

Cohort 2 were born in 1953. In the spring term of 1966, the collection of data from the project’s second cohort began and then applied to students born in 1953. The total number in the questionnaire is 10,723. As five years earlier, the majority were in 6th grade in the compulsory school system, but due of the introduction of compulsory school gradually, about 80 per cent now belonged to this school form, while only 20 per cent belonged to the older school form, the primary school.

In 6th grade, the students completed cognitive tests of an intelligence test nature, containing tasks of a verbal, inductive and spatial nature. At the same time, the students filled in a questionnaire with, among other things, questions about the school and plans.

Information about schooling, for example school form, class type, class structure, class character, year and grades are collected annually from 6th grade. As well as information about certain personal circumstances. Results from standardized knowledge tests are included. The tests are not the same as in 1961. Furthermore, it can be mentioned that partly different tests were given in compulsory school and primary school, respectively.

Information on collections and data

Collection in 6th grade

In the spring semester of 1966, the collection of data for the Individual Statistics Project’s second cohort began and then applied to students born on the 5th, 15th and 25th of any month in 1953. Due to the year class decreasing, the total number born on these days was estimated at 10,723. the majority in 6th grade in the compulsory school system, but due to the gradual introduction of compulsory school, about 80 per cent now belonged to this school form, while only 20 per cent belonged to the older school form, the primary school. The variables associated with this collection is indicated by the prefix “QS”

School and administrative data

Information collected from 6th grade and thereafter annually in compulsory school.

Information about schooling, for example school form, class type, class structure, class character, grade and grades.

Results from standardized knowledge tests. The tests are not the same as in 1961. Furthermore, it can be mentioned that partly different tests were given in compulsory school and primary school, respectively.

Annual data were collected by Statistics Sweden up to and including the academic year 1973/74. As was the case with the first cohort, this type of data is continuously declining.

Cognitive tests

The Cognitive tests are of an intelligence test nature containing information of a verbal, inductive and spatial nature. These have been given at each collection in 6th grade and began with the evaluation in 1961. The three subtests and how they were developed are described in Svensson, A. (1964).

  • Opposites: To enter the opposite of a particular keyword among four options
  • Sheet metal folding: To find out which of the four figures you get, if you fold a pictured “sheet metal piece”
  • Speech series: To supplement a series of speeches, where six numbers are given, with two more numbers

Questionnaire students

The questionnaire for students contains four parts that are reworked into scales.

  • Occupations
  • Plans
  • School
  • After school

The collection was carried out by the Department of Education.



Dataset name: kohort2_qs

The dataset has N=9927 rows and 24 columns. 0 rows have no missing values on any column.

Metadata for search engines
  • Date published: 2023-06-01



When this school year is over, which class do you expect to go to?


Distribution of values for QS66

700 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS66 When this school year is over, which class do you expect to go to? numeric 700 0.9294852 1 3 5 2.831473 0.7525475 ▁▂▇▁▁ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
Grade 6 in compulsory/primary school 1
Grade 7 in compulsory/primary school, not choosing french or german 2
Grade 7 in compulsory/primary school, choosing french or german 3
Grade 1 in junior secondary school or all-girls school 4
Another grade: 5


Are you thinking eventually of going to upper secondary school?


Distribution of values for QS67

587 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS67 Are you thinking eventually of going to upper secondary school? numeric 587 0.9408683 1 2 3 2.168094 0.8660156 ▅▁▃▁▇ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
Yes 1
No 2
Don’t know 3


What sort of education does your father have?


Distribution of values for QS68

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS68 What sort of education does your father have? numeric 0 1 0 1 4 1.303415 0.8043626 ▁▇▁▁▁ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
Primary school 1
Junior secondary school 2
Graduated or equiv. 3
Academic degree 4


What sort of education does your mother have?


Distribution of values for QS69

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS69 What sort of education does your mother have? numeric 0 1 0 1 4 1.121185 0.6280449 ▁▇▂▁▁ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
Primary school 1
Junior secondary school 2
Graduated or equiv. 3
Academic degree 4


Do you think that you will still have the same occupation as that which you previously indicated, when you are in your 30s?


Distribution of values for QS610

1173 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS610 Do you think that you will still have the same occupation as that which you previously indicated, when you are in your 30s? numeric 1173 0.8818374 1 1 2 1.316884 0.4652882 ▇▁▁▁▃ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
Yes 1
No 2


How have you found out about the profession that you etered first


Distribution of values for QS611

1750 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS611 How have you found out about the profession that you etered first numeric 1750 0.8237131 1 2 5 2.341079 1.380503 ▇▅▁▅▂ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
Through those at home 1
Through people who work in that field 2
Through teachers 3
I read about the profession 4
Other: 5


How many books do you read in your free time?


Distribution of values for QS614

623 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS614 How many books do you read in your free time? numeric 623 0.9372419 1 2 5 2.463027 1.243505 ▇▇▅▇▁ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
More than one book/week 1
One book/week 2
Less than one book/week 3
Rarely reads books 4
Never reads books 5


How many comics do you read?


Distribution of values for QS615

625 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS615 How many comics do you read? numeric 625 0.9370404 1 2 5 2.127069 1.266534 ▇▃▂▃▁ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
More than one comicbook/week 1
One comicbook/week 2
Less than one comicbook/week 3
Rarely reads comicbooks 4
Never reads comicbooks 5


How often do you go to the cinema?


Distribution of values for QS616

623 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS616 How often do you go to the cinema? numeric 623 0.9372419 1 4 5 3.51365 0.8705451 ▁▂▅▇▁ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
More than once/week 1
Once/week 2
Less than once/week 3
Rarely 4
Never 5


How often do you watch TV?


Distribution of values for QS617

685 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS617 How often do you watch TV? numeric 685 0.9309963 1 6 7 5.563731 1.424315 ▁▁▂▂▇ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
No time at all 1
Less than 1/2 hour daily 2
Almost 1/2 hour daily 3
Almost an hour every day 4
Almost 1.5 hours daily 5
Almost 2 hours daily 6
Almost 3 hours or more daily 7


How much time do you normally spend listening to music on the radio, record player or tape recorder?


Distribution of values for QS618

675 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS618 How much time do you normally spend listening to music on the radio, record player or tape recorder? numeric 675 0.9320036 1 4 6 3.892348 1.471701 ▆▆▇▃▆ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
No time at all 1
Less than 1/2 hour daily 2
Almost 1/2 hour daily 3
Almost an hour every day 4
Almost 1.5 hours daily 5
Almost 2 hours or more daily 6


How much time do you spend on average each week doing home assignments or homework?


Distribution of values for QS619

683 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS619 How much time do you spend on average each week doing home assignments or homework? numeric 683 0.9311977 1 4 7 3.81891 1.226879 ▃▇▇▃▃ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
No time at all 1
Less than 1/2 hour daily 2
Almost 1/2 hour daily 3
Almost an hour every day 4
Almost 1.5 hours daily 5
Almost 2 hours daily 6
3 hours or more daily 7


How much time do you spend on average each week doing home assignments or homework? Boys


Distribution of values for QS619B

5276 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS619B How much time do you spend on average each week doing home assignments or homework? Boys numeric 5276 0.4685202 1 3 7 3.590626 1.192319 ▃▇▇▂▂ F8.2 10

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
No time at all 1
Less than 1/2 hour daily 2
Almost 1/2 hour daily 3
Almost an hour every day 4
Almost 1.5 hours daily 5
Almost 2 hours daily 6
3 hours or more daily 7


How much time do you spend on average each week doing home assignments or homework? Girls


Distribution of values for QS619G

5334 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
QS619G How much time do you spend on average each week doing home assignments or homework? Girls numeric 5334 0.4626775 1 4 7 4.050076 1.218191 ▂▆▇▃▃ F8.2 10

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
No time at all 1
Less than 1/2 hour daily 2
Almost 1/2 hour daily 3
Almost an hour every day 4
Almost 1.5 hours daily 5
Almost 2 hours daily 6
3 hours or more daily 7


How often do you spend time with your school friends in your free time?


Distribution of values for QS620

656 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS620 How often do you spend time with your school friends in your free time? numeric 656 0.9339176 1 2 5 1.996441 1.148466 ▇▆▁▂▁ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
Everyday 1
Few times per week 2
Once per week 3
Rarely spend time with school friends 4
Never spend time with school friends 5


Who do you spend most time with?


Distribution of values for QS621

708 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS621 Who do you spend most time with? numeric 708 0.9286794 1 2 5 1.97158 1.035419 ▇▇▅▁▁ F8.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No response. 0
Mostly with boys 1
Mostly with girls 2
Mostly in a group with boys and girls 3
Mostly with adults 4
Mostly alone 5


Outdoor activities


Distribution of values for QS6SOUTDOOR

556 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS6SOUTDOOR Outdoor activities numeric 556 0.9439911 10 38 50 36.74389 7.745632 ▁▂▅▇▆ F8.0


Verbal acitivity


Distribution of values for QS6SVERBAL

556 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS6SVERBAL Verbal acitivity numeric 556 0.9439911 10 33 50 32.75264 6.786771 ▁▃▇▇▂ F8.0


Technical activities


Distribution of values for QS6STECHNICAL

556 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS6STECHNICAL Technical activities numeric 556 0.9439911 10 32 50 31.01398 10.21532 ▅▆▆▇▅ F8.0


Domestic activities


Distribution of values for QS6SDOMESTIC

556 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS6SDOMESTIC Domestic activities numeric 556 0.9439911 10 31 50 30.11098 8.43175 ▂▆▇▇▂ F8.0


Clerical activities


Distribution of values for QS6SCLERICAL

556 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS6SCLERICAL Clerical activities numeric 556 0.9439911 10 27 50 27.51083 7.028526 ▂▇▇▃▁ F8.0




Distribution of values for QS6SPUPIL1

718 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS6SPUPIL1 SCALE: FAMILY ATTITUDE TO HIGHER EDUCATION numeric 718 0.927672 0 6 10 5.697687 2.428883 ▃▆▇▇▃ F8.0




Distribution of values for QS6SPUPIL2

654 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS6SPUPIL2 SCALE: PUPIL ANXIETY FOR SCHOOL numeric 654 0.9341191 0 7 10 6.426507 2.246322 ▁▅▇▇▅ F8.0




Distribution of values for QS6SPUPIL3

656 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
QS6SPUPIL3 SCALE: PUPIL ADJUSTMENT TO SCHOOL numeric 656 0.9339176 0 6 10 5.761514 2.485073 ▃▆▇▇▅ F8.0

Background and Schooladministrative variables



Dataset name: kohort2_RS

The dataset has N=9927 rows and 171 columns. 0 rows have no missing values on any column.

Metadata for search engines
  • Date published: 2023-06-01

Codebook table

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
RSYEAR Yerar of birth numeric NA 0 1.0000000 1953 1953.0 1953 1953.0000000 0.0000000 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RSMONTH Month of birth numeric 1. January,
2. February,
3. Mars,
4. April,
5. May,
6. June,
7. July,
8. August,
9. September,
10. October,
11. November,
12. December
0 1.0000000 1 6.0 12 6.2699708 3.3815181 ▇▆▅▅▇ F8.0 NA
RSSEX Sex numeric 1. Male,
2. Female
0 1.0000000 1 1.0 2 1.4942077 0.4999916 ▇▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RMSOCECO Mothers occupation numeric 1. Wife, widowed,
2. Mister,
3. Retired,
9. Missing,
11. Landlord,
12. Farmer,
13. Inspector, agriculture,
14. Fisher, dairyman…,
20. Head teacher,
21. Teacher, elementary school,
22. Musicteacher,
23. Training teacher,
24. Teacher, special education,
30. Freelancer,
31. Priest in the swedish church,
32. Priest, bailie,
33. Lawyer, accountant,
34. Doctor, not professor,
35. Professor, lab.,
36. Principal at higher education,
37. Other principals,
38. Dentist, pharmacist,
39. Engineer,
41. Army leader/general,
42. Company officer/military,
51. Director/military,
52. Wholesale merchant,
61. Businessman, merchant,
62. Hotelowner,
63. Artisan, craftsman,
64. Manufacturer,
71. State official, no academic degree,
72. Civil servant, private sector,
73. Seacaptain,
74. Freelancer, no academic degree,
75. Priest of the Free Church,
76. Engineer, chemist,
77. Non-commissioned officer,
78. Nurse,
81. Janitor,
82. Union representative, no academic degree,
83. Civil servant, receptionist,
84. Head of company,
85. Conductor, postoffice clerk,
90. Employed, restaurant,
93. Policeofficer,
94. Craftsman, employed,
95. Worker, not agriculture,
96. Farmer, foreman,
97. Worker, agriculturalist,
98. Driver, gardener,
99. Assistant
9 0.9990934 1 9.0 99 24.7165759 36.1174910 ▇▁▁▁▂ F8.0 NA
RFSOCECO Fathers occupation numeric 1. Widowed,
2. Mister,
3. Retired,
9. Missing,
11. Landlord,
12. Farmer,
13. Inspector, agriculture,
14. Fisher, dairyman…,
20. Head teacher,
21. Teacher, elementary school,
22. Musicteacher,
23. Training teacher/övningslärare,
24. Teacher, special education,
30. Freelancer,
31. Priest in the swedish church,
32. Priest, bailie,
33. Lawyer, accountant,
34. Doctor, not professor,
35. Professor, lab.,
36. Principal at higher education,
37. Other principals,
38. Dentist, pharmacist,
39. Engineer,
41. Army leader/general,
42. Company officer/military,
51. Director/military,
52. Wholesale merchant,
61. Businessman, merchant,
62. Hotelowner,
63. Artisan, craftsman,
64. Manufacturer,
71. State official, no academic degree,
72. Civil servant, private sector,
73. Seacaptain,
74. Freelancer, no academic degree,
75. Priest of the Free Church,
76. Engineer, chemist,
77. Non-commissioned officer,
78. Nurse,
81. Janitor,
82. Union representative, no academic degree,
83. Civil servant, receptionist,
84. Head of company,
85. Conductor, postoffice clerk,
90. Employed, restaurant,
93. Policeofficer,
94. Craftsman, employed,
95. Worker, not agriculture,
96. Farmer, foreman,
97. Worker, agriculturalist,
98. Driver, gardener,
99. Assistant
0 1.0000000 3 85.0 99 71.9634331 30.4668982 ▂▁▁▂▇ F8.0 NA
RS6MUN Municipal vt66 numeric 103. ,
104. ,
114. ,
117. ,
121. ,
122. ,
123. ,
125. ,
136. ,
138. ,
160. ,
162. ,
163. ,
180. Stockholm City,
181. ,
182. ,
184. ,
186. ,
202. Väddö STHLM,
203. Haverö STHLM,
204. Knutby STHLM,
205. Almunge STHLM,
206. Sjuhundra STHLM,
207. Lyhundra STHLM,
208. Frötuna STHLM,
209. Blidö STHLM,
211. Knivsta STHLM,
213. Märsta STHLM,
214. Upplands Väsby STHLM,
215. Vallentuna STHLM,
216. Össeby STHLM,
217. Österåker STHLM,
219. Djurö STHLM,
221. Gustavsberg STHLM,
222. Boo STHLM,
223. Järfälla STHLM,
224. Färingsö STHLM,
225. Ekerö STHLM,
226. Huddinge STHLM,
227. Botkyrka STHLM,
228. Salem STHLM,
229. Grödinge STHLM,
230. Östertälje STHLM,
231. Turinge STHLM,
232. Järna STHLM,
233. Sorunda STHLM,
234. Ösmo STHLM,
235. Västerhaninge STHLM,
236. Österhaninge STHLM,
238. Tyresö STHLM,
260. Täby STHLM,
261. Stocksund STHLM,
262. Danderyd STHLM,
263. Sollentuna STHLM,
264. Saltsjöbaden STHLM,
280. Nynäshamn STHLM,
281. Södertälje STHLM,
282. Nacka STHLM,
283. Sundbyberg STHLM,
284. Solna STHLM,
285. Djursholm STHLM,
286. Lidingö STHLM,
287. Vaxholm STHLM,
288. Norrtälje STHLM,
289. Östhammar STHLM,
291. Sigtuna STHLM,
301. Åsunda UPPS,
302. Södra Trögd UPPS,
303. Norra Trögd UPPS,
304. Uppalnds Bro UPPS,
305. Håbo UPPS,
306. Lagunda UPPS,
307. Södra Hagunda UPPS,
308. Norra Hagunda UPPS,
309. Bälinge UPPS,
310. Vaksala UPPS,
311. Rasbo UPPS,
312. Oland UPPS,
313. Dannemora UPPS,
314. Vattholma UPPS,
315. Björklinge UPPS,
316. Vendel UPPS,
317. Tierpsbygden UPPS,
318. Söderfors UPPS,
319. Älvkarleby UPPS,
320. Västland UPPS,
322. Hållnäs UPPS,
360. Tierp UPPS,
380. Uppsala UPPS,
381. Enköping UPPS,
401. Tunaberg SÖDML,
402. Jönåker SÖDML,
403. Björkvik SÖDML,
404. Stigtomta SÖDML,
405. Rönö SÖDML,
406. Svärta SÖDML,
407. Tystberga SÖDML,
408. Vagnhärad SÖDML,
409. Hölö SÖDML,
411. Daga SÖDML,
412. Åker SÖDML,
413. Enhörna SÖDML,
416. Vårfruberga SÖDML,
417. Kafjärden SÖDML,
418. Hällby SÖDML,
419. Västra Rekarne SÖDML,
421. Ärla SÖDML,
422. Mellösa SÖDML,
424. Bettna SÖDML,
425. Sköldinge SÖDML,
426. Floda SÖDML,
427. Stora Malm SÖDML,
428. Västra VIngåker SÖDML,
429. Julita SÖDML,
460. Malmköping SÖDML,
461. Gnesta SÖDML,
480. Nyköping SÖDML,
481. Oxelösund SÖDML,
483. Katrineholm SÖDML,
484. Eskilstuna SÖDML,
485. Torshälla SÖDML,
486. Strängnäs SÖDML,
487. Mariefred SÖDML,
488. Trosa SÖDML,
501. Godegård ÖSTGL,
503. Borensberg ÖSTGL,
504. Boberg ÖSTGL,
505. Aska ÖSTGL,
506. Östgöta Dal ÖSTGL,
507. Folkunga ÖSTGL,
508. Alvastra ÖSTGL,
509. Ödeshög ÖSTGL,
511. Vifolka ÖSTGL,
512. Yder ÖSTGL,
513. Västra Kinda ÖSTGL,
514. Södra Kinda ÖSTGL,
515. Norra Kinda ÖSTGL,
518. Landeryd ÖSTGL,
519. Vårdnäs ÖSTGL,
520. Södra Valkebo ÖSTGL,
521. Norra Valkebo ÖSTGL,
522. Kärna ÖSTGL,
523. Vreta Kloster ÖSTGL,
524. Åkerbo ÖSTGL,
525. Norsholm ÖSTGL,
526. Skärblacka ÖSTGL,
527. Hällestad ÖSTGL,
528. Hävla ÖSTGL,
529. Kvillinge ÖSTGL,
530. Kolmården ÖSTGL,
531. Vikbolandet ÖSTGL,
532. Östra Vikbolandet ÖSTGL,
533. Stegeborg ÖSTGL,
534. Aspveden ÖSTGL,
535. Ringarum ÖSTGL,
536. Gryt ÖSTGL,
560. Boxholm ÖSTGL,
561. Åtvidaberg ÖSTGL,
562. Finspång ÖSTGL,
563. Valdemarsvik ÖSTGL,
580. Linköping ÖSTGL,
581. Norrköping ÖSTGL,
582. Söderköping ÖSTGL,
583. Motala ÖSTGL,
584. Vadstena ÖSTGL,
585. Skänninge ÖSTGL,
586. Mjölby ÖSTGL,
601. Ingatorp JÖNK,
602. Höreda JÖNK,
603. Solberga JÖNK,
604. Bredestad JÖNK,
605. Hyllarud JÖNK,
606. Linderås JÖNK,
608. Skärstad JÖNK,
609. Lekeryd JÖNK,
610. Hakarp JÖNK,
611. Tenhult JÖNK,
612. Forserum JÖNK,
613. Månsarp JÖNK,
614. Bankeryd JÖNK,
615. Norra Mo JÖNK,
616. Södra Mo JÖNK,
617. Gnosjö JÖNK,
619. Villstad JÖNK,
620. Burseryd JÖNK,
621. Hylte JÖNK,
622. Unnaryd JÖNK,
623. Reftele JÖNK,
624. Bredaryd JÖNK,
625. Forsheda JÖNK,
626. Bor JÖNK,
627. Rydaholm JÖNK,
628. Klevshult JÖNK,
630. Vrigstad JÖNK,
631. Malmbäck JÖNK,
632. Norra Sandsjö JÖNK,
633. Hjälmseryd JÖNK,
634. Bäckaby JÖNK,
635. Korsberga JÖNK,
636. Nye JÖNK,
637. Alseda JÖNK,
638. Vetlanda JÖNK,
639. Björkö JÖNK,
660. Mariannelund JÖNK,
661. Norrahammar JÖNK,
662. Gislaved JÖNK,
663. Skillingaryd JÖNK,
664. Bodafors JÖNK,
665. Vaggeryd JÖNK,
666. Anderstorp JÖNK,
680. Jönköping JÖNK,
681. Huskvarna JÖNK,
682. Nässjö JÖNK,
683. Värnamo JÖNK,
684. Sävsjö JÖNK,
685. Vetlanda-Bäckaby JÖNK,
686. Eksjö JÖNK,
687. Tranås JÖNK,
688. Gränna JÖNK,
701. Åseda KRONB,
702. Nottebäck KRONB,
703. Braås KRONB,
705. Älghult KRONB,
707. Ekeberga KRONB,
708. Algutsboda KRONB,
709. Älmeboda KRONB,
710. Ljuder KRONB,
711. Östra Torsås KRONB,
712. Linneryd KRONB,
713. Södra Sandsjö KRONB,
714. Väckelsång KRONB,
715. Urshult KRONB,
717. Mellersta Kinnevald KRONB,
718. Bergunga KRONB,
719. Rottne KRONB,
720. Lammhult KRONB,
721. Moheda KRONB,
723. Vislanda KRONB,
724. Skatelöv KRONB,
725. Västra Torsås KRONB,
727. Stenbrohult KRONB,
728. Ryssby KRONB,
729. Hamneda KRONB,
730. Berga KRONB,
731. Annerstad KRONB,
732. Lidhult KRONB,
733. Göteryd KRONB,
760. Uppvidinge KRONB,
761. Lessebo KRONB,
762. Hovmantorp KRONB,
763. Tingsryd KRONB,
764. Alvesta KRONB,
765. Älmhult KRONB,
766. Traryd KRONB,
767. Markaryd KRONB,
768. Lenhovda KRONB,
769. Ryd KRONB,
780. Växjö KRONB,
781. Ljungby KRONB,
801. Uknadalen KALMAR,
802. Överum KALMAR,
803. Tjust-Ed KALMAR,
804. Loftahmmar KALMAR,
805. Gamleby KALMAR,
806. Hallingeberg KALMAR,
807. Gladhammar KALMAR,
808. Hjorted KALMAR,
809. Locknevi KALMAR,
810. Södra Vi KALMAR,
811. Sevede KALMAR,
812. Tuna KALMAR,
813. Misterhult KALMAR,
814. Kristdala KALMAR,
815. Vena KALMAR,
816. Lönneberga KALMAR,
817. Målilla KALMAR,
819. Mörlunda KALMAR,
820. Fagerhult KALMAR,
821. Högsby KALMAR,
822. Fliseryd KALMAR,
823. Döderhult KALMAR,
824. Ålem KALMAR,
825. Alsterbro KALMAR,
826. Ryssby KALMAR,
827. Läckeby KALMAR,
828. Dörby KALMAR,
829. Ljungbyholm KALMAR,
830. Södermöre KALMAR,
831. Mortorp KALMAR,
832. Madesjö KALMAR,
833. Vissefjärda KALMAR,
834. Torsås KALMAR,
835. Söderåkra KALMAR,
836. Ölands Åkerbo KALMAR,
837. Köpingsvik KALMAR,
838. Gärdslösa KALMAR,
839. Torslunda KALMAR,
840. Mörbylånga KALMAR,
841. Ottenby KALMAR,
860. Hultsfred KALMAR,
861. Mönsterås KALMAR,
862. Emmaboda KALMAR,
863. Virserum KALMAR,
880. Kalmar KALMAR,
881. Nybro KALMAR,
883. Västervik KALMAR,
884. Vimmerby KALMAR,
885. Borgholm KALMAR,
901. Fårösund GOTL,
902. Lärbro GOTL,
903. Tingstäde GOTL,
904. Dalhem GOTL,
905. Romakloster GOTL,
906. Stenkumla GOTL,
907. Klintehamn GOTL,
908. Ljugarn GOTL,
909. Stånga GOTL,
910. Hemse GOTL,
911. Havdhem GOTL,
912. Hoburg GOTL,
960. Slite GOTL,
980. Gotland-Visby GOTL,
1001. Jämjö BLEK,
1002. Sturkö BLEK,
1003. Ramdala BLEK,
1004. Lyckeby BLEK,
1005. Rödeby BLEK,
1006. Fridlevstad BLEK,
1007. Nättraby BLEK,
1008. Hasslö BLEK,
1009. Listerby BLEK,
1010. Tving BLEK,
1011. Ronneby BLEK,
1012. Hallabro BLEK,
1013. Bräkne-Hoby BLEK,
1014. Hällaryd BLEK,
1015. Asarum BLEK,
1016. Kyrkhult BLEK,
1017. Jämshög BLEK,
1018. Mörrum BLEK,
1019. Gammalstorp BLEK,
1020. Mjällby BLEK,
1060. Olofström BLEK,
1080. Karlskrona BLEK,
1081. Ronneby-Kallinge BLEK,
1082. Karlshamn BLEK,
1083. Sölvesborg BLEK,
1101. Tommarp KRIST,
1102. Hammenhög KRIST,
1103. Borrby KRIST,
1104. Löderup KRIST,
1105. Glemmingebro KRIST,
1106. Onslunda KRIST,
1107. Smedstorp KRIST,
1108. Kivik KRIST,
1109. Brösarp KRIST,
1110. Degeberga KRIST,
1111. Everöd KRIST,
1112. Tollarp KRIST,
1113. Träne KRIST,
1114. Vä KRIST,
1115. Fjälkinge KRIST,
1116. Nosaby KRIST,
1117. Ivetofta KRIST,
1118. Näsum KRIST,
1119. Oppmanna och Vånga KRIST,
1120. Hjärsås KRIST,
1121. Knislinge KRIST,
1122. Araslöv KRIST,
1123. Broby KRIST,
1124. Glimåkra KRIST,
1125. Örkened KRIST,
1126. Loshult KRIST,
1127. Osby KRIST,
1128. Hästveda KRIST,
1129. Vittsjö KRIST,
1130. Bjärnum KRIST,
1131. Stoby KRIST,
1133. Sösdala KRIST,
1134. Tyringe KRIST,
1135. Riseberga KRIST,
1136. Skånes Fagerhult KRIST,
1137. Örkelljunga KRIST,
1138. Munka-Ljungby KRIST,
1139. Östra Ljungby KRIST,
1140. Kvidinge KRIST,
1141. Ausås KRIST,
1142. Barkåkra KRIST,
1143. Hjärnarp KRIST,
1144. Förslövholm KRIST,
1145. Västra Bjäre KRIST,
1160. Tomelilla KRIST,
1161. Åhus KRIST,
1162. Bromölla KRIST,
1163. Osby-Örkened KRIST,
1164. Vinslövs köping KRIST,
1165. Perstorp KRIST,
1166. Klippan KRIST,
1167. Åstorp KRIST,
1168. Båstad KRIST,
1180. Kristianstad KRIST,
1181. Simrishamn KRIST,
1182. Ängelholm KRIST,
1183. Hässleholm KRIST,
1201. Brunnby MALMH,
1202. Väsby MALMH,
1203. Jonstorp MALMH,
1204. Kattarp MALMH,
1205. Ödåkra MALMH,
1206. Mörarp MALMH,
1207. Billesholm MALMH,
1208. Kågeröd MALMH,
1209. Ekeby MALMH,
1210. Vallåkra MALMH,
1212. Härslöv MALMH,
1213. Rönneberga MALMH,
1214. Svalöv MALMH,
1215. Teckomatorp MALMH,
1216. Marieholm MALMH,
1217. Röstånga MALMH,
1218. Bosarp MALMH,
1219. Harrie MALMH,
1220. Dösjebro MALMH,
1221. Löddeköpinge MALMH,
1224. Torn MALMH,
1225. Södra Sandby MALMH,
1226. Dalby MALMH,
1227. Genarp MALMH,
1228. Veberöd MALMH,
1229. Bara MALMH,
1230. Staffanstorp MALMH,
1231. Burlöv MALMH,
1232. Bunkeflo MALMH,
1233. Vellinge MALMH,
1234. Räng MALMH,
1235. Skegrie MALMH,
1236. Månstorp MALMH,
1237. Oxie MALMH,
1239. Gislöv MALMH,
1240. Klagstorp MALMH,
1241. Anderslöv MALMH,
1242. Vemmenhög MALMH,
1243. Rydsgård MALMH,
1244. Ljunits MALMH,
1245. Herrestad MALMH,
1247. Östra Färs MALMH,
1248. Vollsjö MALMH,
1249. Bjärsjölagård MALMH,
1250. Långaröd MALMH,
1251. Östra Frosta MALMH,
1252. Löberöd MALMH,
1253. Skarhult MALMH,
1254. Snogeröd MALMH,
1255. Norra Frosta MALMH,
1260. Bjuv MALMH,
1261. Kävlinge MALMH,
1262. Lomma MALMH,
1263. Svedala MALMH,
1264. Skurup MALMH,
1265. Sjöbo MALMH,
1266. Hörby MALMH,
1267. Höör MALMH,
1280. Malmö MALMH,
1281. Lund MALMH,
1282. Landskrona MALMH,
1283. Helsingborg/Hälsingborg MALMH,
1284. Höganäs MALMH,
1285. Eslöv MALMH,
1286. Ystad MALMH,
1287. Trelleborg MALMH,
1288. Skanör med Falsterbo MALMH,
1301. Hishult HALL,
1302. Våxtorp HALL,
1303. Karup HALL,
1304. Ränneslöv HALL,
1305. Knäred HALL,
1306. Laholm HALL,
1308. Eldsberga HALL,
1309. Simlångsdalen HALL,
1310. Söndrum HALL,
1311. Harplinge HALL,
1312. Getinge HALL,
1313. Kvibille HALL,
1315. Torup HALL,
1316. Årstad HALL,
1317. Morup HALL,
1318. Vinberg HALL,
1319. Vessigebro HALL,
1320. Ätran HALL,
1321. Ullared HALL,
1322. Himledalen HALL,
1323. Tvååker HALL,
1324. Träslöv HALL,
1325. Lindberga HALL,
1326. Veddige HALL,
1327. Värö HALL,
1328. Löftadalen HALL,
1329. Fjärås HALL,
1330. Onsala HALL,
1331. Särö HALL,
1332. Tölö HALL,
1333. Lindome HALL,
1360. Oskarström HALL,
1380. Halmstad HALL,
1381. Laholm/Våxholm HALL,
1382. Falkenberg HALL,
1383. Varberg HALL,
1384. Kungsbacka HALL,
1402. Partille GBG/BO,
1403. Råda GBG/BO,
1404. Kållered GBG/BO,
1405. Askim GBG/BO,
1406. Styrsö GBG/BO,
1407. Öckerö GBG/BO,
1408. Torslanda GBG/BO,
1409. Tuve GBG/BO,
1410. Säve GBG/BO,
1411. Hermansby GBG/BO,
1412. Ytterby GBG/BO,
1413. Romelanda GBG/BO,
1414. Kode GBG/BO,
1415. Stenungsund GBG/BO,
1416. Inlands Torpe GBG/BO,
1417. Ljungskile GBG/BO,
1418. Forshälla GBG/BO,
1419. Tjörn GBG/BO,
1420. Morlanda GBG/BO,
1421. Tegneby GBG/BO,
1422. Myckleby GBG/BO,
1423. Skaftö GBG/BO,
1424. Skredsvik GBG/BO,
1426. Smögen GBG/BO,
1427. Södra Sotenäs GBG/BO,
1428. Tossene GBG/BO,
1429. Stångenäs GBG/BO,
1430. Munkedal GBG/BO,
1431. Svarteborg GBG/BO,
1432. Sörbygden GBG/BO,
1433. Bullaren GBG/BO,
1434. Kville GBG/BO,
1435. Tanum GBG/BO,
1436. Tjärnö GBG/BO,
1437. Vette GBG/BO,
1480. Göteborg GBG/BO,
1481. Mölndal GBG/BO,
1482. Kungälv GBG/BO,
1484. Lysekil GBG/BO,
1485. Uddevalla GBG/BO,
1486. Strömstad GBG/BO,
1489. Finns ej GBG/BO,
1501. Tössbo ÄLVSB,
1502. Lelång ÄLVSB,
1503. Steneby ÄLVSB,
1504. Dals-Ed ÄLVSB,
1505. Bräckefors ÄLVSB,
1506. Högsäter ÄLVSB,
1507. Färgelanda ÄLVSB,
1509. Kroppefjäll ÄLVSB,
1510. Skållerud ÄLVSB,
1511. Bolstad ÄLVSB,
1512. Brålanda ÄLVSB,
1513. Frändefors ÄLVSB,
1514. Västra Tunhem ÄLVSB,
1515. Södra Väne ÄLVSB,
1516. Bjärke ÄLVSB,
1517. Flundre ÄLVSB,
1518. Lödöse ÄLVSB,
1519. Skepplanda ÄLVSB,
1520. Starrkärr ÄLVSB,
1521. Nödinge ÄLVSB,
1522. Angered ÄLVSB,
1523. Stora Lundby ÄLVSB,
1524. Lerum ÄLVSB,
1525. Skallsjö ÄLVSB,
1526. Hemsjö ÄLVSB,
1527. Vårgårda ÄLVSB,
1529. Gäsene ÄLVSB,
1530. Hökerum ÄLVSB,
1531. Toarp ÄLVSB,
1532. Brämhult ÄLVSB,
1533. Fristad ÄLVSB,
1534. Sandhult ÄLVSB,
1535. Bollebygd ÄLVSB,
1536. Björketorp ÄLVSB,
1537. Sätila ÄLVSB,
1538. Seglora ÄLVSB,
1540. Fritsla ÄLVSB,
1541. Örby ÄLVSB,
1542. Västra Mark ÄLVSB,
1543. Horred ÄLVSB,
1544. Kungsäter ÄLVSB,
1545. Svansjö ÄLVSB,
1546. Högvad ÄLVSB,
1547. Kindaholm ÄLVSB,
1549. Lysjö ÄLVSB,
1550. Länghem ÄLVSB,
1551. Södra Åsarp/gamla Limmared ÄLVSB,
1552. Tranemo ÄLVSB,
1553. Dalstorp ÄLVSB,
1554. Åsunden ÄLVSB,
1555. Redväg ÄLVSB,
1560. Bengtsfors ÄLVSB,
1561. Mellerud ÄLVSB,
1562. Lilla Edet ÄLVSB,
1563. Kinna ÄLVSB,
1564. Skene ÄLVSB,
1565. Svenljunga ÄLVSB,
1566. Herrljunga ÄLVSB,
1580. Vänersborg ÄLVSB,
1581. Trollhättan ÄLVSB,
1582. Alingsås ÄLVSB,
1583. Borås ÄLVSB,
1584. Ulricehamn ÄLVSB,
1585. Åmål ÄLVSB,
1601. Tun SKARAB,
1602. Grästorp SKARAB,
1603. Essunga SKARAB,
1604. Vedum SKARAB,
1605. Larv SKARAB,
1606. Ryda SKARAB,
1607. Levene SKARAB,
1608. Järpås SKARAB,
1609. Örslösa SKARAB,
1610. Norra Kålland SKARAB,
1611. Kållands-Råda SKARAB,
1612. Vinninga SKARAB,
1613. Husaby SKARAB,
1614. Kinnekulle SKARAB,
1615. Valle SKARAB,
1616. Ardala SKARAB,
1617. Saleby SKARAB,
1618. Kvänum SKARAB,
1619. Vilske SKARAB,
1620. Frökind SKARAB,
1621. Vartofta SKARAB,
1622. Mullsjö SKARAB,
1623. Habo SKARAB,
1624. Fågelås SKARAB,
1625. Hökensås SKARAB,
1626. Fröjered SKARAB,
1627. Dimbo SKARAB,
1628. Stenstorp SKARAB,
1629. Gudhem SKARAB,
1630. Skultorp SKARAB,
1631. Värsås SKARAB,
1632. Binneberg SKARAB,
1633. Timmersdala SKARAB,
1634. Tidan SKARAB,
1635. Moholm SKARAB,
1636. Mölltorp SKARAB,
1637. Karlsborg SKARAB,
1638. Undenäs SKARAB,
1639. Ullervad SKARAB,
1640. Lugnås SKARAB,
1641. Hasslerör SKARAB,
1642. Lyrestad SKARAB,
1643. Amnehärad SKARAB,
1644. Hova SKARAB,
1645. Tiveden SKARAB,
1660. Vara SKARAB,
1661. Götene SKARAB,
1662. Tibro SKARAB,
1663. Töreboda SKARAB,
1680. Mariestad SKARAB,
1681. Lidköping SKARAB,
1682. Skara SKARAB,
1683. Skövde SKARAB,
1684. Hjo SKARAB,
1685. Tidaholm SKARAB,
1686. Falköping SKARAB,
1701. Visnum VÄRML,
1702. Väse VÄRML,
1703. Östra Fågelvik VÄRML,
1704. Ullvättern VÄRML,
1705. Kroppa VÄRML,
1706. Värmlandsberg VÄRML,
1707. Rämmen VÄRML,
1708. Finnskoga-Dalby VÄRML,
1709. Norra Ny VÄRML,
1710. Ekshärad VÄRML,
1711. Gustav Adolf VÄRML,
1712. Norra Råda VÄRML,
1713. Nyed VÄRML,
1714. Ullerud VÄRML,
1715. Stora Kil VÄRML,
1716. Grava VÄRML,
1717. Frykerud VÄRML,
1718. Nor VÄRML,
1719. Ed VÄRML,
1720. Värmlandsnäs VÄRML,
1721. Gillberga VÄRML,
1722. Svanskog VÄRML,
1723. Stavnäs VÄRML,
1724. Glava VÄRML,
1726. Holmedal VÄRML,
1727. Töcksmark VÄRML,
1728. Järnskog VÄRML,
1729. Köla VÄRML,
1730. Eda VÄRML,
1731. Gunnarskog VÄRML,
1732. Älgå VÄRML,
1733. Brunskog VÄRML,
1734. Gräsmark VÄRML,
1736. Lysvik VÄRML,
1737. Fryksände VÄRML,
1738. Östmark VÄRML,
1739. Vitsand VÄRML,
1760. Storfors VÄRML,
1761. Hammarö VÄRML,
1762. Munkfors VÄRML,
1763. Forshaga VÄRML,
1764. Grums VÄRML,
1765. Årjäng VÄRML,
1766. Sunne VÄRML,
1780. Karlstad VÄRML,
1781. Kristinehamn VÄRML,
1782. Filipstad VÄRML,
1783. Hagfors VÄRML,
1784. Arvika VÄRML,
1785. Säffle VÄRML,
1801. Mosjö ÖREB,
1802. Tysslinge ÖREB,
1803. Axberg ÖREB,
1804. Glanshammar ÖREB,
1805. Asker ÖREB,
1806. Stora Mellösa ÖREB,
1807. Ekerby och Gällersta ÖREB,
1808. Sköllersta ÖREB,
1809. Lerbäck ÖREB,
1810. Hammar ÖREB,
1811. Viby ÖREB,
1813. Kumla ÖREB,
1814. Lekeberg ÖREB,
1815. Svartå ÖREB,
1817. Noraskog ÖREB,
1818. Linde ÖREB,
1820. Fellingsbro ÖREB,
1821. Ramsberg ÖREB,
1860. Laxå ÖREB,
1861. Hallsberg ÖREB,
1863. Hällefors ÖREB,
1864. Kopparberg ÖREB,
1865. Frövi ÖREB,
1880. Örebro ÖREB,
1881. Kumla/Ekeby ÖREB,
1882. Askersund ÖREB,
1883. Karlskoga ÖREB,
1884. Nora ÖREB,
1885. Lindesberg ÖREB,
1902. Medåker VÄSTML,
1903. Kolsva VÄSTML,
1904. Skinnskatteborg VÄSTML,
1905. Munktorp VÄSTML,
1906. Kolbäck VÄSTML,
1907. Sura VÄSTML,
1908. Ramnäs VÄSTML,
1910. Västerfärnebo VÄSTML,
1911. Skultuna VÄSTML,
1912. Dingtuna VÄSTML,
1913. Kungsåra VÄSTML,
1914. Tillberga VÄSTML,
1915. Fjärdhundra VÄSTML,
1916. Vittinga VÄSTML,
1917. Västerlövsta VÄSTML,
1918. Tärna VÄSTML,
1919. Möklinta VÄSTML,
1920. Nora VÄSTML,
1921. Östervåla VÄSTML,
1960. Kungsör VÄSTML,
1961. Hallstahammar VÄSTML,
1962. Norberg VÄSTML,
1980. Västerås VÄSTML,
1981. Sala VÄSTML,
1982. Fagersta VÄSTML,
1983. Köping VÄSTML,
1984. Arboga VÄSTML,
2001. By KOPPAR,
2002. Folkärna KOPPAR,
2003. Grytnäs KOPPAR,
2004. Hedemora KOPPAR,
2005. Husby KOPPAR,
2006. Stora Tuna KOPPAR,
2007. Vika KOPPAR,
2008. Sundborn KOPPAR,
2009. Stora Kopparberg KOPPAR,
2010. Svärdsjö KOPPAR,
2011. Enviken KOPPAR,
2012. Stora Tuna KOPPAR,
2013. Gustafs KOPPAR,
2014. Söderbärke KOPPAR,
2015. Norrbärke KOPPAR,
2016. Ludvika KOPPAR,
2017. Grangärde KOPPAR,
2018. Säfsnäs KOPPAR,
2019. Nås KOPPAR,
2020. Floda KOPPAR,
2021. Järna KOPPAR,
2023. Malunga KOPPAR,
2024. Lima KOPPAR,
2025. Transtrand KOPPAR,
2026. Gagnef KOPPAR,
2027. Ål KOPPAR,
2028. Bjursås KOPPAR,
2029. Leksand KOPPAR,
2031. Rättvik KOPPAR,
2032. Boda KOPPAR,
2033. Ore KOPPAR,
2034. Orsa KOPPAR,
2035. Vämhus KOPPAR,
2037. Sollerön KOPPAR,
2039. Älvdalen KOPPAR,
2040. Särna KOPPAR,
2041. Idre KOPPAR,
2060. Krylbo KOPPAR,
2061. Smedjebacken KOPPAR,
2062. Morastrand KOPPAR,
2080. Falun KOPPAR,
2081. Borlänge KOPPAR,
2082. Säter KOPPAR,
2083. Hedemora/Husby KOPPAR,
2084. Avesta KOPPAR,
2085. Ludvika/Grangärde KOPPAR,
2101. Ockelbo GÄVLEB,
2102. Järbo GÄVLEB,
2103. Ovansjö GÄVLEB,
2104. Hofors GÄVLEB,
2105. Torsåker GÄVLEB,
2107. Österfärnebo GÄVLEB,
2108. Hedesunda GÄVLEB,
2109. Valbo GÄVLEB,
2110. Hille GÄVLEB,
2111. Harmånger GÄVLEB,
2112. Skog GÄVLEB,
2113. Söderala GÄVLEB,
2114. Rengsjö GÄVLEB,
2115. Norrala GÄVLEB,
2116. Enånger GÄVLEB,
2117. Njutånger GÄVLEB,
2118. Hanebo GÄVLEB,
2120. Alfta GÄVLEB,
2121. Ovanåker GÄVLEB,
2122. Los GÄVLEB,
2123. Färila-Kårböla GÄVLEB,
2124. Ramsjö GÄVLEB,
2125. Ljusdal GÄVLEB,
2126. Järvsö GÄVLEB,
2127. Arbrå GÄVLEB,
2128. Delsbo GÄVLEB,
2129. Bjuråker GÄVLEB,
2130. Forsa GÄVLEB,
2131. Hälsingtuna GÄVLEB,
2132. Nordanstig GÄVLEB,
2133. Gnarp GÄVLEB,
2134. Bergsjö GÄVLEB,
2135. Hassela GÄVLEB,
2160. Storvik GÄVLEB,
2161. Ljusdal/Los GÄVLEB,
2180. Gävle GÄVLEB,
2181. Sandviken GÄVLEB,
2182. Söderhamn GÄVLEB,
2183. Bollnäs GÄVLEB,
2184. Hudiksvall GÄVLEB,
2201. Haverö VÄSTRN,
2202. Borgsjö VÄSTRN,
2203. Torp VÄSTRN,
2204. Stöde VÄSTRN,
2205. Selånger VÄSTRN,
2206. Tuna VÄSTRN,
2207. Attmar VÄSTRN,
2208. Njurunda VÄSTRN,
2209. Alnö VÄSTRN,
2210. Indals-Liden VÄSTRN,
2211. Hässjö VÄSTRN,
2212. Säbrå VÄSTRN,
2213. Högsjö VÄSTRN,
2214. Noraström VÄSTRN,
2215. Nordingrå VÄSTRN,
2216. Ullånger VÄSTRN,
2217. Bjärtrå VÄSTRN,
2218. Boteå VÄSTRN,
2219. Ytterlännäs VÄSTRN,
2220. Långsele VÄSTRN,
2222. Helgum VÄSTRN,
2223. Ramsele VÄSTRN,
2224. Ådals-Liden VÄSTRN,
2225. Junsele VÄSTRN,
2227. Tåsjö VÄSTRN,
2228. Anundsjö VÄSTRN,
2229. Nätra VÄSTRN,
2230. Mo VÄSTRN,
2231. Själevad VÄSTRN,
2232. Arnäs VÄSTRN,
2233. Grundsunda VÄSTRN,
2234. Gideå VÄSTRN,
2235. Björna VÄSTRN,
2236. Trehörningsjö VÄSTRN,
2260. Ånge VÄSTRN,
2261. Skön VÄSTRN,
2262. Timrå VÄSTRN,
2280. Härnösand VÄSTRN,
2281. Sundsvall VÄSTRN,
2282. Kramfors VÄSTRN,
2283. Sollefteå VÄSTRN,
2284. Örnsköldsvik VÄSTRN,
2301. Fors JÄMTL,
2302. Kälarne JÄMTL,
2303. Ragunda JÄMTL,
2304. Stugun JÄMTL,
2305. Bräcke JÄMTL,
2306. Revsund JÄMTL,
2307. Hackås JÄMTL,
2308. Brunflo JÄMTL,
2309. Krokom/Rödön JÄMTL,
2310. Lit JÄMTL,
2311. Häggenås JÄMTL,
2312. Hammerdal JÄMTL,
2313. Ström JÄMTL,
2314. Frostviken JÄMTL,
2316. Föllinge JÄMTL,
2317. Offerdal JÄMTL,
2318. Alsen JÄMTL,
2319. Mörsil JÄMTL,
2321. Åre JÄMTL,
2322. Undersåker JÄMTL,
2323. Hallen JÄMTL,
2324. Oviken JÄMTL,
2325. Övre Ljungadalen JÄMTL,
2326. Berg JÄMTL,
2328. Hede JÄMTL,
2329. Tännäs JÄMTL,
2331. Hogdal JÄMTL,
2360. Frösö JÄMTL,
2361. Sveg JÄMTL,
2380. Östersund JÄMTL,
2401. Nordmaling VÄSTBT,
2402. Hörnefors VÄSTBT,
2403. Bjurholm VÄSTBT,
2404. Degerfors/Vindeln VÄSTBT,
2405. Vännäs VÄSTBT,
2406. Umeå VÄSTBT,
2407. Sävar VÄSTBT,
2409. Bygdeå VÄSTBT,
2410. Nysätra VÄSTBT,
2411. Lövånger VÄSTBT,
2412. Burträsk VÄSTBT,
2413. Bureå VÄSTBT,
2414. Skellefteå VÄSTBT,
2415. Byske VÄSTBT,
2416. Jörn VÄSTBT,
2417. Norsjö VÄSTBT,
2418. Malå VÄSTBT,
2419. Örträsk VÄSTBT,
2420. Lycksele VÄSTBT,
2421. Stensele/Storuman VÄSTBT,
2422. Sorsele VÄSTBT,
2423. Tärna VÄSTBT,
2424. Vilhelmina VÄSTBT,
2425. Dorotea VÄSTBT,
2427. Fredrika VÄSTBT,
2460. Vännäs/Bjurholm VÄSTBT,
2461. Holmsund VÄSTBT,
2462. Vilhelmina VÄSTBT,
2463. Åsele VÄSTBT,
2480. Umeå VÄSTBT,
2481. Lycksele VÄSTBT,
2482. Skellefteå/Bureå VÄSTBT,
2501. Hortlax NORRBT,
2502. Piteå NORRBT,
2503. Norrfjärden NORRBT,
2504. Älvsbyn NORRBT,
2505. Arvidsjaur NORRBT,
2506. Arjeplog NORRBT,
2507. Nederluleå NORRBT,
2508. Överluleå NORRBT,
2509. Edefors NORRBT,
2510. Jokkmokk NORRBT,
2511. Råneå NORRBT,
2512. Töre NORRBT,
2513. Överkalix NORRBT,
2514. Kalix/Nederkalix NORRBT,
2515. Nedertorneå NORRBT,
2516. Karl Gustav NORRBT,
2517. Hietaniemi NORRBT,
2518. Övertorneå NORRBT,
2519. Korpilombolo NORRBT,
2520. Tärendö NORRBT,
2521. Pajala NORRBT,
2522. Junosuando NORRBT,
2523. Gällivare NORRBT,
2524. Karesuando NORRBT,
2560. Älvsbyn NORRBT,
2580. Luleå NORRBT,
2581. Piteå NORRBT,
2582. Boden NORRBT,
2583. Haparanda NORRBT,
2584. Kiruna NORRBT
0 1.0000000 103 1283.0 2584 1256.2948524 738.2744932 ▇▃▇▅▅ F8.0 NA
RS6SCHT School type vt66 numeric 1100. Primary school normal class,
1888. reform school,
2000. elementary school, upper secondary prepairing track,
2010. elementary school, technical line,
2020. elementary school, humanities line,
2030. elementary school, business line,
2040. elementary school, social- economical line,
2050. elementary school, general- economical line,
2060. elementary school, technical - practical line,
2070. elementary school, business- domestic line,
2088. elementary school, unknown line,
2099. elementary school, no line,
2200. unit or elementary school, upper secondary prepairing line,
2300. secondary school, real schule, general line,
2310. secondary school, real schule, technical track,
2320. secondary school, real schule, business track,
2330. secondary school, real schule, domestic track,
2388. secondary school, real schule, unknown track,
2888. special school, unknown track,
3000. training school social, linguistic track,
3001. training school social, science track,
3002. training school social, social science track,
3009. training school social, without track,
3100. school for girls, general track,
3110. school for girls, humanistic track,
4000. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4001. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4002. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4003. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4008. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4009. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4010. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4011. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4018. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4029. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, scie,
4099. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
9999. ???,
33730. training school economic, economical- linguistic version,
33731. training school economic, cameral version,
33732. training school economic, distributive version,
33733. training school economic, administrative version,
33739. training school economic, not specified version,
34710. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cameral version,
34711. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34712. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34713. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, economical- linguistic version,
34718. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, general version,
34719. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, no version,
34799. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, business education not specified,
43700. training school technical track, mechanical engineering version,
43710. training school technical track, electrical engineering version,
43720. training school technical track, telecommunication version,
43730. training school technical track, house construction engineering version,
43740. training school technical track, construction engineering version,
43750. training school technical track, chemical engineering version,
43799. training school technical track, version not specified,
44709. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering version,
44710. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electric power technology,
44711. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum telecommunication technology,
44719. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electrical engineering version,
44721. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, house construction engineering,
44722. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, road and water engineering,
44729. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering version,
44749. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering version,
44750. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, measurement technology version,
63303. upper secondary school psychiatric care,
63309. upper secondary school unspecified psychiatric care,
65299. social pedagogical education,
73199. agricultural education,
73399. forestry education,
93400. vocational school
0 1.0000000 1100 2099.0 2099 1920.2728921 382.9096127 ▂▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS6CLT Class type vt66 numeric 0. A EN ÐRSKURS GRUNDSKOLA,
58 0.9941573 0 0.0 4 0.1747897 0.4638850 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS6CLASS Class character vt66 numeric 0. Elementary school, standard class,
1. Comprehensive scool, standard class,
2. Elementary school, supportive class,
3. Comprehensive scool, supportive class,
4. Elementary school, special class (other),
5. Comprehensive scool, special class (other),
6. School for special needs or homeschooling,
7. Elementary school, voluntary class,
8. Comprehensive school, voluntary class,
9. Other
64 0.9935529 0 0.0 5 0.2826726 0.6343053 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS6SCHY Year of grade vt66 numeric 4. ÚVERÐRIGA TVÐ ÐR,
4 0.9995971 4 6.0 10 5.9737982 0.3536870 ▁▇▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS6NGNS Number of subjects vt66 numeric NA 329 0.9668581 1 5.0 10 5.3979996 0.8818762 ▁▁▇▂▁ F8.0 NA
RS6GS Grading system vt66 numeric 0. SIFFERBETYG,
5 0.9994963 0 0.0 1 0.1720419 0.3774359 ▇▁▁▁▂ F8.0 NA
RS6NGSW Grade: Swedish vt66 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
335 0.9662537 1 3.0 6 3.2180984 0.9557916 ▅▇▆▂▁ F8.0 13
RS6NGEN Grade: English vt66 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
345 0.9652463 1 3.0 6 3.1549781 1.0269745 ▆▇▆▂▁ F8.0 NA
RS6NGGM Grade: German vt66 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9866 0.0061449 1 3.0 5 3.2459016 0.9773389 ▁▅▇▇▂ F8.0 NA
RS6NGFR Grade: French vt66 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9896 0.0031228 1 4.0 5 3.4516129 1.0905262 ▂▂▇▇▃ F8.0 NA
RS6NGMA Grade: Mathematic vt66 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
336 0.9661529 1 3.0 6 3.1666145 1.0351361 ▆▇▆▂▁ F8.0 12
RS6NGPH Grade: Physics vt66 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9842 0.0085625 1 3.0 5 3.4117647 1.1264580 ▁▅▇▅▅ F8.0 NA
RS6NGLT Grade: Latin vt66 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9926 0.0001007 2 2.0 2 2.0000000 NA ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS6NGNP Number of practical subjects vt66 numeric NA 330 0.9667573 1 4.0 7 4.0374075 0.2864835 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS6CHAS Pupils choice in all subjects vt66 numeric 1. German,
2. French,
3. Ger/Swe, Ger/Math, Ger/swe/math,
4. Fre/Swe, Fre/Math, Fre/swe/math,
5. German/ typewriting,
6. French/Typewriting,
7. Handicraft/swe, handicraft/Math, Handicraft/swe/math,
8. Handicraft
2799 0.7180417 1 2.0 8 3.0852974 2.2956129 ▇▂▂▁▂ F8.0 NA
RS6CHP Pupils choice in practical subjects vt66 numeric 1. Music,
2. Textile,
3. Carpentry,
4. Drawing,
5. Music and handicraft,
6. Music and drawing,
7. Handicraft and drawing
3056 0.6921527 1 3.0 3 2.4124582 0.6868587 ▂▁▆▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS6CHE Pupils choice in english vt66 numeric 1. General course,
2. Special course
3019 0.6958799 1 2.0 2 1.6504053 0.4768765 ▅▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS6CHM Pupils choice in mathematic vt66 numeric 3. General course,
4. Special course
3033 0.6944696 3 4.0 4 3.5929794 0.4913144 ▆▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS7SCHYEAR Year 66/67 numeric NA 46 0.9953662 67 67.0 67 67.0000000 0.0000000 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS7MUN Municipal vt67 numeric 103. ,
104. ,
114. ,
117. ,
121. ,
122. ,
123. ,
125. ,
136. ,
138. ,
160. ,
162. ,
163. ,
180. Stockholm City,
181. ,
182. ,
184. ,
186. ,
202. Väddö STHLM,
203. Haverö STHLM,
204. Knutby STHLM,
205. Almunge STHLM,
206. Sjuhundra STHLM,
207. Lyhundra STHLM,
208. Frötuna STHLM,
209. Blidö STHLM,
211. Knivsta STHLM,
213. Märsta STHLM,
214. Upplands Väsby STHLM,
215. Vallentuna STHLM,
216. Össeby STHLM,
217. Österåker STHLM,
219. Djurö STHLM,
221. Gustavsberg STHLM,
222. Boo STHLM,
223. Järfälla STHLM,
224. Färingsö STHLM,
225. Ekerö STHLM,
226. Huddinge STHLM,
227. Botkyrka STHLM,
228. Salem STHLM,
229. Grödinge STHLM,
230. Östertälje STHLM,
231. Turinge STHLM,
232. Järna STHLM,
233. Sorunda STHLM,
234. Ösmo STHLM,
235. Västerhaninge STHLM,
236. Österhaninge STHLM,
238. Tyresö STHLM,
260. Täby STHLM,
261. Stocksund STHLM,
262. Danderyd STHLM,
263. Sollentuna STHLM,
264. Saltsjöbaden STHLM,
280. Nynäshamn STHLM,
281. Södertälje STHLM,
282. Nacka STHLM,
283. Sundbyberg STHLM,
284. Solna STHLM,
285. Djursholm STHLM,
286. Lidingö STHLM,
287. Vaxholm STHLM,
288. Norrtälje STHLM,
289. Östhammar STHLM,
291. Sigtuna STHLM,
301. Åsunda UPPS,
302. Södra Trögd UPPS,
303. Norra Trögd UPPS,
304. Uppalnds Bro UPPS,
305. Håbo UPPS,
306. Lagunda UPPS,
307. Södra Hagunda UPPS,
308. Norra Hagunda UPPS,
309. Bälinge UPPS,
310. Vaksala UPPS,
311. Rasbo UPPS,
312. Oland UPPS,
313. Dannemora UPPS,
314. Vattholma UPPS,
315. Björklinge UPPS,
316. Vendel UPPS,
317. Tierpsbygden UPPS,
318. Söderfors UPPS,
319. Älvkarleby UPPS,
320. Västland UPPS,
322. Hållnäs UPPS,
360. Tierp UPPS,
380. Uppsala UPPS,
381. Enköping UPPS,
401. Tunaberg SÖDML,
402. Jönåker SÖDML,
403. Björkvik SÖDML,
404. Stigtomta SÖDML,
405. Rönö SÖDML,
406. Svärta SÖDML,
407. Tystberga SÖDML,
408. Vagnhärad SÖDML,
409. Hölö SÖDML,
411. Daga SÖDML,
412. Åker SÖDML,
413. Enhörna SÖDML,
416. Vårfruberga SÖDML,
417. Kafjärden SÖDML,
418. Hällby SÖDML,
419. Västra Rekarne SÖDML,
421. Ärla SÖDML,
422. Mellösa SÖDML,
424. Bettna SÖDML,
425. Sköldinge SÖDML,
426. Floda SÖDML,
427. Stora Malm SÖDML,
428. Västra VIngåker SÖDML,
429. Julita SÖDML,
460. Malmköping SÖDML,
461. Gnesta SÖDML,
480. Nyköping SÖDML,
481. Oxelösund SÖDML,
483. Katrineholm SÖDML,
484. Eskilstuna SÖDML,
485. Torshälla SÖDML,
486. Strängnäs SÖDML,
487. Mariefred SÖDML,
488. Trosa SÖDML,
501. Godegård ÖSTGL,
503. Borensberg ÖSTGL,
504. Boberg ÖSTGL,
505. Aska ÖSTGL,
506. Östgöta Dal ÖSTGL,
507. Folkunga ÖSTGL,
508. Alvastra ÖSTGL,
509. Ödeshög ÖSTGL,
511. Vifolka ÖSTGL,
512. Yder ÖSTGL,
513. Västra Kinda ÖSTGL,
514. Södra Kinda ÖSTGL,
515. Norra Kinda ÖSTGL,
518. Landeryd ÖSTGL,
519. Vårdnäs ÖSTGL,
520. Södra Valkebo ÖSTGL,
521. Norra Valkebo ÖSTGL,
522. Kärna ÖSTGL,
523. Vreta Kloster ÖSTGL,
524. Åkerbo ÖSTGL,
525. Norsholm ÖSTGL,
526. Skärblacka ÖSTGL,
527. Hällestad ÖSTGL,
528. Hävla ÖSTGL,
529. Kvillinge ÖSTGL,
530. Kolmården ÖSTGL,
531. Vikbolandet ÖSTGL,
532. Östra Vikbolandet ÖSTGL,
533. Stegeborg ÖSTGL,
534. Aspveden ÖSTGL,
535. Ringarum ÖSTGL,
536. Gryt ÖSTGL,
560. Boxholm ÖSTGL,
561. Åtvidaberg ÖSTGL,
562. Finspång ÖSTGL,
563. Valdemarsvik ÖSTGL,
580. Linköping ÖSTGL,
581. Norrköping ÖSTGL,
582. Söderköping ÖSTGL,
583. Motala ÖSTGL,
584. Vadstena ÖSTGL,
585. Skänninge ÖSTGL,
586. Mjölby ÖSTGL,
601. Ingatorp JÖNK,
602. Höreda JÖNK,
603. Solberga JÖNK,
604. Bredestad JÖNK,
605. Hyllarud JÖNK,
606. Linderås JÖNK,
608. Skärstad JÖNK,
609. Lekeryd JÖNK,
610. Hakarp JÖNK,
611. Tenhult JÖNK,
612. Forserum JÖNK,
613. Månsarp JÖNK,
614. Bankeryd JÖNK,
615. Norra Mo JÖNK,
616. Södra Mo JÖNK,
617. Gnosjö JÖNK,
619. Villstad JÖNK,
620. Burseryd JÖNK,
621. Hylte JÖNK,
622. Unnaryd JÖNK,
623. Reftele JÖNK,
624. Bredaryd JÖNK,
625. Forsheda JÖNK,
626. Bor JÖNK,
627. Rydaholm JÖNK,
628. Klevshult JÖNK,
630. Vrigstad JÖNK,
631. Malmbäck JÖNK,
632. Norra Sandsjö JÖNK,
633. Hjälmseryd JÖNK,
634. Bäckaby JÖNK,
635. Korsberga JÖNK,
636. Nye JÖNK,
637. Alseda JÖNK,
638. Vetlanda JÖNK,
639. Björkö JÖNK,
660. Mariannelund JÖNK,
661. Norrahammar JÖNK,
662. Gislaved JÖNK,
663. Skillingaryd JÖNK,
664. Bodafors JÖNK,
665. Vaggeryd JÖNK,
666. Anderstorp JÖNK,
680. Jönköping JÖNK,
681. Huskvarna JÖNK,
682. Nässjö JÖNK,
683. Värnamo JÖNK,
684. Sävsjö JÖNK,
685. Vetlanda-Bäckaby JÖNK,
686. Eksjö JÖNK,
687. Tranås JÖNK,
688. Gränna JÖNK,
701. Åseda KRONB,
702. Nottebäck KRONB,
703. Braås KRONB,
705. Älghult KRONB,
707. Ekeberga KRONB,
708. Algutsboda KRONB,
709. Älmeboda KRONB,
710. Ljuder KRONB,
711. Östra Torsås KRONB,
712. Linneryd KRONB,
713. Södra Sandsjö KRONB,
714. Väckelsång KRONB,
715. Urshult KRONB,
717. Mellersta Kinnevald KRONB,
718. Bergunga KRONB,
719. Rottne KRONB,
720. Lammhult KRONB,
721. Moheda KRONB,
723. Vislanda KRONB,
724. Skatelöv KRONB,
725. Västra Torsås KRONB,
727. Stenbrohult KRONB,
728. Ryssby KRONB,
729. Hamneda KRONB,
730. Berga KRONB,
731. Annerstad KRONB,
732. Lidhult KRONB,
733. Göteryd KRONB,
760. Uppvidinge KRONB,
761. Lessebo KRONB,
762. Hovmantorp KRONB,
763. Tingsryd KRONB,
764. Alvesta KRONB,
765. Älmhult KRONB,
766. Traryd KRONB,
767. Markaryd KRONB,
768. Lenhovda KRONB,
769. Ryd KRONB,
780. Växjö KRONB,
781. Ljungby KRONB,
801. Uknadalen KALMAR,
802. Överum KALMAR,
803. Tjust-Ed KALMAR,
804. Loftahmmar KALMAR,
805. Gamleby KALMAR,
806. Hallingeberg KALMAR,
807. Gladhammar KALMAR,
808. Hjorted KALMAR,
809. Locknevi KALMAR,
810. Södra Vi KALMAR,
811. Sevede KALMAR,
812. Tuna KALMAR,
813. Misterhult KALMAR,
814. Kristdala KALMAR,
815. Vena KALMAR,
816. Lönneberga KALMAR,
817. Målilla KALMAR,
819. Mörlunda KALMAR,
820. Fagerhult KALMAR,
821. Högsby KALMAR,
822. Fliseryd KALMAR,
823. Döderhult KALMAR,
824. Ålem KALMAR,
825. Alsterbro KALMAR,
826. Ryssby KALMAR,
827. Läckeby KALMAR,
828. Dörby KALMAR,
829. Ljungbyholm KALMAR,
830. Södermöre KALMAR,
831. Mortorp KALMAR,
832. Madesjö KALMAR,
833. Vissefjärda KALMAR,
834. Torsås KALMAR,
835. Söderåkra KALMAR,
836. Ölands Åkerbo KALMAR,
837. Köpingsvik KALMAR,
838. Gärdslösa KALMAR,
839. Torslunda KALMAR,
840. Mörbylånga KALMAR,
841. Ottenby KALMAR,
860. Hultsfred KALMAR,
861. Mönsterås KALMAR,
862. Emmaboda KALMAR,
863. Virserum KALMAR,
880. Kalmar KALMAR,
881. Nybro KALMAR,
883. Västervik KALMAR,
884. Vimmerby KALMAR,
885. Borgholm KALMAR,
901. Fårösund GOTL,
902. Lärbro GOTL,
903. Tingstäde GOTL,
904. Dalhem GOTL,
905. Romakloster GOTL,
906. Stenkumla GOTL,
907. Klintehamn GOTL,
908. Ljugarn GOTL,
909. Stånga GOTL,
910. Hemse GOTL,
911. Havdhem GOTL,
912. Hoburg GOTL,
960. Slite GOTL,
980. Gotland-Visby GOTL,
1001. Jämjö BLEK,
1002. Sturkö BLEK,
1003. Ramdala BLEK,
1004. Lyckeby BLEK,
1005. Rödeby BLEK,
1006. Fridlevstad BLEK,
1007. Nättraby BLEK,
1008. Hasslö BLEK,
1009. Listerby BLEK,
1010. Tving BLEK,
1011. Ronneby BLEK,
1012. Hallabro BLEK,
1013. Bräkne-Hoby BLEK,
1014. Hällaryd BLEK,
1015. Asarum BLEK,
1016. Kyrkhult BLEK,
1017. Jämshög BLEK,
1018. Mörrum BLEK,
1019. Gammalstorp BLEK,
1020. Mjällby BLEK,
1060. Olofström BLEK,
1080. Karlskrona BLEK,
1081. Ronneby-Kallinge BLEK,
1082. Karlshamn BLEK,
1083. Sölvesborg BLEK,
1101. Tommarp KRIST,
1102. Hammenhög KRIST,
1103. Borrby KRIST,
1104. Löderup KRIST,
1105. Glemmingebro KRIST,
1106. Onslunda KRIST,
1107. Smedstorp KRIST,
1108. Kivik KRIST,
1109. Brösarp KRIST,
1110. Degeberga KRIST,
1111. Everöd KRIST,
1112. Tollarp KRIST,
1113. Träne KRIST,
1114. Vä KRIST,
1115. Fjälkinge KRIST,
1116. Nosaby KRIST,
1117. Ivetofta KRIST,
1118. Näsum KRIST,
1119. Oppmanna och Vånga KRIST,
1120. Hjärsås KRIST,
1121. Knislinge KRIST,
1122. Araslöv KRIST,
1123. Broby KRIST,
1124. Glimåkra KRIST,
1125. Örkened KRIST,
1126. Loshult KRIST,
1127. Osby KRIST,
1128. Hästveda KRIST,
1129. Vittsjö KRIST,
1130. Bjärnum KRIST,
1131. Stoby KRIST,
1133. Sösdala KRIST,
1134. Tyringe KRIST,
1135. Riseberga KRIST,
1136. Skånes Fagerhult KRIST,
1137. Örkelljunga KRIST,
1138. Munka-Ljungby KRIST,
1139. Östra Ljungby KRIST,
1140. Kvidinge KRIST,
1141. Ausås KRIST,
1142. Barkåkra KRIST,
1143. Hjärnarp KRIST,
1144. Förslövholm KRIST,
1145. Västra Bjäre KRIST,
1160. Tomelilla KRIST,
1161. Åhus KRIST,
1162. Bromölla KRIST,
1163. Osby-Örkened KRIST,
1164. Vinslövs köping KRIST,
1165. Perstorp KRIST,
1166. Klippan KRIST,
1167. Åstorp KRIST,
1168. Båstad KRIST,
1180. Kristianstad KRIST,
1181. Simrishamn KRIST,
1182. Ängelholm KRIST,
1183. Hässleholm KRIST,
1201. Brunnby MALMH,
1202. Väsby MALMH,
1203. Jonstorp MALMH,
1204. Kattarp MALMH,
1205. Ödåkra MALMH,
1206. Mörarp MALMH,
1207. Billesholm MALMH,
1208. Kågeröd MALMH,
1209. Ekeby MALMH,
1210. Vallåkra MALMH,
1212. Härslöv MALMH,
1213. Rönneberga MALMH,
1214. Svalöv MALMH,
1215. Teckomatorp MALMH,
1216. Marieholm MALMH,
1217. Röstånga MALMH,
1218. Bosarp MALMH,
1219. Harrie MALMH,
1220. Dösjebro MALMH,
1221. Löddeköpinge MALMH,
1224. Torn MALMH,
1225. Södra Sandby MALMH,
1226. Dalby MALMH,
1227. Genarp MALMH,
1228. Veberöd MALMH,
1229. Bara MALMH,
1230. Staffanstorp MALMH,
1231. Burlöv MALMH,
1232. Bunkeflo MALMH,
1233. Vellinge MALMH,
1234. Räng MALMH,
1235. Skegrie MALMH,
1236. Månstorp MALMH,
1237. Oxie MALMH,
1239. Gislöv MALMH,
1240. Klagstorp MALMH,
1241. Anderslöv MALMH,
1242. Vemmenhög MALMH,
1243. Rydsgård MALMH,
1244. Ljunits MALMH,
1245. Herrestad MALMH,
1247. Östra Färs MALMH,
1248. Vollsjö MALMH,
1249. Bjärsjölagård MALMH,
1250. Långaröd MALMH,
1251. Östra Frosta MALMH,
1252. Löberöd MALMH,
1253. Skarhult MALMH,
1254. Snogeröd MALMH,
1255. Norra Frosta MALMH,
1260. Bjuv MALMH,
1261. Kävlinge MALMH,
1262. Lomma MALMH,
1263. Svedala MALMH,
1264. Skurup MALMH,
1265. Sjöbo MALMH,
1266. Hörby MALMH,
1267. Höör MALMH,
1280. Malmö MALMH,
1281. Lund MALMH,
1282. Landskrona MALMH,
1283. Helsingborg/Hälsingborg MALMH,
1284. Höganäs MALMH,
1285. Eslöv MALMH,
1286. Ystad MALMH,
1287. Trelleborg MALMH,
1288. Skanör med Falsterbo MALMH,
1301. Hishult HALL,
1302. Våxtorp HALL,
1303. Karup HALL,
1304. Ränneslöv HALL,
1305. Knäred HALL,
1306. Laholm HALL,
1308. Eldsberga HALL,
1309. Simlångsdalen HALL,
1310. Söndrum HALL,
1311. Harplinge HALL,
1312. Getinge HALL,
1313. Kvibille HALL,
1315. Torup HALL,
1316. Årstad HALL,
1317. Morup HALL,
1318. Vinberg HALL,
1319. Vessigebro HALL,
1320. Ätran HALL,
1321. Ullared HALL,
1322. Himledalen HALL,
1323. Tvååker HALL,
1324. Träslöv HALL,
1325. Lindberga HALL,
1326. Veddige HALL,
1327. Värö HALL,
1328. Löftadalen HALL,
1329. Fjärås HALL,
1330. Onsala HALL,
1331. Särö HALL,
1332. Tölö HALL,
1333. Lindome HALL,
1360. Oskarström HALL,
1380. Halmstad HALL,
1381. Laholm/Våxholm HALL,
1382. Falkenberg HALL,
1383. Varberg HALL,
1384. Kungsbacka HALL,
1402. Partille GBG/BO,
1403. Råda GBG/BO,
1404. Kållered GBG/BO,
1405. Askim GBG/BO,
1406. Styrsö GBG/BO,
1407. Öckerö GBG/BO,
1408. Torslanda GBG/BO,
1409. Tuve GBG/BO,
1410. Säve GBG/BO,
1411. Hermansby GBG/BO,
1412. Ytterby GBG/BO,
1413. Romelanda GBG/BO,
1414. Kode GBG/BO,
1415. Stenungsund GBG/BO,
1416. Inlands Torpe GBG/BO,
1417. Ljungskile GBG/BO,
1418. Forshälla GBG/BO,
1419. Tjörn GBG/BO,
1420. Morlanda GBG/BO,
1421. Tegneby GBG/BO,
1422. Myckleby GBG/BO,
1423. Skaftö GBG/BO,
1424. Skredsvik GBG/BO,
1426. Smögen GBG/BO,
1427. Södra Sotenäs GBG/BO,
1428. Tossene GBG/BO,
1429. Stångenäs GBG/BO,
1430. Munkedal GBG/BO,
1431. Svarteborg GBG/BO,
1432. Sörbygden GBG/BO,
1433. Bullaren GBG/BO,
1434. Kville GBG/BO,
1435. Tanum GBG/BO,
1436. Tjärnö GBG/BO,
1437. Vette GBG/BO,
1480. Göteborg GBG/BO,
1481. Mölndal GBG/BO,
1482. Kungälv GBG/BO,
1484. Lysekil GBG/BO,
1485. Uddevalla GBG/BO,
1486. Strömstad GBG/BO,
1489. Finns ej GBG/BO,
1501. Tössbo ÄLVSB,
1502. Lelång ÄLVSB,
1503. Steneby ÄLVSB,
1504. Dals-Ed ÄLVSB,
1505. Bräckefors ÄLVSB,
1506. Högsäter ÄLVSB,
1507. Färgelanda ÄLVSB,
1509. Kroppefjäll ÄLVSB,
1510. Skållerud ÄLVSB,
1511. Bolstad ÄLVSB,
1512. Brålanda ÄLVSB,
1513. Frändefors ÄLVSB,
1514. Västra Tunhem ÄLVSB,
1515. Södra Väne ÄLVSB,
1516. Bjärke ÄLVSB,
1517. Flundre ÄLVSB,
1518. Lödöse ÄLVSB,
1519. Skepplanda ÄLVSB,
1520. Starrkärr ÄLVSB,
1521. Nödinge ÄLVSB,
1522. Angered ÄLVSB,
1523. Stora Lundby ÄLVSB,
1524. Lerum ÄLVSB,
1525. Skallsjö ÄLVSB,
1526. Hemsjö ÄLVSB,
1527. Vårgårda ÄLVSB,
1529. Gäsene ÄLVSB,
1530. Hökerum ÄLVSB,
1531. Toarp ÄLVSB,
1532. Brämhult ÄLVSB,
1533. Fristad ÄLVSB,
1534. Sandhult ÄLVSB,
1535. Bollebygd ÄLVSB,
1536. Björketorp ÄLVSB,
1537. Sätila ÄLVSB,
1538. Seglora ÄLVSB,
1540. Fritsla ÄLVSB,
1541. Örby ÄLVSB,
1542. Västra Mark ÄLVSB,
1543. Horred ÄLVSB,
1544. Kungsäter ÄLVSB,
1545. Svansjö ÄLVSB,
1546. Högvad ÄLVSB,
1547. Kindaholm ÄLVSB,
1549. Lysjö ÄLVSB,
1550. Länghem ÄLVSB,
1551. Södra Åsarp/gamla Limmared ÄLVSB,
1552. Tranemo ÄLVSB,
1553. Dalstorp ÄLVSB,
1554. Åsunden ÄLVSB,
1555. Redväg ÄLVSB,
1560. Bengtsfors ÄLVSB,
1561. Mellerud ÄLVSB,
1562. Lilla Edet ÄLVSB,
1563. Kinna ÄLVSB,
1564. Skene ÄLVSB,
1565. Svenljunga ÄLVSB,
1566. Herrljunga ÄLVSB,
1580. Vänersborg ÄLVSB,
1581. Trollhättan ÄLVSB,
1582. Alingsås ÄLVSB,
1583. Borås ÄLVSB,
1584. Ulricehamn ÄLVSB,
1585. Åmål ÄLVSB,
1601. Tun SKARAB,
1602. Grästorp SKARAB,
1603. Essunga SKARAB,
1604. Vedum SKARAB,
1605. Larv SKARAB,
1606. Ryda SKARAB,
1607. Levene SKARAB,
1608. Järpås SKARAB,
1609. Örslösa SKARAB,
1610. Norra Kålland SKARAB,
1611. Kållands-Råda SKARAB,
1612. Vinninga SKARAB,
1613. Husaby SKARAB,
1614. Kinnekulle SKARAB,
1615. Valle SKARAB,
1616. Ardala SKARAB,
1617. Saleby SKARAB,
1618. Kvänum SKARAB,
1619. Vilske SKARAB,
1620. Frökind SKARAB,
1621. Vartofta SKARAB,
1622. Mullsjö SKARAB,
1623. Habo SKARAB,
1624. Fågelås SKARAB,
1625. Hökensås SKARAB,
1626. Fröjered SKARAB,
1627. Dimbo SKARAB,
1628. Stenstorp SKARAB,
1629. Gudhem SKARAB,
1630. Skultorp SKARAB,
1631. Värsås SKARAB,
1632. Binneberg SKARAB,
1633. Timmersdala SKARAB,
1634. Tidan SKARAB,
1635. Moholm SKARAB,
1636. Mölltorp SKARAB,
1637. Karlsborg SKARAB,
1638. Undenäs SKARAB,
1639. Ullervad SKARAB,
1640. Lugnås SKARAB,
1641. Hasslerör SKARAB,
1642. Lyrestad SKARAB,
1643. Amnehärad SKARAB,
1644. Hova SKARAB,
1645. Tiveden SKARAB,
1660. Vara SKARAB,
1661. Götene SKARAB,
1662. Tibro SKARAB,
1663. Töreboda SKARAB,
1680. Mariestad SKARAB,
1681. Lidköping SKARAB,
1682. Skara SKARAB,
1683. Skövde SKARAB,
1684. Hjo SKARAB,
1685. Tidaholm SKARAB,
1686. Falköping SKARAB,
1701. Visnum VÄRML,
1702. Väse VÄRML,
1703. Östra Fågelvik VÄRML,
1704. Ullvättern VÄRML,
1705. Kroppa VÄRML,
1706. Värmlandsberg VÄRML,
1707. Rämmen VÄRML,
1708. Finnskoga-Dalby VÄRML,
1709. Norra Ny VÄRML,
1710. Ekshärad VÄRML,
1711. Gustav Adolf VÄRML,
1712. Norra Råda VÄRML,
1713. Nyed VÄRML,
1714. Ullerud VÄRML,
1715. Stora Kil VÄRML,
1716. Grava VÄRML,
1717. Frykerud VÄRML,
1718. Nor VÄRML,
1719. Ed VÄRML,
1720. Värmlandsnäs VÄRML,
1721. Gillberga VÄRML,
1722. Svanskog VÄRML,
1723. Stavnäs VÄRML,
1724. Glava VÄRML,
1726. Holmedal VÄRML,
1727. Töcksmark VÄRML,
1728. Järnskog VÄRML,
1729. Köla VÄRML,
1730. Eda VÄRML,
1731. Gunnarskog VÄRML,
1732. Älgå VÄRML,
1733. Brunskog VÄRML,
1734. Gräsmark VÄRML,
1736. Lysvik VÄRML,
1737. Fryksände VÄRML,
1738. Östmark VÄRML,
1739. Vitsand VÄRML,
1760. Storfors VÄRML,
1761. Hammarö VÄRML,
1762. Munkfors VÄRML,
1763. Forshaga VÄRML,
1764. Grums VÄRML,
1765. Årjäng VÄRML,
1766. Sunne VÄRML,
1780. Karlstad VÄRML,
1781. Kristinehamn VÄRML,
1782. Filipstad VÄRML,
1783. Hagfors VÄRML,
1784. Arvika VÄRML,
1785. Säffle VÄRML,
1801. Mosjö ÖREB,
1802. Tysslinge ÖREB,
1803. Axberg ÖREB,
1804. Glanshammar ÖREB,
1805. Asker ÖREB,
1806. Stora Mellösa ÖREB,
1807. Ekerby och Gällersta ÖREB,
1808. Sköllersta ÖREB,
1809. Lerbäck ÖREB,
1810. Hammar ÖREB,
1811. Viby ÖREB,
1813. Kumla ÖREB,
1814. Lekeberg ÖREB,
1815. Svartå ÖREB,
1817. Noraskog ÖREB,
1818. Linde ÖREB,
1820. Fellingsbro ÖREB,
1821. Ramsberg ÖREB,
1860. Laxå ÖREB,
1861. Hallsberg ÖREB,
1863. Hällefors ÖREB,
1864. Kopparberg ÖREB,
1865. Frövi ÖREB,
1880. Örebro ÖREB,
1881. Kumla/Ekeby ÖREB,
1882. Askersund ÖREB,
1883. Karlskoga ÖREB,
1884. Nora ÖREB,
1885. Lindesberg ÖREB,
1902. Medåker VÄSTML,
1903. Kolsva VÄSTML,
1904. Skinnskatteborg VÄSTML,
1905. Munktorp VÄSTML,
1906. Kolbäck VÄSTML,
1907. Sura VÄSTML,
1908. Ramnäs VÄSTML,
1910. Västerfärnebo VÄSTML,
1911. Skultuna VÄSTML,
1912. Dingtuna VÄSTML,
1913. Kungsåra VÄSTML,
1914. Tillberga VÄSTML,
1915. Fjärdhundra VÄSTML,
1916. Vittinga VÄSTML,
1917. Västerlövsta VÄSTML,
1918. Tärna VÄSTML,
1919. Möklinta VÄSTML,
1920. Nora VÄSTML,
1921. Östervåla VÄSTML,
1960. Kungsör VÄSTML,
1961. Hallstahammar VÄSTML,
1962. Norberg VÄSTML,
1980. Västerås VÄSTML,
1981. Sala VÄSTML,
1982. Fagersta VÄSTML,
1983. Köping VÄSTML,
1984. Arboga VÄSTML,
2001. By KOPPAR,
2002. Folkärna KOPPAR,
2003. Grytnäs KOPPAR,
2004. Hedemora KOPPAR,
2005. Husby KOPPAR,
2006. Stora Tuna KOPPAR,
2007. Vika KOPPAR,
2008. Sundborn KOPPAR,
2009. Stora Kopparberg KOPPAR,
2010. Svärdsjö KOPPAR,
2011. Enviken KOPPAR,
2012. Stora Tuna KOPPAR,
2013. Gustafs KOPPAR,
2014. Söderbärke KOPPAR,
2015. Norrbärke KOPPAR,
2016. Ludvika KOPPAR,
2017. Grangärde KOPPAR,
2018. Säfsnäs KOPPAR,
2019. Nås KOPPAR,
2020. Floda KOPPAR,
2021. Järna KOPPAR,
2023. Malunga KOPPAR,
2024. Lima KOPPAR,
2025. Transtrand KOPPAR,
2026. Gagnef KOPPAR,
2027. Ål KOPPAR,
2028. Bjursås KOPPAR,
2029. Leksand KOPPAR,
2031. Rättvik KOPPAR,
2032. Boda KOPPAR,
2033. Ore KOPPAR,
2034. Orsa KOPPAR,
2035. Vämhus KOPPAR,
2037. Sollerön KOPPAR,
2039. Älvdalen KOPPAR,
2040. Särna KOPPAR,
2041. Idre KOPPAR,
2060. Krylbo KOPPAR,
2061. Smedjebacken KOPPAR,
2062. Morastrand KOPPAR,
2080. Falun KOPPAR,
2081. Borlänge KOPPAR,
2082. Säter KOPPAR,
2083. Hedemora/Husby KOPPAR,
2084. Avesta KOPPAR,
2085. Ludvika/Grangärde KOPPAR,
2101. Ockelbo GÄVLEB,
2102. Järbo GÄVLEB,
2103. Ovansjö GÄVLEB,
2104. Hofors GÄVLEB,
2105. Torsåker GÄVLEB,
2107. Österfärnebo GÄVLEB,
2108. Hedesunda GÄVLEB,
2109. Valbo GÄVLEB,
2110. Hille GÄVLEB,
2111. Harmånger GÄVLEB,
2112. Skog GÄVLEB,
2113. Söderala GÄVLEB,
2114. Rengsjö GÄVLEB,
2115. Norrala GÄVLEB,
2116. Enånger GÄVLEB,
2117. Njutånger GÄVLEB,
2118. Hanebo GÄVLEB,
2120. Alfta GÄVLEB,
2121. Ovanåker GÄVLEB,
2122. Los GÄVLEB,
2123. Färila-Kårböla GÄVLEB,
2124. Ramsjö GÄVLEB,
2125. Ljusdal GÄVLEB,
2126. Järvsö GÄVLEB,
2127. Arbrå GÄVLEB,
2128. Delsbo GÄVLEB,
2129. Bjuråker GÄVLEB,
2130. Forsa GÄVLEB,
2131. Hälsingtuna GÄVLEB,
2132. Nordanstig GÄVLEB,
2133. Gnarp GÄVLEB,
2134. Bergsjö GÄVLEB,
2135. Hassela GÄVLEB,
2160. Storvik GÄVLEB,
2161. Ljusdal/Los GÄVLEB,
2180. Gävle GÄVLEB,
2181. Sandviken GÄVLEB,
2182. Söderhamn GÄVLEB,
2183. Bollnäs GÄVLEB,
2184. Hudiksvall GÄVLEB,
2201. Haverö VÄSTRN,
2202. Borgsjö VÄSTRN,
2203. Torp VÄSTRN,
2204. Stöde VÄSTRN,
2205. Selånger VÄSTRN,
2206. Tuna VÄSTRN,
2207. Attmar VÄSTRN,
2208. Njurunda VÄSTRN,
2209. Alnö VÄSTRN,
2210. Indals-Liden VÄSTRN,
2211. Hässjö VÄSTRN,
2212. Säbrå VÄSTRN,
2213. Högsjö VÄSTRN,
2214. Noraström VÄSTRN,
2215. Nordingrå VÄSTRN,
2216. Ullånger VÄSTRN,
2217. Bjärtrå VÄSTRN,
2218. Boteå VÄSTRN,
2219. Ytterlännäs VÄSTRN,
2220. Långsele VÄSTRN,
2222. Helgum VÄSTRN,
2223. Ramsele VÄSTRN,
2224. Ådals-Liden VÄSTRN,
2225. Junsele VÄSTRN,
2227. Tåsjö VÄSTRN,
2228. Anundsjö VÄSTRN,
2229. Nätra VÄSTRN,
2230. Mo VÄSTRN,
2231. Själevad VÄSTRN,
2232. Arnäs VÄSTRN,
2233. Grundsunda VÄSTRN,
2234. Gideå VÄSTRN,
2235. Björna VÄSTRN,
2236. Trehörningsjö VÄSTRN,
2260. Ånge VÄSTRN,
2261. Skön VÄSTRN,
2262. Timrå VÄSTRN,
2280. Härnösand VÄSTRN,
2281. Sundsvall VÄSTRN,
2282. Kramfors VÄSTRN,
2283. Sollefteå VÄSTRN,
2284. Örnsköldsvik VÄSTRN,
2301. Fors JÄMTL,
2302. Kälarne JÄMTL,
2303. Ragunda JÄMTL,
2304. Stugun JÄMTL,
2305. Bräcke JÄMTL,
2306. Revsund JÄMTL,
2307. Hackås JÄMTL,
2308. Brunflo JÄMTL,
2309. Krokom/Rödön JÄMTL,
2310. Lit JÄMTL,
2311. Häggenås JÄMTL,
2312. Hammerdal JÄMTL,
2313. Ström JÄMTL,
2314. Frostviken JÄMTL,
2316. Föllinge JÄMTL,
2317. Offerdal JÄMTL,
2318. Alsen JÄMTL,
2319. Mörsil JÄMTL,
2321. Åre JÄMTL,
2322. Undersåker JÄMTL,
2323. Hallen JÄMTL,
2324. Oviken JÄMTL,
2325. Övre Ljungadalen JÄMTL,
2326. Berg JÄMTL,
2328. Hede JÄMTL,
2329. Tännäs JÄMTL,
2331. Hogdal JÄMTL,
2360. Frösö JÄMTL,
2361. Sveg JÄMTL,
2380. Östersund JÄMTL,
2401. Nordmaling VÄSTBT,
2402. Hörnefors VÄSTBT,
2403. Bjurholm VÄSTBT,
2404. Degerfors/Vindeln VÄSTBT,
2405. Vännäs VÄSTBT,
2406. Umeå VÄSTBT,
2407. Sävar VÄSTBT,
2409. Bygdeå VÄSTBT,
2410. Nysätra VÄSTBT,
2411. Lövånger VÄSTBT,
2412. Burträsk VÄSTBT,
2413. Bureå VÄSTBT,
2414. Skellefteå VÄSTBT,
2415. Byske VÄSTBT,
2416. Jörn VÄSTBT,
2417. Norsjö VÄSTBT,
2418. Malå VÄSTBT,
2419. Örträsk VÄSTBT,
2420. Lycksele VÄSTBT,
2421. Stensele/Storuman VÄSTBT,
2422. Sorsele VÄSTBT,
2423. Tärna VÄSTBT,
2424. Vilhelmina VÄSTBT,
2425. Dorotea VÄSTBT,
2427. Fredrika VÄSTBT,
2460. Vännäs/Bjurholm VÄSTBT,
2461. Holmsund VÄSTBT,
2462. Vilhelmina VÄSTBT,
2463. Åsele VÄSTBT,
2480. Umeå VÄSTBT,
2481. Lycksele VÄSTBT,
2482. Skellefteå/Bureå VÄSTBT,
2501. Hortlax NORRBT,
2502. Piteå NORRBT,
2503. Norrfjärden NORRBT,
2504. Älvsbyn NORRBT,
2505. Arvidsjaur NORRBT,
2506. Arjeplog NORRBT,
2507. Nederluleå NORRBT,
2508. Överluleå NORRBT,
2509. Edefors NORRBT,
2510. Jokkmokk NORRBT,
2511. Råneå NORRBT,
2512. Töre NORRBT,
2513. Överkalix NORRBT,
2514. Kalix/Nederkalix NORRBT,
2515. Nedertorneå NORRBT,
2516. Karl Gustav NORRBT,
2517. Hietaniemi NORRBT,
2518. Övertorneå NORRBT,
2519. Korpilombolo NORRBT,
2520. Tärendö NORRBT,
2521. Pajala NORRBT,
2522. Junosuando NORRBT,
2523. Gällivare NORRBT,
2524. Karesuando NORRBT,
2560. Älvsbyn NORRBT,
2580. Luleå NORRBT,
2581. Piteå NORRBT,
2582. Boden NORRBT,
2583. Haparanda NORRBT,
2584. Kiruna NORRBT
167 0.9831772 102 1284.0 2584 1251.5001025 750.7138500 ▇▃▇▅▅ F8.0 NA
RS7SCHT School type vt67 numeric 1100. Primary school normal class,
1888. reform school,
2000. elementary school, upper secondary prepairing track,
2010. elementary school, technical track,
2020. elementary school, humanities line,
2030. elementary school, business track,
2040. elementary school, social- economical track,
2050. elementary school, general- economical line,
2060. elementary school, technical - practical track,
2070. elementary school, business- domestic line,
2088. elementary school, unknown track,
2099. elementary school, no line,
2200. unit or elementary schooll, upper secondary prepairing track,
2210. unit or elementary school, general track,
2220. unit or elementary school, vocational track,
2299. unit or elementary school, no track,
2300. secondary school, real schule, general track,
2310. secondary school, real schule, technical track,
2320. secondary school, real schule, business track,
2330. secondary school, real schule, domestic track,
2340. secondary school, real schule, forestry- and agricultural track,
2350. secondary school, real schule, shipping track,
2388. secondary school, real schule, unknown track,
2800. special school, general track,
2888. special school, unknown track,
3000. training school social, linguistic track,
3001. training school social, science track,
3002. training school social, social science track,
3009. training school social, without track,
3100. school for girls, general track,
3110. school for girls, humanistic track,
3120. school for girls, real schule track,
4000. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4001. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4002. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4003. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4008. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4009. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4010. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4011. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4018. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4029. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, scie,
4030. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4031. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4038. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4039. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4040. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4041. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4042. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4049. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4050. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4051. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4052. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4053. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4058. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4059. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4099. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
9999. ???,
33730. training school economic, economical- linguistic version,
33731. training school economic, cameral version,
33732. training school economic, distributive version,
33733. training school economic, administrative version,
33739. training school economic, not specified version,
34700. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, linguistic version,
34701. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, accounting version,
34702. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34703. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34709. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
34710. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cameral version,
34711. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34712. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34713. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, economical- linguistic version,
34718. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, general version,
34719. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, no version,
43700. training school technical track, mechanical engineering version,
43710. training school technical track, electrical engineering version,
43720. training school technical track, telecommunication version,
43730. training school technical track, house construction engineering version,
43740. training school technical track, construction engineering version,
43750. training school technical track, chemical engineering version,
43799. training school technical track, version not specified,
44700. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering,
44701. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, aviation engineering,
44702. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, foundry technology,
44704. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, production technology,
44705. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, ship construction engineering,
44706. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, plumbing engineering,
44709. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering version,
44710. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electric power technology,
44711. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum telecommunication technology,
44719. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electrical engineering version,
44720. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering,
44721. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, house construction engineering,
44722. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, road and water engineering,
44728. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other construction engineering version,
44729. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering version,
44740. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering,
44741. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cellulose technology,
44743. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, food technology,
44749. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering version,
44750. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, measurement technology version,
44788. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other version,
44799. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
53199. maritime education,
63303. upper secondary school psychiatric care,
63309. upper secondary school unspecified psychiatric care,
63500. dental nursing education,
65099. nursing education,
65299. social pedagogical education,
73199. agricultural education,
73399. forestry education,
93400. vocational school
159 0.9839831 1100 2099.0 3100 2034.8641482 296.2906055 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS7SCHY Year of grade vt67 numeric NA 159 0.9839831 5 7.0 99 9.3738739 8.5884995 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS7CLT Class type vt67 numeric 0. A (one grade public school),
1. A (one grade primary school),
2. B1 (two grades),
3. B2 (three grades),
4. B3 (four grades),
6. BV (Combination of B-option)
978 0.9014808 0 0.0 4 0.0252542 0.2167269 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS7CLASS Class character vt67 numeric 0. Elementary school, standard class,
1. Comprehensive scool, standard class,
2. Elementary school, supportive class,
3. Comprehensive scool, supportive class,
4. Elementary school, special class (other),
5. Comprehensive scool, special class (other),
6. School for special needs or homeschooling,
7. Elementary school, voluntary class,
8. Comprehensive school, voluntary class,
9. Other
944 0.9049058 0 0.0 8 0.2017143 0.6340110 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS7GS Grading system vt67 numeric 0. SIFFERBETYG,
161 0.9837816 0 0.0 1 0.1633217 0.3696779 ▇▁▁▁▂ F8.0 NA
RS7NGSW Grade: Swedish vt67 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
189 0.9809610 1 3.0 6 3.0416923 0.9235473 ▅▇▅▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS7NGEN Grade: English vt67 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
226 0.9772338 0 3.0 6 2.9847438 1.0141139 ▂▅▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS7NGGM Grade: German vt67 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
4430 0.5537423 0 3.0 6 3.0292887 1.0387581 ▂▅▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
RS7NGFR Grade: French vt67 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
8665 0.1271280 1 3.0 5 3.1212361 1.0922737 ▂▅▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
RS7NGMA Grade: Mathematic vt67 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
197 0.9801551 0 3.0 6 2.9528263 1.0121752 ▂▅▇▅▂ F8.0 10
RS7NGPH Grade: Physics vt67 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
1222 0.8769014 1 3.0 5 2.9916140 0.9652979 ▁▅▇▅▁ F8.0 NA
RS7NGLT Grade: Latin vt67 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9926 0.0001007 3 3.0 3 3.0000000 NA ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS7NGNS Number of subjects vt67 numeric NA 190 0.9808603 3 8.0 18 8.0086269 1.0467343 ▁▇▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS7NGNP Number of practical subjects vt67 numeric NA 186 0.9812632 1 4.0 15 4.3490401 0.8294665 ▁▇▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS7CHAS Pupils choice in all subjects vt67 numeric 1. German,
2. French,
3. Ger/Swe, Ger/Math, Ger/swe/math,
4. Fre/Swe, Fre/Math, Fre/swe/math,
5. German/ typewriting,
6. French/Typewriting,
7. Handicraft/swe, handicraft/Math, Handicraft/swe/math,
8. Handicraft
2767 0.7212652 1 2.0 8 3.0931564 2.3313596 ▇▂▂▁▃ F8.0 NA
RS7CHP Pupils choice in practical subjects vt67 numeric 1. Music,
2. Textile,
3. Carpentry,
4. Drawing,
5. Music and handicraft,
6. Music and drawing,
7. Handicraft and drawing
2425 0.7557167 1 3.0 3 2.4021594 0.6744114 ▂▁▆▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS7CHE Pupils choice in english vt67 numeric 1. General course,
2. Special course
2385 0.7597461 1 2.0 2 1.6548661 0.4754434 ▅▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS7CHM Pupils choice in mathematic vt67 numeric 3. General course,
4. Special course
2383 0.7599476 3 4.0 4 3.5971633 0.4905010 ▆▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS7MOV Moved from the class vt67 numeric 0. Did not move to a higher grade,
1. Student moved,
2. Did not move to a higher grade,
3. Student exempt from school according to §48 fs,
4. Student dropped out of school,
5. Student had a sabbatial period,
6. Student is deceased,
7. Other
9392 0.0538934 1 1.0 4 1.1046729 0.4541492 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS7STAT The pupils status vt67 numeric 0. Did not move to a higher grade,
1. Student moved,
2. Did not move to a higher grade,
3. Student exempt from school according to §48 fs,
4. Student dropped out of school,
5. Student had a sabbatial period,
6. Student is deceased,
7. Other
710 0.9284779 1 1.0 6 1.0493653 0.3278419 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS8SCHYEAR Year 67/68 numeric NA 144 0.9854941 68 68.0 68 68.0000000 0.0000000 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS8MUN Municipal vt68 numeric NA 291 0.9706860 102 1283.0 2584 1248.8301162 753.6663564 ▇▃▇▅▅ F8.0 NA
RS8SCHT School type vt68 numeric 1100. Primary school normal class,
1888. reform school,
2000. elementary school, upper secondary prepairing track,
2010. elementary school, technical track,
2020. elementary school, humanities line,
2030. elementary school, business track,
2040. elementary school, social- economical track,
2050. elementary school, general- economical line,
2060. elementary school, technical - practical track,
2070. elementary school, business- domestic line,
2088. elementary school, unknown track,
2099. elementary school, no line,
2200. unit or elementary schooll, upper secondary prepairing track,
2210. unit or elementary school, general track,
2220. unit or elementary school, vocational track,
2299. unit or elementary school, no track,
2300. secondary school, real schule, general track,
2310. secondary school, real schule, technical track,
2320. secondary school, real schule, business track,
2330. secondary school, real schule, domestic track,
2340. secondary school, real schule, forestry- and agricultural track,
2350. secondary school, real schule, shipping track,
2388. secondary school, real schule, unknown track,
2800. special school, general track,
2888. special school, unknown track,
3000. training school social, linguistic track,
3001. training school social, science track,
3002. training school social, social science track,
3009. training school social, without track,
3100. school for girls, general track,
3110. school for girls, humanistic track,
3120. school for girls, real schule track,
4000. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4001. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4002. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4003. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4008. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4009. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4010. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4011. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4018. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4029. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, scie,
4030. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4031. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4038. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4039. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4040. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4041. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4042. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4049. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4050. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4051. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4052. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4053. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4058. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4059. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4099. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
9999. ???,
33730. training school economic, economical- linguistic version,
33731. training school economic, cameral version,
33732. training school economic, distributive version,
33733. training school economic, administrative version,
33739. training school economic, not specified version,
34700. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, linguistic version,
34701. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, accounting version,
34702. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34703. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34709. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
34710. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cameral version,
34711. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34712. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34713. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, economical- linguistic version,
34718. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, general version,
34719. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, no version,
43700. training school technical track, mechanical engineering version,
43710. training school technical track, electrical engineering version,
43720. training school technical track, telecommunication version,
43730. training school technical track, house construction engineering version,
43740. training school technical track, construction engineering version,
43750. training school technical track, chemical engineering version,
43799. training school technical track, version not specified,
44700. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering,
44701. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, aviation engineering,
44702. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, foundry technology,
44704. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, production technology,
44705. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, ship construction engineering,
44706. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, plumbing engineering,
44709. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering version,
44710. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electric power technology,
44711. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum telecommunication technology,
44719. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electrical engineering version,
44720. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering,
44721. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, house construction engineering,
44722. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, road and water engineering,
44728. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other construction engineering version,
44729. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering version,
44740. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering,
44741. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cellulose technology,
44743. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, food technology,
44749. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering version,
44750. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, measurement technology version,
44788. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other version,
44799. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
53199. maritime education,
63303. upper secondary school psychiatric care,
63309. upper secondary school unspecified psychiatric care,
63500. dental nursing education,
65099. nursing education,
65299. social pedagogical education,
73199. agricultural education,
73399. forestry education,
93400. vocational school
284 0.9713912 1100 2099.0 93400 2541.6710567 6604.8201951 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS8SCHY Year of grade vt68 numeric NA 284 0.9713912 1 8.0 99 10.5452660 9.0946930 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS8CLT Class type vt68 numeric 0. A (one grade),
2. B1 (two grades),
3. B2 (three grades),
4. B3 (four grades),
6. BV (Combination of B-option)
1217 0.8774051 0 0.0 4 0.0127440 0.1558686 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS8CLASS Class character vt68 numeric 0. Elementary school, standard class,
1. Comprehensive scool, standard class,
2. Elementary school, supportive class,
3. Comprehensive scool, supportive class,
4. Elementary school, special class (other),
5. Comprehensive scool, special class (other),
6. School for special needs or homeschooling,
7. Elementary school, voluntary class,
8. Comprehensive school, voluntary class,
9. Other
1171 0.8820389 0 0.0 9 0.1761078 0.6448355 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS8GS Grading system vt68 numeric 0. SIFFERBETYG,
292 0.9705853 0 0.0 1 0.1518422 0.3588865 ▇▁▁▁▂ F8.0 NA
RS8NGSW Grade: Swedish vt68 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
392 0.9605117 1 3.0 6 3.0251704 0.9598593 ▆▇▅▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS8NGEN Grade: English vt68 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
1115 0.8876801 0 3.0 6 3.0089650 1.0332291 ▂▅▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS8NGGM Grade: German vt68 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
4214 0.5755012 1 3.0 6 2.9578155 1.0519451 ▇▇▅▂▁ F8.0 NA
RS8NGFR Grade: French vt68 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
8668 0.1268258 1 3.0 5 3.0150913 1.1088290 ▂▅▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS8NGMA Grade: Mathematic vt68 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
401 0.9596051 0 3.0 6 2.9237875 1.0466630 ▂▆▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS8NGPH Grade: Physics vt68 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
574 0.9421779 1 3.0 6 2.9526355 1.0110604 ▇▇▅▂▁ F8.0 NA
RS8NGNS Number of subjects vt68 numeric NA 393 0.9604110 0 10.0 17 9.6327879 1.0161494 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS8NGNP Number of practical subjects vt68 numeric NA 388 0.9609147 0 3.0 16 3.6707202 1.0507530 ▇▆▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS8CHAS Pupils choice in all subjects vt68 numeric 1. German/english,
2. ger/eng/typewr., fr/eng/typewr.,
3. Tech./eng,
4. Business/eng/ger, fr,
5. Domestic science/eng,
6. Music/tech/eng/typewri,
7. Handicraft, typewrit., eng,
8. Working in shed,
9. Domestic science
2150 0.7834190 1 1.0 9 2.5009644 2.2397527 ▇▂▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS8CHP Pupils choice in practical subjects vt68 numeric 1. Music,
2. Textile,
3. Carpentry,
4. Drawing,
5. Music and handicraft,
6. Music and drawing,
7. Handicraft and drawing
1799 0.8187771 1 7.0 7 6.4089567 1.2801611 ▁▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS8CHE Pupils choice in english vt68 numeric 1. General course,
2. Special course
2363 0.7619623 1 2.0 2 1.6948704 0.4604927 ▃▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS8CHM Pupils choice in mathematic vt68 numeric 3. General course,
4. Special course
1778 0.8208925 3 4.0 4 3.5646092 0.4958385 ▆▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS8MOV Moved from the class vt68 numeric 0. Did not move to a higher grade,
1. Student moved,
2. Did not move to a higher grade,
3. Student exempt from school according to §48 fs,
4. Student dropped out of school,
5. Student had a sabbatial period,
6. Student is deceased,
7. Other
9923 0.0004029 1 3.5 4 3.0000000 1.4142136 ▃▁▁▃▇ F8.0 NA
RS8STAT The pupils status vt68 numeric 0. Did not move to a higher grade,
1. Student moved,
2. Did not move to a higher grade,
3. Student exempt from school according to §48 fs,
4. Student dropped out of school,
5. Student had a sabbatial period,
6. Student is deceased,
7. Other
9843 0.0084618 3 4.0 6 3.8095238 0.8846235 ▇▅▁▃▁ F8.0 NA
RS9SCHYEAR Year 68/69 numeric NA 645 0.9350257 69 69.0 69 69.0000000 0.0000000 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS9MUN Municipal vt69 numeric NA 1053 0.8939257 6 1284.0 2584 1251.9070318 762.7933239 ▇▅▇▆▆ F8.0 NA
RS9SCHT School type vt69 numeric 1100. Primary school normal class,
1888. reform school,
2000. elementary school, upper secondary prepairing track,
2010. elementary school, technical track,
2020. elementary school, humanities line,
2030. elementary school, business track,
2040. elementary school, social- economical track,
2050. elementary school, general- economical line,
2060. elementary school, technical - practical track,
2070. elementary school, business- domestic line,
2088. elementary school, unknown track,
2099. elementary school, no line,
2200. unit or elementary schooll, upper secondary prepairing track,
2210. unit or elementary school, general track,
2220. unit or elementary school, vocational track,
2299. unit or elementary school, no track,
2300. secondary school, real schule, general track,
2310. secondary school, real schule, technical track,
2320. secondary school, real schule, business track,
2330. secondary school, real schule, domestic track,
2340. secondary school, real schule, forestry- and agricultural track,
2350. secondary school, real schule, shipping track,
2388. secondary school, real schule, unknown track,
2800. special school, general track,
2888. special school, unknown track,
3000. training school social, linguistic track,
3001. training school social, science track,
3002. training school social, social science track,
3009. training school social, without track,
3100. school for girls, general track,
3110. school for girls, humanistic track,
3120. school for girls, real schule track,
4000. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4001. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4002. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4003. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4008. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4009. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4010. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4011. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4018. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4029. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, scie,
4030. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4031. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4038. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4039. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4040. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4041. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4042. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4049. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4050. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4051. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4052. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4053. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4058. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4059. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4099. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
9999. ???,
33730. training school economic, economical- linguistic version,
33731. training school economic, cameral version,
33732. training school economic, distributive version,
33733. training school economic, administrative version,
33739. training school economic, not specified version,
34700. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, linguistic version,
34701. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, accounting version,
34702. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34703. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34709. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
34710. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cameral version,
34711. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34712. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34713. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, economical- linguistic version,
34718. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, general version,
34719. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, no version,
43700. training school technical track, mechanical engineering version,
43710. training school technical track, electrical engineering version,
43720. training school technical track, telecommunication version,
43730. training school technical track, house construction engineering version,
43740. training school technical track, construction engineering version,
43750. training school technical track, chemical engineering version,
43799. training school technical track, version not specified,
44700. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering,
44701. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, aviation engineering,
44702. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, foundry technology,
44704. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, production technology,
44705. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, ship construction engineering,
44706. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, plumbing engineering,
44709. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering version,
44710. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electric power technology,
44711. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum telecommunication technology,
44719. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electrical engineering version,
44720. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering,
44721. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, house construction engineering,
44722. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, road and water engineering,
44728. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other construction engineering version,
44729. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering version,
44740. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering,
44741. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cellulose technology,
44743. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, food technology,
44749. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering version,
44750. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, measurement technology version,
44788. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other version,
44799. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
53199. maritime education,
63303. upper secondary school psychiatric care,
63309. upper secondary school unspecified psychiatric care,
63500. dental nursing education,
65099. nursing education,
65299. social pedagogical education,
73199. agricultural education,
73399. forestry education,
93400. vocational school
1054 0.8938249 1100 2020.0 93400 2699.8439085 7572.1229625 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS9SCHY Year of grade vt69 numeric NA 1054 0.8938249 1 9.0 99 11.6018258 9.1724305 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS9CLT Class type vt69 numeric 0. A (one grade),
2. B1 (two grades),
3. B2 (three grades),
4. B3 (four grades),
6. BV (Combination of B-option)
1978 0.8007454 0 0.0 4 0.0045289 0.0807590 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS9CLASS Class character vt69 numeric 0. Elementary school, standard class,
1. Comprehensive scool, standard class,
2. Elementary school, supportive class,
3. Comprehensive scool, supportive class,
4. Elementary school, special class (other),
5. Comprehensive scool, special class (other),
6. School for special needs or homeschooling,
7. Elementary school, voluntary class,
8. Comprehensive school, voluntary class,
9. Other
1961 0.8024579 0 0.0 9 0.0684158 0.4368054 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS9GS Grading system vt69 numeric 0. SIFFERBETYG,
1070 0.8922132 0 0.0 1 0.1029694 0.3039361 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS9NGSW Grade: Swedish vt69 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
1283 0.8707565 1 3.0 6 3.0814438 0.9249685 ▅▇▅▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS9NGEN Grade: English vt69 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
2165 0.7819079 0 3.0 6 3.0730482 1.0234703 ▁▅▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS9NGGM Grade: German vt69 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
5027 0.4936033 0 3.0 6 3.0493878 1.0562896 ▂▅▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS9NGFR Grade: French vt69 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
8615 0.1321648 0 3.0 6 3.1699695 1.1181523 ▂▅▇▇▃ F8.0 NA
RS9NGMA Grade: Mathematic vt69 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
2752 0.7227763 0 3.0 6 3.0037631 1.0796866 ▂▆▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
RS9NGPH Grade: Physics vt69 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
3061 0.6916490 0 3.0 6 3.0412176 1.0267603 ▁▅▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS9NGLT Grade: Latin vt69 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9926 0.0001007 3 3.0 3 3.0000000 NA ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS9NGNS Number of subjects vt69 numeric NA 1281 0.8709580 0 11.0 17 9.8733518 2.2117076 ▁▂▂▇▁ F8.0 NA
RS9NGNP Number of practical subjects vt69 numeric NA 1279 0.8711595 0 3.0 14 3.7319611 1.3386242 ▁▇▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS9CHAS Pupils choice in all subjects vt69 numeric 1. Highschool preparing program 9g,
2. Humanities program 9h,
3. Technological program 9t,
4. Commersial program 9m,
5. Social economics program 9s(e),
6. General vocational program 9pr,
7. Tech-vocational program 9tp,
8. Business-tech program 9ha,
9. Domestic tech program 9ht
2456 0.7525939 1 2.0 9 3.0402891 2.6351774 ▇▂▁▂▁ F8.0 NA
RS9CHP Pupils choice in practical subjects vt69 numeric 1. Music,
2. Textile,
3. Carpentry,
4. Drawing,
5. Music and handicraft,
6. Music and drawing,
7. Handicraft and drawing
2985 0.6993049 1 7.0 7 6.4011812 1.0933724 ▁▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS9CHE Pupils choice in english vt69 numeric 1. General course,
2. Special course
3051 0.6926564 1 2.0 2 1.6860093 0.4641464 ▃▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS9CHM Pupils choice in mathematic vt69 numeric 3. General course,
4. Special course
3625 0.6348343 3 4.0 4 3.6123453 0.4872537 ▅▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS9MOV Moved from the class vt69 numeric 1. Student moved,
2. Student didn’t move,
3. Student exempt from school according to §48 fs,
4. Student dropped out of school,
5. Student had a sabbatial period,
6. Student is deceased,
7. Other
9924 0.0003022 4 4.0 4 4.0000000 0.0000000 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS9STAT The pupils status vt69 numeric 0. Did not move to a higher grade,
1. Student moved,
2. Did not move to a higher grade,
3. Student exempt from school according to §48 fs,
4. Student dropped out of school,
5. Student had a sabbatial period,
6. Student is deceased,
7. Other
9739 0.0189382 3 4.0 6 4.1648936 0.4732881 ▁▇▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS10SCHYEAR Year 69/70 numeric NA 2889 0.7089755 70 70.0 70 70.0000000 0.0000000 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS10CMUN Municipal vt70 numeric NA 3636 0.6337262 6 1310.0 2584 1281.8780798 764.4376488 ▇▅▇▆▆ F8.0 NA
RS10SCHT School type vt70 numeric 1100. Primary school normal class,
1888. reform school,
2000. elementary school, upper secondary prepairing track,
2010. elementary school, technical track,
2020. elementary school, humanities line,
2030. elementary school, business track,
2040. elementary school, social- economical track,
2050. elementary school, general- economical line,
2060. elementary school, technical - practical track,
2070. elementary school, business- domestic line,
2088. elementary school, unknown track,
2099. elementary school, no line,
2200. unit or elementary schooll, upper secondary prepairing track,
2210. unit or elementary school, general track,
2220. unit or elementary school, vocational track,
2299. unit or elementary school, no track,
2300. secondary school, real schule, general track,
2310. secondary school, real schule, technical track,
2320. secondary school, real schule, business track,
2330. secondary school, real schule, domestic track,
2340. secondary school, real schule, forestry- and agricultural track,
2350. secondary school, real schule, shipping track,
2388. secondary school, real schule, unknown track,
2800. special school, general track,
2888. special school, unknown track,
3000. training school social, linguistic track,
3001. training school social, science track,
3002. training school social, social science track,
3009. training school social, without track,
3100. school for girls, general track,
3110. school for girls, humanistic track,
3120. school for girls, real schule track,
4000. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4001. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4002. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4003. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4008. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4009. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4010. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4011. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4018. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4029. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, scie,
4030. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4031. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4038. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4039. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4040. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4041. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4042. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4049. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4050. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4051. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4052. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4053. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4058. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4059. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4099. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
9999. ???,
33730. training school economic, economical- linguistic version,
33731. training school economic, cameral version,
33732. training school economic, distributive version,
33733. training school economic, administrative version,
33739. training school economic, not specified version,
34700. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, linguistic version,
34701. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, accounting version,
34702. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34703. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34709. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
34710. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cameral version,
34711. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34712. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34713. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, economical- linguistic version,
34718. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, general version,
34719. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, no version,
43700. training school technical track, mechanical engineering version,
43710. training school technical track, electrical engineering version,
43720. training school technical track, telecommunication version,
43730. training school technical track, house construction engineering version,
43740. training school technical track, construction engineering version,
43750. training school technical track, chemical engineering version,
43799. training school technical track, version not specified,
44700. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering,
44701. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, aviation engineering,
44702. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, foundry technology,
44704. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, production technology,
44705. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, ship construction engineering,
44706. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, plumbing engineering,
44709. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering version,
44710. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electric power technology,
44711. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum telecommunication technology,
44719. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electrical engineering version,
44720. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering,
44721. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, house construction engineering,
44722. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, road and water engineering,
44728. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other construction engineering version,
44729. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering version,
44740. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering,
44741. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cellulose technology,
44743. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, food technology,
44749. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering version,
44750. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, measurement technology version,
44788. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other version,
44799. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
53199. maritime education,
63303. upper secondary school psychiatric care,
63309. upper secondary school unspecified psychiatric care,
63500. dental nursing education,
65099. nursing education,
65299. social pedagogical education,
73199. agricultural education,
73399. forestry education,
93400. vocational school
3637 0.6336255 2000 4099.0 93400 36884.5678855 39177.4485566 ▇▂▂▁▅ F8.0 NA
RS10SCHY Year of grade vt70 numeric NA 3637 0.6336255 1 1.0 88 7.1419714 17.9099096 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS10CLT Class type vt70 numeric 0. A (one grade),
2. B1 (two grades),
3. B2 (three grades),
4. B3 (four grades),
6. BV (Combination of B-option)
9492 0.0438199 0 0.0 2 0.0045977 0.0958927 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS10CLASS Class character vt70 numeric 0. Elementary school, standard class,
1. Comprehensive scool, standard class,
2. Elementary school, supportive class,
3. Comprehensive scool, supportive class,
4. Elementary school, special class (other),
5. Comprehensive scool, special class (other),
6. School for special needs or homeschooling,
7. Elementary school, voluntary class,
8. Comprehensive school, voluntary class,
9. Other
9514 0.0416037 0 0.0 4 0.1162228 0.6726655 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS10GS Grading system vt70 numeric 0. SIFFERBETYG,
5657 0.4301400 0 0.0 1 0.0918033 0.2887819 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS10NGSW Grade: Swedish vt70 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
5774 0.4183540 1 3.0 6 3.2053937 0.8081651 ▂▇▅▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS10NGEN Grade: English vt70 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
5829 0.4128135 0 3.0 6 3.0502684 0.9448607 ▁▅▇▅▁ F8.0 NA
RS10NGGM Grade: German vt70 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
6634 0.3317216 0 3.0 6 3.0473732 1.0028225 ▁▅▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS10NGFR Grade: French vt70 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
7825 0.2117457 0 3.0 5 3.1527117 1.0269986 ▁▃▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
RS10NGMA Grade: Mathematic vt70 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
6023 0.3932709 0 3.0 6 3.0105020 1.0131811 ▁▅▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS10NGPH Grade: Physics vt70 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
7529 0.2415634 1 3.0 6 3.0312761 0.9405912 ▅▇▅▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS10NGLT Grade: Latin vt70 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9919 0.0008059 2 3.0 4 2.7500000 0.7071068 ▆▁▇▁▂ F8.0 NA
RS10NGNS Number of subjects vt70 numeric NA 5765 0.4192606 1 10.0 22 9.6991831 1.5587029 ▁▅▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS10NGNP Number of practical subjects vt70 numeric NA 5798 0.4159363 1 2.0 18 2.6999273 1.7117363 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS10CHP Pupils choice in practical subjects vt610 numeric 1. Music,
2. Textile,
3. Carpentry,
4. Drawing,
5. Music and handicraft,
6. Music and drawing,
7. Handicraft and drawing
8372 0.1566435 1 4.0 7 3.9536977 1.8593854 ▃▁▇▁▃ F8.0 NA
RS10CHE Pupils choice in english vt610 numeric 1. General course,
2. Special course
9497 0.0433162 1 2.0 2 1.5186047 0.5002358 ▇▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS10CHM Pupils choice in mathematic vt610 numeric 3. General course,
4. Special course
9577 0.0352574 3 3.0 4 3.4685714 0.4997257 ▇▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS10MOV Moved from the class vt70 numeric 1. Student moved,
2. Student didn’t move,
3. Student exempt from school according to §48 fs,
4. Student dropped out of school,
5. Student had a sabbatial period,
6. Student is deceased,
7. Other
9659 0.0269971 0 4.0 6 4.0783582 0.4947457 ▁▁▁▇▁ F8.0 NA
RS11SCHYEAR Year 70/71 numeric NA 4385 0.5582754 71 71.0 71 71.0000000 0.0000000 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS11CMUN Municipal vt71 numeric NA 4820 0.5144555 114 1283.0 9999 1258.2757000 802.0686305 ▇▂▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS11SCHT School type vt71 numeric 1100. Primary school normal class,
1888. reform school,
2000. elementary school, upper secondary prepairing track,
2010. elementary school, technical track,
2020. elementary school, humanities line,
2030. elementary school, business track,
2040. elementary school, social- economical track,
2050. elementary school, general- economical line,
2060. elementary school, technical - practical track,
2070. elementary school, business- domestic line,
2088. elementary school, unknown track,
2099. elementary school, no line,
2200. unit or elementary schooll, upper secondary prepairing track,
2210. unit or elementary school, general track,
2220. unit or elementary school, vocational track,
2299. unit or elementary school, no track,
2300. secondary school, real schule, general track,
2310. secondary school, real schule, technical track,
2320. secondary school, real schule, business track,
2330. secondary school, real schule, domestic track,
2340. secondary school, real schule, forestry- and agricultural track,
2350. secondary school, real schule, shipping track,
2388. secondary school, real schule, unknown track,
2800. special school, general track,
2888. special school, unknown track,
3000. training school social, linguistic track,
3001. training school social, science track,
3002. training school social, social science track,
3009. training school social, without track,
3100. school for girls, general track,
3110. school for girls, humanistic track,
3120. school for girls, real schule track,
4000. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4001. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4002. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4003. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4008. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4009. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4010. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4011. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4018. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4029. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, scie,
4030. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4031. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4038. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4039. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4040. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4041. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4042. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4049. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4050. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4051. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4052. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4053. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4058. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4059. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4099. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
9999. ???,
33730. training school economic, economical- linguistic version,
33731. training school economic, cameral version,
33732. training school economic, distributive version,
33733. training school economic, administrative version,
33739. training school economic, not specified version,
34700. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, linguistic version,
34701. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, accounting version,
34702. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34703. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34709. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
34710. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cameral version,
34711. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34712. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34713. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, economical- linguistic version,
34718. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, general version,
34719. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, no version,
43700. training school technical track, mechanical engineering version,
43710. training school technical track, electrical engineering version,
43720. training school technical track, telecommunication version,
43730. training school technical track, house construction engineering version,
43740. training school technical track, construction engineering version,
43750. training school technical track, chemical engineering version,
43799. training school technical track, version not specified,
44700. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering,
44701. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, aviation engineering,
44702. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, foundry technology,
44704. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, production technology,
44705. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, ship construction engineering,
44706. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, plumbing engineering,
44709. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering version,
44710. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electric power technology,
44711. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum telecommunication technology,
44719. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electrical engineering version,
44720. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering,
44721. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, house construction engineering,
44722. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, road and water engineering,
44728. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other construction engineering version,
44729. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering version,
44740. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering,
44741. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cellulose technology,
44743. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, food technology,
44749. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering version,
44750. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, measurement technology version,
44788. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other version,
44799. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
53199. maritime education,
63303. upper secondary school psychiatric care,
63309. upper secondary school unspecified psychiatric care,
63500. dental nursing education,
65099. nursing education,
65299. social pedagogical education,
73199. agricultural education,
73399. forestry education,
93400. vocational school
4820 0.5144555 1888 33730.0 93400 34852.8805561 36532.8590235 ▇▂▂▁▃ F8.0 NA
RS11SCHY Year of grade vt71 numeric NA 4820 0.5144555 1 2.0 99 5.0497357 15.7552357 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS11GS Grading system vt71 numeric 0. SIFFERBETYG,
6479 0.3473355 0 0.0 1 0.0205916 0.1420334 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS11NGSW Grade: Swedish vt71 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
6549 0.3402841 1 3.0 6 3.2687981 0.8320518 ▂▇▅▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS11NGEN Grade: English vt71 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
6557 0.3394782 0 3.0 5 3.1151335 0.9388119 ▁▃▇▅▁ F8.0 NA
RS11NGGM Grade: German vt71 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
7529 0.2415634 0 3.0 5 3.0767306 1.0293729 ▂▅▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS11NGFR Grade: French vt71 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
8522 0.1415332 0 3.0 5 3.1330961 1.0748720 ▂▅▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
RS11NGMA Grade: Mathematic vt71 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
7038 0.2910245 0 3.0 6 3.0636899 1.0507024 ▂▅▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
RS11NGPH Grade: Physics vt71 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
8343 0.1595648 1 3.0 5 3.1104798 0.9951449 ▁▅▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS11NGLT Grade: Latin vt71 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9850 0.0077566 1 3.0 5 3.2337662 0.7762274 ▁▂▇▃▁ F8.0 NA
RS11NGNS Number of subjects vt71 numeric NA 6544 0.3407878 3 10.0 19 9.8179131 1.1763280 ▁▅▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS11NGNP Number of practical subjects vt71 numeric NA 6552 0.3399819 0 2.0 11 2.4053333 1.2293950 ▇▂▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS11CHP Pupils choice in practical subjects vt611 numeric 1. Music,
2. Textile,
3. Carpentry,
4. Drawing,
5. Music and handicraft,
6. Music and drawing,
7. Handicraft and drawing
9925 0.0002015 3 4.0 5 4.0000000 1.4142136 ▇▁▁▁▇ F8.0 NA
RS11MOV Moved from the class vt71 numeric 1. Student moved,
2. Student didn’t move,
3. Student exempt from school according to §48 fs,
4. Student dropped out of school,
5. Student had a sabbatial period,
6. Student is deceased,
7. Other
9478 0.0452302 1 5.0 5 4.5211581 0.5262082 ▁▁▁▇▇ F8.0 NA
RS12SCHYEAR Year 71/72 numeric NA 6308 0.3645613 72 72.0 72 72.0000000 0.0000000 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS12CMUN Municipal vt72 numeric NA 6421 0.3531782 114 1280.0 2584 1218.7487165 774.6036107 ▇▃▇▃▅ F8.0 NA
RS12SCHT School type vt72 numeric 1100. Primary school normal class,
1888. reform school,
2000. elementary school, upper secondary prepairing track,
2010. elementary school, technical track,
2020. elementary school, humanities line,
2030. elementary school, business track,
2040. elementary school, social- economical track,
2050. elementary school, general- economical line,
2060. elementary school, technical - practical track,
2070. elementary school, business- domestic line,
2088. elementary school, unknown track,
2099. elementary school, no line,
2200. unit or elementary schooll, upper secondary prepairing track,
2210. unit or elementary school, general track,
2220. unit or elementary school, vocational track,
2299. unit or elementary school, no track,
2300. secondary school, real schule, general track,
2310. secondary school, real schule, technical track,
2320. secondary school, real schule, business track,
2330. secondary school, real schule, domestic track,
2340. secondary school, real schule, forestry- and agricultural track,
2350. secondary school, real schule, shipping track,
2388. secondary school, real schule, unknown track,
2800. special school, general track,
2888. special school, unknown track,
3000. training school social, linguistic track,
3001. training school social, science track,
3002. training school social, social science track,
3009. training school social, without track,
3100. school for girls, general track,
3110. school for girls, humanistic track,
3120. school for girls, real schule track,
4000. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4001. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4002. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4003. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4008. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4009. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4010. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4011. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4018. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4029. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, scie,
4030. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4031. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4038. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4039. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4040. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4041. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4042. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4049. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4050. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4051. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4052. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4053. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4058. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4059. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4099. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
9999. ???,
33730. training school economic, economical- linguistic version,
33731. training school economic, cameral version,
33732. training school economic, distributive version,
33733. training school economic, administrative version,
33739. training school economic, not specified version,
34700. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, linguistic version,
34701. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, accounting version,
34702. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34703. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34709. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
34710. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cameral version,
34711. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34712. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34713. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, economical- linguistic version,
34718. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, general version,
34719. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, no version,
43700. training school technical track, mechanical engineering version,
43710. training school technical track, electrical engineering version,
43720. training school technical track, telecommunication version,
43730. training school technical track, house construction engineering version,
43740. training school technical track, construction engineering version,
43750. training school technical track, chemical engineering version,
43799. training school technical track, version not specified,
44700. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering,
44701. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, aviation engineering,
44702. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, foundry technology,
44704. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, production technology,
44705. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, ship construction engineering,
44706. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, plumbing engineering,
44709. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering version,
44710. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electric power technology,
44711. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum telecommunication technology,
44719. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electrical engineering version,
44720. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering,
44721. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, house construction engineering,
44722. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, road and water engineering,
44728. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other construction engineering version,
44729. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering version,
44740. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering,
44741. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cellulose technology,
44743. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, food technology,
44749. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering version,
44750. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, measurement technology version,
44788. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other version,
44799. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
53199. maritime education,
63303. upper secondary school psychiatric care,
63309. upper secondary school unspecified psychiatric care,
63500. dental nursing education,
65099. nursing education,
65299. social pedagogical education,
73199. agricultural education,
73399. forestry education,
93400. vocational school
6424 0.3528760 2300 4029.0 93400 29138.9166429 32232.2978573 ▇▂▂▁▂ F8.0 NA
RS12SCHY Year of grade vt72 numeric NA 6424 0.3528760 1 3.0 99 8.1159007 21.0975877 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS12GS Grading system vt72 numeric 0. SIFFERBETYG,
7194 0.2753098 0 0.0 1 0.0054885 0.0738942 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS12NGSW Grade: Swedish vt72 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
7422 0.2523421 1 3.0 5 3.3520958 0.8631272 ▁▂▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
RS12NGEN Grade: English vt72 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
7628 0.2315906 1 3.0 5 3.2544585 0.9753582 ▁▃▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
RS12NGGM Grade: German vt72 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9016 0.0917699 0 3.0 5 3.1833150 1.0599535 ▁▅▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
RS12NGFR Grade: French vt72 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9279 0.0652765 1 3.0 5 3.2453704 1.0923268 ▂▅▇▇▃ F8.0 NA
RS12NGMA Grade: Mathematic vt72 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
7692 0.2251435 0 3.0 5 3.1570470 1.0472021 ▁▅▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
RS12NGPH Grade: Physics vt72 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
8644 0.1292435 1 3.0 5 3.1886204 1.0079071 ▁▅▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
RS12NGLT Grade: Latin vt72 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9850 0.0077566 1 4.0 5 3.5584416 0.8505959 ▁▂▇▇▂ F8.0 NA
RS12NGNS Number of subjects vt72 numeric NA 7292 0.2654377 1 10.0 18 9.6838710 1.4728194 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS12NGNP Number of practical subjects vt72 numeric NA 7323 0.2623149 1 1.0 16 1.5115207 1.0242271 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS12MOV Moved from the class vt72 numeric 1. Student moved,
2. Student didn’t move,
3. Student exempt from school according to §48 fs,
4. Student dropped out of school,
5. Student had a sabbatial period,
6. Student is deceased,
7. Other
9614 0.0315302 4 4.0 7 4.4952077 0.6156163 ▇▆▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS13SCHYEAR Year 72/73 numeric NA 8987 0.0946912 73 73.0 73 73.0000000 0.0000000 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS13CMUN Municipal vt73 numeric NA 9036 0.0897552 114 1280.0 2584 1208.4231201 756.3440982 ▇▃▇▃▃ F8.0 NA
RS13SCHT School type vt73 numeric 1100. Primary school normal class,
1888. reform school,
2000. elementary school, upper secondary prepairing track,
2010. elementary school, technical track,
2020. elementary school, humanities line,
2030. elementary school, business track,
2040. elementary school, social- economical track,
2050. elementary school, general- economical line,
2060. elementary school, technical - practical track,
2070. elementary school, business- domestic line,
2088. elementary school, unknown track,
2099. elementary school, no line,
2200. unit or elementary schooll, upper secondary prepairing track,
2210. unit or elementary school, general track,
2220. unit or elementary school, vocational track,
2299. unit or elementary school, no track,
2300. secondary school, real schule, general track,
2310. secondary school, real schule, technical track,
2320. secondary school, real schule, business track,
2330. secondary school, real schule, domestic track,
2340. secondary school, real schule, forestry- and agricultural track,
2350. secondary school, real schule, shipping track,
2388. secondary school, real schule, unknown track,
2800. special school, general track,
2888. special school, unknown track,
3000. training school social, linguistic track,
3001. training school social, science track,
3002. training school social, social science track,
3009. training school social, without track,
3100. school for girls, general track,
3110. school for girls, humanistic track,
3120. school for girls, real schule track,
4000. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4001. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4002. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4003. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4008. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4009. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4010. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4011. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4018. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4029. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, scie,
4030. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4031. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4038. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4039. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4040. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4041. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4042. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4049. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4050. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4051. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4052. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4053. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4058. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4059. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4099. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
9999. ???,
33730. training school economic, economical- linguistic version,
33731. training school economic, cameral version,
33732. training school economic, distributive version,
33733. training school economic, administrative version,
33739. training school economic, not specified version,
34700. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, linguistic version,
34701. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, accounting version,
34702. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34703. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34709. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
34710. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cameral version,
34711. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34712. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34713. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, economical- linguistic version,
34718. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, general version,
34719. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, no version,
43700. training school technical track, mechanical engineering version,
43710. training school technical track, electrical engineering version,
43720. training school technical track, telecommunication version,
43730. training school technical track, house construction engineering version,
43740. training school technical track, construction engineering version,
43750. training school technical track, chemical engineering version,
43799. training school technical track, version not specified,
44700. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering,
44701. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, aviation engineering,
44702. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, foundry technology,
44704. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, production technology,
44705. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, ship construction engineering,
44706. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, plumbing engineering,
44709. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering version,
44710. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electric power technology,
44711. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum telecommunication technology,
44719. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electrical engineering version,
44720. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering,
44721. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, house construction engineering,
44722. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, road and water engineering,
44728. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other construction engineering version,
44729. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering version,
44740. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering,
44741. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cellulose technology,
44743. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, food technology,
44749. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering version,
44750. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, measurement technology version,
44788. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other version,
44799. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
53199. maritime education,
63303. upper secondary school psychiatric care,
63309. upper secondary school unspecified psychiatric care,
63500. dental nursing education,
65099. nursing education,
65299. social pedagogical education,
73199. agricultural education,
73399. forestry education,
93400. vocational school
9036 0.0897552 3000 34711.0 47300 25346.5129068 19150.6383177 ▇▁▁▂▇ F8.0 NA
RS13SCHY Year of grade vt73 numeric NA 9036 0.0897552 1 3.0 4 2.9685746 0.7024196 ▁▂▁▇▃ F8.0 NA
RS13GS Grading system vt73 numeric 0. SIFFERBETYG,
9155 0.0777677 0 0.0 1 0.0168394 0.1287528 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS13NGSW Grade: Swedish vt73 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9359 0.0572177 1 3.0 5 3.2394366 0.8641769 ▁▃▇▅▁ F8.0 NA
RS13NGEN Grade: English vt73 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9407 0.0523824 1 3.0 5 3.1423077 1.0401101 ▁▆▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS13NGGM Grade: German vt73 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9726 0.0202478 1 3.0 5 3.0000000 1.1401754 ▂▅▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS13NGFR Grade: French vt73 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9786 0.0142037 1 3.0 5 3.0283688 1.2925239 ▅▆▇▆▅ F8.0 NA
RS13NGMA Grade: Mathematic vt73 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9402 0.0528861 1 3.0 5 2.9714286 1.0453198 ▂▆▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
RS13NGPH Grade: Physics vt73 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9635 0.0294147 1 3.0 5 2.9657534 0.9803175 ▁▅▇▅▁ F8.0 NA
RS13NGLT Grade: Latin vt73 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9906 0.0021154 2 4.0 5 3.6666667 0.9660918 ▂▇▁▆▅ F8.0 NA
RS13NGNS Number of subjects vt73 numeric NA 9154 0.0778684 3 9.0 20 9.2755498 2.0245603 ▁▇▅▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS13NGNP Number of practical subjects vt73 numeric NA 9321 0.0610456 1 1.0 16 1.5594059 1.5668895 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS13MOV Moved from the class vt73 numeric 1. Student moved,
2. Student didn’t move,
3. Student exempt from school according to §48 fs,
4. Student dropped out of school,
5. Student had a sabbatial period,
6. Student is deceased,
7. Other
9817 0.0110809 4 4.0 7 4.3272727 0.5602930 ▇▃▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS14SCHYEAR Year 73/74 numeric NA 9745 0.0183338 74 74.0 74 74.0000000 0.0000000 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS14CMUN Municipal vt74 numeric NA 9745 0.0183338 123 1233.0 2584 1177.6263736 696.8209841 ▆▂▇▂▂ F8.0 NA
RS14SCHT School type vt74 numeric 1100. Primary school normal class,
1888. reform school,
2000. elementary school, upper secondary prepairing track,
2010. elementary school, technical track,
2020. elementary school, humanities line,
2030. elementary school, business track,
2040. elementary school, social- economical track,
2050. elementary school, general- economical line,
2060. elementary school, technical - practical track,
2070. elementary school, business- domestic line,
2088. elementary school, unknown track,
2099. elementary school, no line,
2200. unit or elementary schooll, upper secondary prepairing track,
2210. unit or elementary school, general track,
2220. unit or elementary school, vocational track,
2299. unit or elementary school, no track,
2300. secondary school, real schule, general track,
2310. secondary school, real schule, technical track,
2320. secondary school, real schule, business track,
2330. secondary school, real schule, domestic track,
2340. secondary school, real schule, forestry- and agricultural track,
2350. secondary school, real schule, shipping track,
2388. secondary school, real schule, unknown track,
2800. special school, general track,
2888. special school, unknown track,
3000. training school social, linguistic track,
3001. training school social, science track,
3002. training school social, social science track,
3009. training school social, without track,
3100. school for girls, general track,
3110. school for girls, humanistic track,
3120. school for girls, real schule track,
4000. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4001. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4002. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4003. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4008. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4009. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, huma,
4010. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4011. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4018. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
4029. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, scie,
4030. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4031. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4038. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4039. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, gene,
4040. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4041. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4042. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4049. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, lati,
4050. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4051. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4052. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4053. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4058. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4059. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, real,
4099. upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum and general secondary school according to the 1954 Charter, soci,
9999. ???,
33730. training school economic, economical- linguistic version,
33731. training school economic, cameral version,
33732. training school economic, distributive version,
33733. training school economic, administrative version,
33739. training school economic, not specified version,
34700. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, linguistic version,
34701. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, accounting version,
34702. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34703. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34709. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
34710. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cameral version,
34711. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, distributive version,
34712. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, administrative version,
34713. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, economical- linguistic version,
34718. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, general version,
34719. economics at upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, no version,
43700. training school technical track, mechanical engineering version,
43710. training school technical track, electrical engineering version,
43720. training school technical track, telecommunication version,
43730. training school technical track, house construction engineering version,
43740. training school technical track, construction engineering version,
43750. training school technical track, chemical engineering version,
43799. training school technical track, version not specified,
44700. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering,
44701. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, aviation engineering,
44702. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, foundry technology,
44704. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, production technology,
44705. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, ship construction engineering,
44706. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, plumbing engineering,
44709. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, mechanical engineering version,
44710. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electric power technology,
44711. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum telecommunication technology,
44719. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, electrical engineering version,
44720. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering,
44721. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, house construction engineering,
44722. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, road and water engineering,
44728. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other construction engineering version,
44729. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, construction engineering version,
44740. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering,
44741. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, cellulose technology,
44743. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, food technology,
44749. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, chemical engineering version,
44750. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, measurement technology version,
44788. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, other version,
44799. technical upper secondary school according to the 1965 curriculum, version not specified,
53199. maritime education,
63303. upper secondary school psychiatric care,
63309. upper secondary school unspecified psychiatric care,
63500. dental nursing education,
65099. nursing education,
65299. social pedagogical education,
73199. agricultural education,
73399. forestry education,
93400. vocational school
9745 0.0183338 3000 44709.0 93400 43019.3131868 25997.9418453 ▃▂▇▁▂ F8.0 NA
RS14SCHY Year of grade vt74 numeric NA 9745 0.0183338 1 3.0 88 5.6758242 15.2735415 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS14GS Grading system vt74 numeric 0. SIFFERBETYG,
9770 0.0158155 0 0.0 1 0.0509554 0.2206104 ▇▁▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS14NGSW Grade: Swedish vt74 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9847 0.0080588 1 3.0 5 3.3625000 0.9173952 ▁▃▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
RS14NGEN Grade: English vt74 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9859 0.0068500 1 3.0 5 3.1617647 1.0310159 ▁▅▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
RS14NGGM Grade: German vt74 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9895 0.0032235 1 3.0 5 2.8437500 0.9540871 ▁▇▇▅▁ F8.0 NA
RS14NGFR Grade: French vt74 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9910 0.0017125 1 3.0 5 3.1764706 1.3339459 ▃▆▅▇▅ F8.0 NA
RS14NGMA Grade: Mathematic vt74 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9849 0.0078574 1 3.0 5 2.8333333 1.0371873 ▂▇▇▃▂ F8.0 NA
RS14NGPH Grade: Physics vt74 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9884 0.0043316 1 3.0 5 2.9069767 0.9465213 ▁▅▇▂▁ F8.0 NA
RS14NGLT Grade: Latin vt74 numeric 0. Grade C,
1. Grade BC or 1,
2. Grade B or 2,
3. Grade Ba or 3,
4. Grade AB or 4,
5. Grade a or 5,
6. Grade A
9921 0.0006044 2 3.0 5 3.5000000 1.2247449 ▂▇▁▁▅ F8.0 NA
RS14NGNS Number of subjects vt74 numeric NA 9765 0.0163191 1 8.0 20 7.9938272 2.6150470 ▂▇▇▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS14NGNP Number of practical subjects vt74 numeric NA 9829 0.0098721 1 1.0 4 1.3367347 0.6726448 ▇▂▁▁▁ F8.0 NA
RS14MOV Moved from the class vt74 numeric 1. Student moved,
2. Student didn’t move,
3. Student exempt from school according to §48 fs,
4. Student dropped out of school,
5. Student had a sabbatial period,
6. Student is deceased,
7. Other
9908 0.0019140 1 4.0 5 4.2105263 0.9176629 ▁▁▁▇▅ F8.0 NA
RS6SCHYEAR Year 65/66 numeric NA 0 1.0000000 66 66.0 66 66.0000000 0.0000000 ▁▁▇▁▁ F8.0 NA

Cognitive- and standardtests in grade 6



Dataset name: kohort2_TS

The dataset has N=9927 rows and 14 columns. 0 rows have no missing values on any column.

Metadata for search engines
  • Date published: 2023-06-01

Codebook table

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss display_width
TS6SSRWTP Sat: summery of total points at swedish ability numeric NA 3250 0.6726101 3 56 103 56.16205 15.709201 ▁▃▇▅▁ F8.0 NA
TS6SSRTP Sat: total points at swedish reading ability numeric NA 8377 0.1561398 12 54 93 54.77419 15.252448 ▁▅▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
TS6SSWTP Sat: total points at swedish writing ability numeric NA 8377 0.1561398 10 64 106 63.89613 15.068517 ▁▂▇▆▁ F8.0 NA
TS6SMSP Sat: summery of total points at mathematic ability numeric NA 1699 0.8288506 3 35 70 35.58119 13.244605 ▂▆▇▅▂ F8.0 NA
TS6SESP Sat: summery of total points at english ability numeric NA 1699 0.8288506 2 58 98 56.50948 19.571980 ▁▅▇▇▃ F8.0 NA
TS6IVOTP Total points at verbal opposite ability numeric NA 519 0.9477183 2 24 40 23.71312 6.742155 ▁▃▇▇▂ F8.0 NA
TS6ISTP Total points at spatial ability numeric NA 519 0.9477183 1 23 40 21.94739 7.357396 ▁▅▇▇▁ F8.0 NA
TS6IITP Total points at inductive ability numeric NA 540 0.9456029 1 20 40 20.18867 8.047079 ▂▆▇▆▂ F8.0 NA
TS6STP Total points of verbal, spatial and inductive tests numeric NA 555 0.9440919 8 67 116 65.84795 18.000837 ▁▃▇▇▁ F8.0 NA
TS6ISYTP Synonyms, number of correct answers numeric -999. No item attempted, or 0 score,
-997. Did not participate
9927 0.0000000 NA NA NA NaN NA F2.0 10
TS6IVONT Antonyms, number of attempted items numeric -999. No item attempted, or 0 score,
-997. Did not participate
9927 0.0000000 NA NA NA NaN NA F2.0 10
TS6ISNT Metal folding, number of attempted items numeric -999. No item attempted, or 0 score,
-997. Did not participate
9927 0.0000000 NA NA NA NaN NA F2.0 10
TS6ISYNT Synonyms, number of attempted items numeric -999. No item attempted, or 0 score,
-997. Did not participate
9927 0.0000000 NA NA NA NaN NA F2.0 10
TS6IINT Number series, number of attempted items numeric -999. No item attempted, or 0 score,
-997. Did not participate
9927 0.0000000 NA NA NA NaN NA F2.0 10