can help their children at home with school work numeric 6956 0.3034248 1 2 4 2.108251 0.7071053 ▂▇▁▃▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very often 1
Quite often 2
Sometimes 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at stimulating pupils interest for school work?


Distribution of values for QT622A
Distribution of values for QT622A

6956 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT622A How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at stimulating pupils interest for school work? numeric 6956 0.3034248 1 2 4 1.852805 0.5415552 ▃▇▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5


How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at stimulating pupils who have difficulty to learn?


Distribution of values for QT622B
Distribution of values for QT622B

6955 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT622B How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at stimulating pupils who have difficulty to learn? numeric 6955 0.3035249 1 2 12 2.146156 0.8970529 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5


How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at working with pupils with different social/cultural backgrounds?


Distribution of values for QT622C
Distribution of values for QT622C

6972 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT622C How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at working with pupils with different social/cultural backgrounds? numeric 6972 0.3018226 1 2 4 2.020903 0.7611726 ▅▇▁▃▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5


How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at stimulating the learning of pupils with emotional difficulties?


Distribution of values for QT622D
Distribution of values for QT622D

6955 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT622D How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at stimulating the learning of pupils with emotional difficulties? numeric 6955 0.3035249 1 2 12 2.203563 0.7654679 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5


How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at making use of computers in instruction?


Distribution of values for QT622E
Distribution of values for QT622E

6954 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT622E How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at making use of computers in instruction? numeric 6954 0.3036251 1 1 5 1.645449 0.769738 ▇▆▂▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5


How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at making sure that pupils are aware of the reasons for what they learn?


Distribution of values for QT622F
Distribution of values for QT622F

6955 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT622F How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at making sure that pupils are aware of the reasons for what they learn? numeric 6955 0.3035249 1 2 12 1.771692 0.6869868 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5


How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at stimulating pupils to take responsibility for their own learning?


Distribution of values for QT622G
Distribution of values for QT622G

6954 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT622G How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at stimulating pupils to take responsibility for their own learning? numeric 6954 0.3036251 1 2 3 1.705475 0.6223563 ▆▁▇▁▂ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5


How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at stimulating pupils efforts and perseverance in school?


Distribution of values for QT622H
Distribution of values for QT622H

6955 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT622H How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at stimulating pupils efforts and perseverance in school? numeric 6955 0.3035249 1 2 4 2.029363 0.6571231 ▂▇▁▃▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5


How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at encouraging pupils to discuss things between themselves so that they learn from one another?


Distribution of values for QT622I
Distribution of values for QT622I

6954 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT622I How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at encouraging pupils to discuss things between themselves so that they learn from one another? numeric 6954 0.3036251 1 2 4 1.775066 0.689889 ▆▇▁▂▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5


How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at providing personal feedback on pupils work?


Distribution of values for QT622J
Distribution of values for QT622J

6955 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT622J How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at providing personal feedback on pupils work? numeric 6955 0.3035249 1 2 23 2.052128 1.544261 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5


How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at organising lessons so that work can take place without interruptions?


Distribution of values for QT622K
Distribution of values for QT622K

6954 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT622K How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at organising lessons so that work can take place without interruptions? numeric 6954 0.3036251 1 1 3 1.4812 0.5488143 ▇▁▆▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5


How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at maintaining constructive contacts with parents?


Distribution of values for QT622L
Distribution of values for QT622L

6954 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT622L How would you evaluate your competency as a teacher; How good are you at maintaining constructive contacts with parents? numeric 6954 0.3036251 1 2 23 1.82157 1.717078 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very good 1
Quite good 2
Either good or poor 3
Quite poor 4
Very poor 5


How is any suport/customization for pupils in the class organized? Teaching individually or in small groups alongside other lessons


Distribution of values for QT623A
Distribution of values for QT623A

6991 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT623A How is any suport/customization for pupils in the class organized? Teaching individually or in small groups alongside other lessons numeric 6991 0.2999199 1 2 123 3.390317 13.22748 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Regularly 1
Periodically 2
Occasionally 3
Never 4
Should not answer 123
Should not answer 1234


How is any suport/customization for pupils in the class organized? Teaching individually or in small groups outside of class time or when other students are working individually


Distribution of values for QT623B
Distribution of values for QT623B

6973 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT623B How is any suport/customization for pupils in the class organized? Teaching individually or in small groups outside of class time or when other students are working individually numeric 6973 0.3017224 1 3 123 2.677066 3.245836 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Regularly 1
Periodically 2
Occasionally 3
Never 4
Should not answer 123
Should not answer 1234


How is any suport/customization for pupils in the class organized? Additional resource / person in the classroom during class


Distribution of values for QT623C
Distribution of values for QT623C

6973 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT623C How is any suport/customization for pupils in the class organized? Additional resource / person in the classroom during class numeric 6973 0.3017224 1 2 1234 3.151344 31.75729 ▇▁▁▁▁ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Regularly 1
Periodically 2
Occasionally 3
Never 4
Should not answer 123
Should not answer 1234


How do you assess the need for customization/support in the class?


Distribution of values for QT624
Distribution of values for QT624

6995 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QT624 How do you assess the need for customization/support in the class? numeric 6995 0.2995193 1 2 3 1.74323 0.7018371 ▇▁▇▁▃ F11.0 11

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Much more is needed 1
Some more is needed 2
It is sufficient 3

Background and Schooladministrative variables

The school administrative information was obtained from grades 4, 5 and 6. A form is sent to the school the student attends and the school fills in information for each student included in the survey. Information is collected in 3rd grade, initially sampling entire classes, but as students move over time, the form is sent to a growing number of schools, which are requested to complete information for individual students. This is done so that the students who were included from the beginning can be followed over the years up to adulthood. The background and schooladministrative variables generally use “RS” as a prefix.



Dataset name: RS

The dataset has N=9986 rows and 216 columns. 0 rows have no missing values on any column.

Metadata for search engines
  • Date published: 2024-07-03

Codebook table

Cognitive- and standardtests

The Cognitive tests are tests containing tasks of a verbal, inductive and spatial nature. These have been given at each collection in 6th grade and began with the evaluation in 1961. Cognitive tests, including paper folding and word-based tasks, are conducted in the sixth grade to assess students’ cognitive abilities. These tests help evaluate skills such as spatial reasoning, problem-solving, vocabulary, and verbal reasoning. National tests are also included here. The data collection process for the cognitive assessments coincides with the administration of the student questionnaire in the sixth grade. The variables for cognitive- and standardtests is signified by the “TS” prefix.



Dataset name: TS

The dataset has N=9986 rows and 32 columns. 0 rows have no missing values on any column.

Metadata for search engines
  • Date published: 2024-07-03

Codebook table